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Chair appointed E. E. White, C. Nason, T. W. Harvey, S. S. Cotton, E. D. Kingsley.

The following resolution was offered by Dr. Catlin, of Mansfield, and adopted:

Resolved, That this Association recommend to Boards of Education, loca School Directors, and Teachers, throughout the State, to take the proper meas ures to see that the Bible is daily used in the public schools under their charge During the discussion of the resolution, the President referred the Association to a decision of the School Commissioner, published in the April number of the Journal.

A communication was received from Dr. A. D. Lord, Supt. of the Asylum for the Blind, inviting the members of the Association to visit the Institution under his charge; the invitation was accepted, with the thanks of the Association. E. E. White moved that a committee be appointed to report on courses of study for Graded Schools; carried. The Chair appointed H. H. Barney, Rev. A. Duncan, C. Rogers, D. E. Wells, Thomas McCartney.

The following resolution, offered by L. A. Hine, was referred to the committee on "Amendments to the School Law: ""

Resolved, That the Legislature be requested to restore the "Library Clause" of the School Law.

G. W. Hulick, of Clermont, offered the following:

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to take into consideration the best method to be pursued by School Examiners in the examination of Teachers. Adopted. Chair appointed G. W. Hulick, A. J. Rickoff, S. N. Sanford, J. Hopley, E. W. Lenderson, Wm. Moony, A. Schuyler.

At 3 o'clock the Association was addressed by W. T. Coggeshall, Esq., who gave a review of the history of "The Common School movement in Ohio;" giving the names, and dwelling at length upon the public acts of those men who always stood firm in their support of Free Schools, Ephraim Cutler, Nathan Guilford, and Samuel Lewis; and urged their claims upon the lasting gratitude of every citizen of the State..

The President called Mr. Caldwell, first Vice President, to the chair, when Mr. Hancock submitted the report of the Executive Committee on the best method of conducting the Journal for the ensuing year. Mr. Hancock said: 66 The committee bave entertained two propositions, and as entire unanimity of opinion did not prevail, they have concluded to lay the two propositions before the Association for their decision.

1. The Teachers of Cincinnati have proposed, provided the Associa tion will consent to the removal of the Journal to their city, to undertake its editorial management for a sum not to exceed $500 per annum.

The other proposition is to continue the publication in Columbus, as heretofore, and to employ some competent man who shall spend his whole time in editing it, and in traveling through the State, and by lecturing and other means, promoting its circulation. Laid on the table till Wednesday A. M.

On motion of J. Ogden, the committee appointed to report on "The Workings of Normal Schools, in this and other countries," was discharged, and a new committee appointed. Chair appointed J. Ogden,

J. Hopley, J. Hancock, Dr. Catlin, J. P. Ellinwood.

Prof. Young offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That a commitee of three be appointed to report measures for the formation of a Western Common School Teachers' Association.

Chair appointed Prof. Young, A. J. Rickoff, M. F. Cowdery.

J. Hopley moved that the President appoint an Auditing committee of three, to audit all accounts of the Association, and, furnish printed copies of report for the use of the members. The motion was warmly discussed by Messrs. Hopley, Hancock, Marsh and Rolfe. S. N. Sanford moved that the whole subject be laid upon the table and made the special order for Wednesday, 10 A. M. Carried.

The Association adjourned till 7 o'clock in the evening.


Pres. Smyth called the Association to order at 7 o'clock.

Mr. Hancock spoke of the importance of the Association doing something to make the working of the present school system more effective in the rural districts.

The following resolution, offered by Mr. J. A. Garfield, of Portage, was adopted:

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to report at the next meeting, upon the plan of requiring scholars to report their own conduct.

Chair appointed Messrs. Garfield, Page, Forrest, Kinney and Selby. At 74 o'clock, the President introduced the Rev. James B. Walker, of Mansfield, who delivered an address upon Moral Culture.

[NOTE.-Comment is unnecessary, as the lecture will probably appear in the Journal.-SEC.]

Mr. Caldwell offered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the hearty thanks of the Association be tendered to Messrs. Kennedy, Coggeshall and Walker, for the valuable addresses delivered by them this day.

