OCR Anthology for Classical Greek GCSEJudith Affleck, Clive Letchford This is the OCR endorsed publication from Bloomsbury for the Greek GCSE set text prescriptions examined from 2018 to 2024. The texts covered are: Homer Odyssey 6:48–159 Iliad 3:1–112 Odyssey 7:184–297 Herodotus Histories 1.30–4, 86–7 and 6.125 (Solon & Croesus; How Alcmaeon Was Enriched by Croesus) Histories 3.17–25, 38 (The Ethiopians; The Power of Custom) Histories 2.2, 69–70, 129–33, 31–2 (Psammetichus; Crocodiles; Mycerinus; Pygmies) Euripides Alcestis 280–393 Electra 215–331 Bacchae 434–508, 800–38 Plato Phaedo 59c–60a, 115b–d, 116b–d, 117c–18a Plutarch A Spartan Childhood Lucian Anacharsis and Athletics The Isle of the Blest The volume starts with an introduction to ancient Greek history and culture, which will set in context the passages for the exams and give guidance on how to translate ancient Greek. The prescribed texts are set out in clear passages facing commentary notes, with further information on GCSE vocabulary and key terms as well as study questions. The full GCSE vocabulary is provided at the back of the book and a timeline, Who's Who, glossaries and map combine to give students a focused preparation for their exams. The book is supported by a companion website of further resources. |
Homer | 24 |
Herodotus | 83 |
ALCESTIS 280392 here 1114 | 141 |
ELECTRA 215331 here 1117 | 159 |
BACCHAE 434508 80038 here 1114 | 177 |
Plato PHAEDO 59c60a 115bd 116bd 117c118a | 197 |
Plutarch and Lucian | 216 |
Other editions - View all
OCR Anthology for Classical Greek GCSE 2025-2026 Judith Affleck,Clive Letchford Limited preview - 2023 |
OCR Anthology for Classical Greek GCSE 2025-2026 Judith Affleck,Clive Letchford Limited preview - 2023 |
Common terms and phrases
&AAo accusative of respect Admetus Aegisthus Aéya Agamemnon Alcestis Alcinous Alcmaeon Anacharsis aorist aorist infinitive aorist participle aorist passive Athenian Athens atoc tö autog č óv Cambyses ciuſ cival crasis Croesus Cyrus dative Dionysus ecog Egypt Electra elision Ethiopians Étti Euripides GCSE vocabulary genitive absolute Greece Greek Hector Heracles Herodotus Homer Iliad imperative imperfect indirect statement king kotó Lév Lucian Menelaus Names and places Nausicaa Odysseus Öé ºnuſ Orestes outdov outog Paris Pentheus perfect participle perfect passive participle Persian Phaeacians play plural Plutarch potential optative Psammetichus pučv question simile Socrates Solon someone Spartan story subj subjunctive tense Teot texts Thebes things tmesis toic tols Toog touc touto translated Trojan Troy uév words Yixo Yiyvoual Zeus