The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria: From the Original Greek |
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air contained altar aperture attached ball basin Beni Hassan BENNET WOODCROFT bent siphon birds body boiler bottom cease chamber closing the vent communicating compartment construction Ctesibius cylinder descend discharge drawn drink E F G enter extremity fastened figure filled fire fitted force funnel glass globe goblet hemisphere Hero HERO OF ALEXANDRIA hole insert lamp Let A B C D fig Let A B fig let the tube libation liquid mouth neck orifice outer leg partition E F pass passage of water pedestal perforated pierced piston plate produced projecting pulley reaching nearly revolve siphon sliding tubes small pipe small tube soldered sound spout surface thyrsus trumpet tube E F tube G H valve vessel A B vessel containing Vitruvius void spaces water is poured water-clock weight wheel Wine flows εἰς καὶ τὸ τοῦ