The Association adjourned to meet on Wednesday at 9 o'clock, A. M.


Vice President John D. Caldwell, of Cincinnati, called the Associa

order at 9 o'clock, and read an invitation from J. B. Earnshaw


to the members to visit the new State House, and also a communication stating that those of the delegates present who desired it would be furnished gratis with tickets to the opening festival, to be held in the new edifice on the 6th of January. Both invitations were cordially accepted. Mr. John Lynch, chairman of the committee to report on the "Library Clause" of the School Law, read a report, which was accepted; it was taken up section by section, and discussed by Messrs. Lynch, Barney, Rickoff, Hopley and Catlin. On motion of Mr. Tappan, the entire report was referred to the committee on Amendments to the

School Law."


The report of the Executive Committee on the best method of conducting the Journal was taken from the table by motion of Mr. Lynch, and Mr. Rolfe moved that the offer of the Cincinnati Teachers be accepted.

The motion elicited a warm discussion, in which Messrs. Rolfe, Smyth, Hancock, Hopley, Kingsley, Cowdery and Young participated. The subject under discussion was laid upon the table for a short time to hear the report of Pres. Mann, chairman of a committee appointed to take into consideration the use of intoxicating liquors, profane language, and tobacco in schools. President Smyth assumed the chair. The report elicited much applause, and the following resolutions were unan. imously adopted:

1. Resolved, That school examiners ought never, under any circumstances, to give a certificate of qualification to teach school to any person who habitually uses any kind of intoxicating liquors; and that school officers, when other things are equal, should systematically give the preference to the total abstinent candidate.

2. Resolved, That all school teachers should use their utmost influence to suppress the kindred, ungentlemanly, and foul mouthed vices of uttering profane language and using tobacco.

Prof. Merrick, in behalf of the committee of which he was chairman, read before the Association the subjoined report:

WHEREAS, a sentiment very generally prevails in colleges and schools, that it is dishonorable for students to give information respecting the misconduct of their fellow students, to faculty or teachers, which seriously interferes with the administration of a wholesome discipline, and encourages the evil-minded in wrong doing; therefore,

Resolved, That a college or school is a community, which, as an essential condition of its prosperity, must, like any other community, be governed by wise and wholesome laws, faithfully administered. And therefore,

Resolved, That he is a good student, and a true friend of all other students, who, by any influence which he can exert, or by any information which he can impart, prevents the commission of offenses which are meditated, or helps to redress wrongs already committed, and that such a course is in no sense dishonor


Resolved, That as Teachers we will perseveringly labor to reverse the prevailing sentiment upon this subject.

The report was received and discussed by Messrs. Barney and Caldwell. Mr. Caldwell moved that the report lie on the table till th next meeting; the motion carried.

The Association resumed the discussion of the Executive Committee's report. Messrs. Hancock, Rickoff and Caldwell spoke in further explanation of the proposition of the Cincinnati Teachers; Mr. Rolfe hoped the Journal would be moved to Cincinnati. Mr. Kingsley thought it had better remain in the Capital; Messrs. Royce and Catlin were in favor of its remaining in Columbus, but would do all they could for it wherever it went. Prof. Young, Mr. Tappan, and Mr. Janney strongly opposed the removal of the Journal from its present position. A call for the previous question being sustained, Mr. Rolfe's motion to accept the proposition from Cincinnati was put and lost.

E. E. White, chairman of the nominating committee, read a report, which was received and laid on the table till the afternoon.

Mr. Hopley offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Association employ a resident editor to conduct the Jour nal at Columbus, with a salary of $1200 per annum, and an additional remuneration of 25 per cent. of the net proceeds.

Laid upon the table.

L. A. Hine, chairman of the committee on Amendments to the School Law, read a report, which was laid on the table till the afternoon.

Prof. Young, chairman of the committee to report measures for the formation of a Western Teachers' Association, read a report recommending as follows:

That the Ohio State Teachers' Association empower and direct its Corresponding Secretary, as a committee of one. to confer with the proper officers of the State Associations of Teachers, west and north of Ohio; and where such associations do not exist, with school officers and others taking an active interest in educational progress, requesting them to invite the Teachers in their respective states to meet in general convention in Chicago, on the day of August, 1857, with the view of organizing a Western Teachers' Associa tion, having for its general object the promotion of educational interests in the West, but the precise character of which to be then and there determined.

