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ments of vessels, large masses of building timber and trunks of trees, with many smaller articles, such as pieces of house furniture, broken boxes, barrels and staves. I have already described the unnatural curiosity which had taken the place of my original terrors. It appeared to grow upon me as I drew nearer and nearer to my dreadful doom. I now began to watch, with a strange interest, the numerous things that floated in our company. I must have been delirious for I even sought amusement in speculating upon the relative velocities of their several descents toward the foam below. This fir tree," I found myself at one time saying,,,will certainly be the next thing that takes the awful plunge and disappears, and then I was disappointed to find that the wreck of a Dutch merchant ship overtook it and went down before. At length, after making several guesses of this nature, and being deceived in all this fact the fact of my invariable miscalculation set me upon a train of reflection that made my limbs again tremble, and my heart beat heavily once more.

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,,It was not a new terror that thus affected me, but the dawn of a more exciting hope. This hope arose partly from mewory, and partly from present observation. I called to mind the great variety of buoyant matter that strewed the coast of Lofoden, having been absorbed and then thrown forth by the Moskoe-ström. By far the greater number of the articles were shattered in the most extraordinary way so chafed and roughened as to have the appearance of being stuck full of splinters but then I distinctly recollected that there were some of them which were not disfigured at all. Now I could not account for this difference except by supposing that the roughened fragments were the only ones which had been completely absorbed that the others had entered the whirl at so late a period of the tide, or, for some reason, had descended so slowly after entering, that they did not reach the bottom before the turn of the flood came, of the ebb, as the case might be. I conceived it possible, in either instance, that they might thus be whirled up again to the level of the ocean, without undergoing the fate of those which had been drawn in more early, or absorbed more rapidly. I made, also, three important observations. The first was, that, as a general rule, the larger

the bodies were, the more rapid their descent; the second, that, between two masses of equal extent, the one spherical, and the other of any other shape, the superiority in speed of descent was with the sphere; the third, that, between two masses of equal size, the one cylindrical, and the other of any other shape, the cylinder was absorbed the more slowly. Since my escape, I have had several conversations on this subject with an old school-master of the district; and it was from him that I learned the use of the words ", cylinder" and ", sphere." He explained to me although I have forgotten

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There was one startling circumstance which went a great way in enforcing these observations, and rendering me anxious to turn them to account, and this was, that at every revolution we passed something like a barrel, or else the yard or the mast of a vessel, while many of these things, which had been on our level when I first opened my eyes upon the wonders of the whirlpool, were now high up above us, and seemed to have moved but little from their original station.

,,I no longer hesitated what to do. I resolved to lash myself securely to the water cask upon which I now held, to cut it loose from the counter, and to throw myself with it into the water. I attracted my brother's attention by signs, pointed to the floating barrels that came near us, and did everything in my power to make him understand what I was about to do. I thought at length that he comprehended my design but, whether this was the case or not, he shook his head despairingly, and refused to move from his station by the ring-bolt. It was impossible to reach him; the emergency admitted of no delay; and so, with a bitter struggle, I resigned him to his fate, fastened myself to the cask by means of the lashings which secured it to the counter, and precipitated myself with it into the sea, without another moment's hesitation.

The result was precisely what I had hoped it might be. As it is myself who

now tell you this tale

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as you see that I did escape and as you are already in possession of the mode in which this escape was effected, and must therefore anticipate all that I have farther to say - I will bring my story quickly to conclusion. It might have been an hour, or thereabouts, after my quitting the smack, when, having descended to a vast distance beneath me, it made three or four wild gyrations in rapid succession, and, bearing my loved brother with it, plunged headlong, at once and for ever, into the chaos of foam below. The barrel to which I was attached sunk very little farther than half the distance between the bottom of the gulf and the spot at which I leaped overboard, before a great change took place in the character of the whirlpool. The slope of the sides of the vast funnel became momently less and less steep. The gyrations of the whirl grew, gradually, less and less violent. By degrees, the froth and the rainbow disappeared, and the bottom of the gulf seemed slowly to uprise. The sky was clear, the wind had gone down, and the full moon was setting radiantly in the

