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cians, like beer, are best when they are old; and lawyers, like bread, when they are young and new.—Fuller.

LAW, COURTS OF.-Chancery, and certain other law courts seem nothing; yet, in fact, they are, the worst of them, something chimneys for the deviltry and contention of men to escape by.-Carlyle.

LAWS. As the laws are above magistrates, so are the magistrates above the people: and it may truly be said, that the magistrate is a speaking law, and the law a silent magistrate.-Cicero.

LAWS.-Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.-Swift.

LAWS.-Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle size are alone entangled in.-Shenstone.

LAWS AND RULERS.—A prince who falleth out with laws, breaketh with his best friends.-Saville.

LAWS, BAD.-There have been many laws made by men, which swerve from honesty, reason, and the dictates of nature. By the law of arms, he is degraded from all honor, who puts up with an affront; and by the civil law, he that takes vengeance for it, incurs a capital punishment: he that seeks redress by law for an affront, is disgraced; and he that does not seek redress this way is punished by the laws.Montaigne.

LAWS, KNOWLEDGE OF.-A knowledge of the laws of our country, is an highly useful, and I had almost said essential, part of liberal and polite education.

LAWS, SEVERE.-A law overcharged with severity, like a blunderbuss overcharged with powder, will each of them grow rusty by disuse, and neither will be resorted to, from the

shock and recoil that must inevitably follow their explosion. -Colton.

LAWS, THE ENGLISH AND CHINESE.-The English laws punish vice; the Chinese laws do more, they reward virtue. -Goldsmith.

LAWS, TO BE CHANGED ACCORDING TO CIRCUMSTANCES.— When I hear any man talk of an unalterable law, the only effect it produces on me, is, to convince me that he is an unalterable fool.-Sidney Smith.

LAZINESS.-Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs, and ends in iron chains.

The more business a man has to do the more he is able to accomplish, for he learns to economize his time.

LEARNING.-Learning is wealth to the poor, an honor to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support and comfort to the aged.

LEARNING.-He who always seeks more light the more he finds, and finds more the more he seeks, is one of the few happy mortals who take and give in every point of time. The tide and ebb of giving and receiving is the sum of human happiness, which he alone enjoys who always wishes to acquire new knowledge, and always finds it.-Lavater.

LEARNING.-Learning is like mercury, one of the most powerful and excellent things in the world in skilful hands; in unskilful, the most mischievous.-Pope.

LEARNING.-Learning, like money, may be of so base a coin, as to be utterly void of use; or, if sterling, may require good management, to make it serve the purposes of sense or happiness. Shenstone.

LEARNING AND INVENTION.-Who can tell whether learn

ing may not even weaken invention, in a man that has great advantages from nature, and birth; whether the weight and number of so many men's thoughts and notions may not suppress his own, or hinder the motion and agitation of them, from which all invention arises; as heaping on wood, or too many sticks, or too close together, suppresses, and sometimes quite extinguishes a little spark, that would otherwise have grown up to a noble flame.—Sir W. Temple.

LEARNING AND THE BIBLE.-The grand sultan knows that despotism is founded on the blindness and weakness of the governed; but that learning is light and power; and that the powerful and enlightened make very troublesome slaves: therefore he discourages learning. Leo the Tenth knew that the pontifical hierarchy did support, and was reciprocally supported by a superstition that was false; but he also knew that the Bible was true, and that truth and falsehood assimilate not therefore he withheld the Bible from the laity.— Colton.

LEARNING, ITS END.-The end of learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love him, and to imitate him, as we may the nearest, by possessing our souls of true virtue. -Milton.

Learning, its ORDER.—The true order of learning should be, first, what is necessary; second, what is useful; and third, what is ornamental. To reverse this arrangement, is like beginning to build at the top of the edifice.-Sigourney.

LEARNING, ITS VALUE.-Learning, if rightly applied, makes a young man thinking, attentive, industrious, confident and wary; and an old man cheerful and useful. It is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, an entertainment at all times it cheers in solitude, and gives moderation and wisdom in all circumstances.-Palmer.

LEARNING, POPULAR.-Learning once made popular is no longer learning; it has the appearance of something which we have bestowed upon ourselves, as the dew appears to rise from the field which it refreshes.--Johnson.

LEARNING, SECULAR.-Learning, though it is useful when we know how to make a right use of it, yet, considered as in our own power, and to those who trust to it without seeking a superior guidance, is usually the source of perplexity, strife, skepticism, and infidelity. It is indeed like a sword in a madman's hands, which gives him the more opportunity of hurting himself than others.-John Newton.

LEARNING, TO BE SOUGHT EVERYWHERE.—I observe in all my travels this custom-ever to learn something from the information of those with whom I confer (which is the best school of all others), and to put my company upon those subjects they are best able to speak of: for it often falls out, that, on the contrary, every one will rather choose to be prating of another man's province than his own, thinking it so much new reputation acquired.-Montaigne.

LEARNING, TO BE sought of all.-I attribute the little I know, to my not having been ashamed to ask for information, and to my rule of conversing with all descriptions of men on those topics that form their own peculiar professions and pursuits.-Locke.

Learning, withoUT GOOD SENSE.--He that wants good sense is unhappy in having learning, for he has thereby only more ways of exposing himself; and he that has sense, knows that learning is not knowledge, but rather the art of using it.-Tatler.

LEGACY-HUNTING.-He that visits the sick, in hopes of a legacy, let him be never so friendly in all other cases, I look

upon him in this to be no better than a raven, that watches a weak sheep only to peck out its eyes.-Seneca.

LEISURE. He hath no leisure, who useth it not.— Old maxim.

LEISURE AND LAZINESS—. -Leisure is time for doing something useful this leisure the diligent man will obtain, but the lazy man never; so that, as poor Richard says, A life of leisure and a life of laziness are, two things.-Franklin.

LEISURE AND SOLITUDE.-Leisure and solitude are the best effect of riches, because the mother of thought. Both are avoided by most rich men, who seek company and business, which are signs of being weary of themselves.-Sir W. Temple.

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Leisure hours.-There is room enough in human life to crowd almost every art and science in it. If we pass day without a line"-visit no place without the company of a book—we may with ease fill libraries, or empty them of their contents. The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have.-Hazlitt.

LEVELLERS. Those who attempt to level, never equalize. In all societies, consisting of various descriptions of citizens, some description must be uppermost. The levellers, therefore, only change and pervert the natural order of things; they load the edifice of society, by setting up in the air what the solidity of the structure requires to be on the ground. -Burke.

LEVELLERS. Some persons are always ready to level those above them down to themselves, while they are never willing to level those below them up to their own position. But he that is under the influence of true humility, will avoid both these extremes. On the one hand, he will be willing that all should rise just so far as their diligence and worth

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