The Little Book of Trading: Trend Following Strategy for Big Winnings

Front Cover
John Wiley & Sons, Jul 7, 2011 - Business & Economics - 256 pages
How to get past the crisis and make the market work for you again

The last decade has left people terrified of even the safest investment opportunities. This fear is not helping would-be investors who could be making money if they had a solid plan. The Little Book of Trading teaches the average person rules and philosophies that winners use to beat the market, regardless of the financial climate.

The market has always fluctuated, but savvy traders know how to make money in good times and bad. Drawing on author Michael Covel's own trading experience, as well as insights from legendary traders, the book offers sound, practical advice in an easy to understand, readily digestible way. The Little Book of Trading:

  • Identifies tools, concepts, psychologies, and philosophies that keep people protected and making money when the next market bubble or surprise crisis occurs
  • Features top traders in each chapter that have beaten the market for decades, providing readers with their moneymaking knowledge
  • Shows how traders who beat mutual fund performance make money at different times, not just from stocks alone

Most importantly, The Little Book of Trading explains why mutual funds should not be the investment vehicle of choice for people looking to secure retirement, a radical realization highlighting the changed face of investing today.



Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Fund Performance Data
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About the author (2011)

MICHAEL W. COVEL serves as President of Trend FollowingTM (, a privately owned research firm. His first book is Trend Following: Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets, and his second is The Complete TurtleTrader. He also founded TurtleTrader.comŽ in 1996, and since then, it has grown into an internationally recognized archive of trading information and data visited by over 10 million users. His first documentary film—Broke: The New American Dream, about the 2007–2009 crash—was released in 2009 and premiered on The Documentary Channel.

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