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tunities of being just and upright, are constantly occurring to every one and it is an unimpeachable character in these lesser things, that almost invariably prepares and produces those very opportunities of greater advancement, and of higher confidence, which turn out so rich a harvest, but which those alone are permitted to reap who have previously sown. -Colton.

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LITTLE THINGS, THEIR INFLUENCE.-The influences of little things are as real, and as constantly about us, as the air we breathe, or the light by which we see. These are the small -the often invisible-the almost unthought of strands, which are inweaving and twisting by millions, to bind us to character-to good or evil here, and to heaven or hell hereafter.

LIVING, MODE OF.-The man, who will live above his present circumstances, is in great danger of living in a little time much beneath them, or, as the Italian proverb says, "The man who lives by hope will die by despair."—Addison.

LONGEVITY.― Longevity ought to be highly valued by men of piety and parts, as it will enable them to be much more useful to mankind, and especially to their own country. As to others, it is no great matter, since they are a disgrace to mankind, and their death is rather a service to the public.-Cornaro.

LOVE.-Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.-Solomon.

LOVE. No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with only a single thread.—Burton.

LOVE. Let us not love those things much which we are not sure to live long to love, nor to have long if we should. -Fuller.

LOVE.-Let thy love be to the best, so long as they do well; but take heed that thou love God, thy country, thy prince,

and thine own estate, before all others: for the fancies of men change, and he that loves to-day, hateth to-morrow; but let reason be thy school-mistress, which shall ever guide thee aright. Sir W. Raleigh-to his Son.

LOVE. The power of love consists mainly in the privilege that potentate possesses of coining, circulating, and making current those falsehoods between man and woman, which would not pass for one moment between woman and woman, or man and man.-Colton.

LOVE AND ESTEEM.-As love without esteem is volatile and capricious, esteem without love is languid and cold.— Adventurer.

LOVE COVERS SINS.-"Love covers a multitude of sins." When a scar cannot be taken away, the next kind office is to hide it. Love is never so blind as when it is to spy faults. -It is like the painter, who, being to draw the picture of a friend having a blemish in one eye, would picture only the other side of his face.-It is a noble and great thing to cover the blemishes and to excuse the failings of a friend; to draw a curtain before his stains, and to display his perfections; to bury his weaknesses in silence, but to proclaim his virtues upon the house-top.-South.

LOVE OF CHILDREN.- -"Beware," said Lavater, " of him who hates the laugh of a child." "I love God and little children," was the simple, yet sublime sentiment of Richter.— Sigourney.

LOVE OF FRIENDS.-True love of our friends should hardly attach us to the world; for the greater number of those we have loved most are gathered into eternity, so that it is but exile from them that we covet when we would prolong our stay here on earth.

LOVE, UNDYING.-Solid love, whose root is virtue, can no more die, than virtue itself.-Erasmus.

LUNGS, THE.-Every breath we draw, we take into the lungs from one and a half to two pints of air; so that it requires about two and a half gallons of pure air a minute, or sixty hogsheads every twenty-four hours, properly to supply the lungs. How important, then, to health, to have houses well ventilated, and not to sleep in small, close rooms!

LUXURY.-You cannot spend money in luxury without doing good to the poor. Nay, you do more good to them by spending it in luxury than by giving it to them-you make them exert industry, whereas, by giving it, you keep them idle.-Johnson.

LYING. Although the devil be the father of lies, he seems, like other great inventors, to have lost much of his reputation by the continual improvements that have been made upon him.-Swift.

LYING. It is more from carelessness about truth, than from intentional lying, that there is so much falsehood in the world.-Johnson.

LYING. After a tongue has once got the knack of lying, 'tis not to be imagined how impossible almost it is to reclaim it. Whence it comes to pass that we see some men, who are otherwise very honest, so subject to this vice. I have an honest lad to my tailor, who I never knew guilty of one truth, no, not when it had been to his advantage.-Montaigne.

LYING. He who has not a good memory should never take upon him the trade of lying.-Montaigne,

LYING. If a man had the art of second-sight for seeing lies, as they have in Scotland for seeing spirits, how admi

rably he might entertain himself in this town by observing the different shapes, sizes, and colors of those swarms of lies, which buzz about the heads of some people, like flies about a horse's ears in summer; or those legions hovering every afternoon in Exchange-alley, enough to darken the air; or over a club of discontented grandees, and thence sent down in cargoes, to be scattered at elections.-Swift.

LYING.-Never chase a lie. Let it alone, and it will run itself to death. I can work out a good character much faster than any one can lie me out of it.

LYING, HOW TO BE TREATED.-Lies which are told out of arrogance and ostentation, a man should detect in his own defence, because he should not be triumphed over. Lies which are told out of malice he should expose, both for his own sake and that of the rest of mankind, because every man should rise against a common enemy; but the officious liar, many have argued, is to be excused, because it does some man good, and no man hurt.-Steele.


MADNESS.-The consummation of madness, is, to do what, at the time of doing it, we intend to be afterwards sorry for; the deliberate and intentional making of work for repentance. -Nevins.

MADNESS AND FOLLY.-Mr. Locke has somewhere made a distinction between a madman and a fool: a fool is he that from right principles makes a wrong conclusion; but a madman is one who draws a just inference from false principles. Thus the fool who cut off the fellow's head that lay asleep, and hid it, and then waited to see what he would say when he awaked and missed his head-piece, was in the right in the first thought, that a man would be surprised to find such an

alteration in things since he fell asleep; but he was a little. mistaken to imagine he could awake at all after his head was cut off.-Tatler.


MALICE.—Malice drinks one half of its own poison.-Sen

MAN. What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god!

MAN. What a chimera is man! what a confused chaos! what a subject of contradiction! a professed judge of all things, and yet a feeble worm of the earth! the great depositary and guardian of truth, and yet a mere huddle of uncertainty the glory and the scandal of the universe !-Pascal.

MAN.-Man is to man all kinds of beasts; a fawning dog, a roaring lion, a thieving fox, a robbing wolf, a dissembling crocodile, a treacherous decoy, and a rapacious vulture.Cowley.

MAN, HOW TO BE A.-It is not by books alone, or chiefly, that one becomes in all points a man. Study to do faithfully every duty that comes in your way. Stand to your post; silently devour the chagrins of life; love justice; control self; swerve not from truth or right; be a man of rectitude, decision, conscientiousness; one that fears and obeys God, and exercises benevolence to all; and in all this you shall possess true manliness.

MAN, WHAT WILL MAKE ONE.-Energy will do anything that can be done in this world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged animal a man without it. Goethe,

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