west, when I found myself on the surface of the ocean, in full view of the shores of Lofoden, and above the spot where the pool of the Moskoe-ström had been. It was the hour of the slack, but the sea still heaved in mountainous waves from the effects of the hurricane. I was borne violently into the channel of the Ström, and in a few minutes was hurried down the coast into the,,grounds" of the fishermen. A boat picked me up, exhausted from fatigue, and (now that the danger was removed) speechless from the memory of its horror. Those who drew me on board were my old mates and daily companions, but they knew me no more than they would have known a traveller from the spirit-land. My hair, which had been raven-black the day before, was as white as you see it now. They say, too, that the whole expression of my countenance had changed. I told them my story they did not believe it. I now tell it to you and I can scarcely expect you to put more faith in it than did the merry fishermen of Lofoden."



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„I I HAVE myself," said Kreutzner, witnessed many duels, but we usually settled these matters with a sword a better method by the way and more worthy a soldier than your cold pistol firing. Any poltroon may pull a trigger, but it requires the firm hand and steady of a man to manage the steel. However, as I was saying when I was at the N- University they called each other out as merrily as beaux and belles to a dance. It was but the treading on a toe the crushing of an elbow nay,

an accidental look that fell on them when they wished not observation, and the next day, or, by St. Andrew, the next hour, there was the clash of steel, and the stamping of feet on the green sward the kindl


ing and flashing of fiery eyes, plunge and parry, and cut and thrust, till one or both lay stretched at length -a pass through the body - a gash open in the cheek the skull cleft down or a hand off, and the blood bubbling and gushing forth like a rill of mountain water. There were more than one of these fellows, devils I should say, who, when they found among them some strange student, timid or retired, whose character they were unacquainted with, or whose courage they doubted would pass the hint out of mere sport, brush his skirt, charge the offence upon him demand an apology too humble for a hare

and dismiss him from the adventure with an opened shoulder or day-light through his body."


There was among us one fellow named Mentz, who assumed, and wore with impu

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nity, the character of the head bully. was foremost in all the devilry. His pistol was death, and his broad sword cut like the scissors of fate. It was curious to see the fellow fire. One, two, three and good bye to his antagonist. His friendship was courted by all for to be his enemy, was to be in a bloody grave. At length, grown fearless of being called to account, he took pride in insulting strangers, and even women. His appearance was formidable. A great giant with shaggy black hair, huge whiskers and grim mustachios, three inches long, twirled under his nose. A sort of beauty he was too and among the women Lord help us wherever those mustachios shewed themselves, every opponent abandoned the ground. It was at last really dangerous to have a sweet-heart, for out of pure bravado, Mentz would push forward make love to the lady, frighten her swain, and either terrify or fascinate herself. Should the doomed lover offer resistance, he had no more to do but call a surgeon, and happy enough he considered himself, if he escaped with the loss of an arm or an eye. He had killed four men who never injured him wounded seventeen, and fought twenty duels. He once challenged a whole club, who had blackballed him anonymously, and was pacified only by being readmitted, though all the members immediately resigned, and the club was broken up. I dwell on this character because"

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Because you think he resembles Clairmont," said Norman,,,go on - I am interested."

,,At last there came a youth into the university slender, quiet and boyishlooking, with a handsome face, though somewhat pale; and his demeanour, though generally shy, was noble and self-possessed. He had been but a short time among us, however, before he was set down as a cowardly creature, and prime game for the ,, devils broke loose" as the gang of Mentz termed themselves. The coy youth shunned all the riots and revels of the university; insulted no one, and if his mantle brushed against that of another, apologized so immediately so gracefully and so gently that the devil himself could not have fixed a quarrel upon him. It soon appeared too, that Gertrude, the lovely daughter of the Baron de Saale the toast of all

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the country


upon whom the most of us had gazed, as on something quite above us it soon appeared that the lovely girl loved this youthful stranger. Now Mentz had singled Gertrude out for himself, and avowed his preference publicly. Arnold, for thus was the new student called, was rarely if ever tempted to our feasts, but once he came unexpectedly on a casual invitation. To the great surprise and interest of the company, Mentz himself was there, and seated himself, unabashed, at the table, though an unbidden guest. The strongest curiosity at once arose to witness the result; for Mentz had sworn that he would compel Arnold, on their first meeting, to beg pardon on his knees for the audacity of having addressed his mistress. It had not appeared that Arnold knew any thing of Mentz's character, for he sat cheerfully and gaily at the board, with so much the manners of a high-born gentleman, that every one admitted at once his goodness, his intelligence, his grace and his beauty, and regretted the abyss on the brink of which he stood.