And further, that said persons be requested to use their endeavors to secure as large an attendance as possible, by giving an extended publicity to this call, and by facilitating as far as may be done, the transit of Teachers to and from the place of convention, and by whatever other means they may deem expedient.

The report was received and adopted.

F. W. Hurtt moved that the "Association recommend to its Executive Committee the propriety of reëstablishing the mathematical department in a separate and distinct form in the Ohio Journal of Education." The motion prevailed.

Wm. Carter, of Felicity, offered the following resolution :

Resolved. That in view of the inadequate compensation now allowed to County School Examiners, this Association recommend such an amendment of the School Law as will secure competent persons for the office, and afford to them a fair compensation for their services and expenses, and also that it is the opinion of this body that Examiners should always be practical teachers.

Referred to the committee on Amendments to the School Law.
Mr. Caldwell offered the folowing resolution:

Resolved, That the Executive Committee be requested to report upon the expediency of recommending to the Principals or Directors of schools in the several portions of the state, systematically to preserve meteorological observations, and to engage advanced pupils in the keeping of the same, which tables to be reported to the annual meetings of this Association.

Laid on the table by adjournment.

Adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock, P. M.


The President called the Association to order at 2 o'clock.

L. A. Hine, chairman of the committee to whom was referred the report read by Mr. Lynch on the "Library Clause of the School Law," reported the same back with amendments, as follows:

1. It is recommended that the Legislature make it the duty of the School Commissioner, Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Auditor, and State Treasurer, to make out a catalogue of books and apparatus suitable for the schools of the state, annexing to each book or piece of apparatus the lowest price for which it can be purchased. That it shall also be made the duty of the State Commissioner to publish with this catalogue a statement of the amount of library money which shall be apportioned to each youth of school age and to send a copy to every Board of Education in the State.

2. That it shall be made the duty of Boards of Education to select from this catalogue, books or apparatus, or both as they may deem proper, sufficient to exhaust the part of the library fund due them respectively, and to send a copy of the selection thus made, to the State Commissioner of Schools; who, with the aid of the other members of the committee appointed to select the books and apparatus, shall purchase the same, provided that said Boards report on or before the first of January of each year, and in case of failure to report, the Commissioner shall select.

3. That it shall be made the duty of the State Commissioner to send all books and apparatus directly to the proper Boards of Education, instead of through the county auditors. This method, it is believed, will secure to each locality the books and apparatus which will be most appropriate and acceptable, and also prevent all delay in the delivery.

The report was adopted.

The Association then proceeded to confirm the nominations of the committee appointed to nominate officers. By a suspension of the rule the election was viva voce, and the following officers were chosen to serve during the ensuing year, namely:

President-I. W. ANDREWS, of Marietta.

Cor. Secretary-E. D. KINGSLEY, of Columbus.
Recording Secretary-W. C. CATLIN, of Mansfield.

Treasurer-D. C. PEARSON, of Columbus.

Executive Committee-John Hancock, of Cincinnati; John Lynch, of Circleville; A. Samson, of Zanesville; J. K. Parker, of New Richmond; Wm. N. Edwards, of Troy; John Eaton, Jr., of Toledo; Chas. Shreve, Coshocton.

Finance Committee-M. F. Cowdery, of Sandusky; John B. Trevor, of Cincinnati; Dr. A. D. Lord, of Columbus; L. M. Oviatt, of Cleveland; Charles Rogers, of Dayton.

Vice Presidents-1st dist., John D. Caldwell; 2d, C. Nason; 3d, I. S. Morris; 4th, A. C. Deuel; 5th, James Myers; 6th, Wm. Carter; 7th, J. F. Lukens; 8th, P. H. Jaquith; 9th, A. Schuyler; 10th, Martin; 11th, Prof. Monroe; 12th, Adam McCrea; 13th, Cyrus McNeely; 14th, C. E. Bruce; 15th, O. P. Brown;

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