,,What, ho!" at length shouted Mentz, as the evening had a little advanced, and the wine began to mount ,,a toast! come, drink it all; and he who refuses it is a poltroon and a coward. I quaff this goblet fill to the brim to the health and happiness of Gertrude de Saale, the fairest of the fair; who says he knows a fairer, is a black liar, and I will write the word on his forehead with a red-hot brand."

Never before had Mentz betrayed his brutal soul so openly in words; but the guests, who knew that he was heated with wine, passed over his coarse insult with shouts of laughter, and drank with riotous confusion to Gertrude, fairest of the fair. As the gleaming goblets were emptied, and dashed rattling down again upon the table, Mentz arose, and with the bloated importance of a despot, gazed around to see that all present had fulfilled his orders. Every goblet was emptied but one, which stood untasted untouched. On perceiving this, the ruffian, leaning forward, fixed his eyes on the cup, struck his brawny hand down fiercely on the table, which returned a thundering clash and rattle, and then repeated with a voice husky with rage

There is a cup full. By St. Anthony, I will make the owner swallow its measure of molten lead, if it remain thus one instant longer."

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,,It is Mentz, the duellist," said a fourth, ,,dost thou not know his wondrous skill. He will kill thee, as if thou wert a deer, if thou oppose him in his wine. He is more merciless than a wild-boar. Drink, man, drink."

These good-natured suggestions were uttered in hasty and vehement whispers, and while the students were thus endeavouring to avert the bloody catastrophe, the furious beast again struck his giant hand down violently on the table, without speaking, as if words were too feeble for his


Be your blood on your own head; but," said he, observing that the youth, instead of cowering, bore himself more loftily, what folly is this? Drink, lad, drink, and I hurt thee not. I love thy gallant bearing, and my game is not such as thou.“

He added this with a wavering of manner, which had never before been witnessed in him for never before had he been opposed so calmly and so fiercely; and for a moment he quailed beneath the fiery glances darted at him from one whom he supposed meeker than the dove; but ashamed of his transient fear, he added:

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He rose

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What was the astonishment of the company, on beholding Arnold, as if effectually awed by a moment's reflection, and the ferocious enmity of so celebrated and deadly a foe, actually do as he was commanded. took the cup slowly apDuring this interesting scene, the youth proached the seat of his insulter, knelt and had remained motionless, cool, and silent. raised the rim to his lips. Murmurs of A slight pallor, but evidently more of in-,,shame!",,shame!",,poltroon!",,coward!" dignation than fear, came over his hand- came hot and thick from the group of specsome features, and, his eyes dilated with tators, who had arisen, in the excitement of emotion, rested full and firm upon Mentz. their curiosity, and stood eagerly bending forward with every eye fixed upon the object of their contempt. A grim smile of savage triumph distorted the features of Mentz, who shouted with a hoarse and drunken laugh:

,,By the mass, gentlemen," he said, at length,,,I am a stranger here, and ignorant of the manners prevalent in universities, but if yonder person be sane, and this no joke" ,,Joke!" thundered Mentz, foaming at the lips.

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,,I must tell you that I come from a part of the country where we neither give nor take such jokes, or such insults.“

,,Hast thou taken leave of thy friends," said Mentz, partly hushed by astonishment, ,,and art thou tired of life, that thou hurriest on so blindly to a bloody pillow, boy? Drink, as I have told thee, to Gertrude, fairest of the fair!" and his huge round eyes opened like those of a bull upon a daring victim.

,,That Gertrude de Saale is fair and lovely," cried the youth, rising,,,may not be denied by me. But I demand by what mischance I find her name this night, common at a board of rioters, and polluted by the lips of a drunkard and a ruffian?"

,,By the bones of my father," said Mentz, in a tone of deep and dire anger, which had ere then appalled many a stout heart,,,by the bones of my father, your doom is sealed.

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Drink deep down with it to the dregs!" Arnold however touched the rim to his lips, and waited a moment's silence, with an expression so scornful and composed, that the hisses and exclamations were again quelled. When every sound had ceased to a dead silence:

,,Never," he said,,,shall I refuse to drink to the glory of a name I once loved and honoured: Gertrude, fairest of the fair! But," he added, suddenly rising and drawing up his figure with a dignity that silenced every breath,,,for thee, thou drunken bragging foolish beast - I scorn spit upon I defy thee and thus be punished thy base brutal insolence and thy stupid presumption!"


As he spoke he dashed the contents of the ample goblet full into the face of Mentz, and then, with all his strength, hurled the massy goblet at the same mark. The giant

reeled and straggered a few paces back, and amid the shining liquor on his drenched clothes and dripping features, a stream of blood was observed to trickle down his forehead.

,,I love thee not, base dog," replied Arnold,,,but thou shalt not die so inglorious a death. I will fight thee, therefore, tonight.“

,,By the mother of heaven, boy!" cried Mentz, more and more surprized,,,thou art in haste to sup in hell;" and the ruffian lowered his voice,,,art thou mad?"

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Never before was popular feeling more suddenly and violently reversed. The object of their vilest execrations flashed upon them with the immediate brightness of a ,Be that my chance," answered Arnold; superior being. A loud and irrepressible,,I shall not be likely to meet, even in hell burst of applause broke from every lip, till a companion so brutal as thou, unless, which the broad and heavy rafters above their I mean shall be the case, thou bear me head, and the very foundations of the floor company." shook and trembled. But the peal of joy ,,To-night then be it," said Mentz, and approbation soon ceased, for although,,though to-night my hand is not steady, this inspiring drama had so nobly commenced, for wine and anger are no friends to the it was uncertain how it might terminate. Before the tyrant recovered from the stunned and bewildered trance, into which the blow, combined with shame, pain, astonishment and drunkenness, had thrown him, several voices, after the obstreperous calls for silence usual on such occasions, addressed the youth, who stood cool and erect, with folded arms, waiting the course of events. ,Brave Arnold noble Arnold

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the blood of a true gentle

gallant deed!
man in his veins."

,,But canst thou fight?" cried one. ,,I am only a simple student and an artist by profession. I have devoted myself to the pencil, not the sword."


,,Dost thou refuse me then?" demanded the youth with a sneer.

,,By the mass, no; but to-night is dark, the moon is down, the stars are clouded, and the wind goes by in heavy puffs and gusts. Hear it even now!"

,,Therefore," said the youth, apparently more coldly composed as his fierce rival grew more perceptibly agitated,,,therefore will we lay down our lives here, in this hall, on this spot, on this instant, even as thou standest now."

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,,But thou canst use it a little, canst not?" self-possession of his antagonist, that all asked another. present held him in contempt, and no one stirred.

But indifferently," answered the youth. ,,And how art thou with the pistol?" demanded a third.

,,My hand is unpractised," replied Arnold. „I have no skill in shedding human blood." ,,Fore gad then, rash boy, what has tempted thee to this fatal extremity?

,,Hatred of oppression," replied the youth, ,,in all its forms; and a willingness to die rather than to submit to insult."

,,No matter," cried Arnold,,,I will myself forego the same privilege."

,,And your weapons ? said Mentz. ,,Are here," cried Arnold, drawing them from his bosom. „A surer pair never drew blood. The choice is yours."

The company now began to fancy that Arnold had equivocated in disclaiming skill as a duellist, and from his invincible composure thought him a more fatal master of the weapon than the bully himself. The latter himself also partook of this opinion.

,,Die die then, thou shalt, and that ere to-morrow's sun shall set," thundered Mentz, starting up in a frenzy and with a hoarse and broken voice, that made the ,,Young man," he cried, in a voice cloudhearts of the hearers shudder, as if the howled and broken, but stopped and said no furof a dog or a demon.,,I challenge thee to ther. mortal combat."

,,And I accept the challenge."

,,It is for thee to name time, place and weapon, but, an thou lovest me, let it not be longer than to-morrow night, or I shall burst with rage and impatience."

,,Your choice," exclaimed Arnold, presenting the pistols. Mentz seized one desperately, and said:

,,Now, name your distance."

,,Blood-thirsty wolf," said Arnold,,,there shall be no distance."

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