Sons of the RumourSons of the Rumour is nothing short of a dazzling and genre-defying work of genius. Foster retells the tale of the legendary eighth-century King Shahrban of Persia who, furious at his wife's infidelity, has decided to marry and then behead a fresh virgin every day. But then the king meets Scheherazade, a beauty of such wiles and storytelling gifts she manages to entertain the him for 1001 nights, staving off death for both herself and her countrywomen. In the process, she also bears him three sons, wisely educates him in morality and kindness, and eventually convinces him to take her as his lawful wife. |
1 | |
3 | |
9 | |
16 | |
The Mine in the Moon | 29 |
Iranian Days continued | 37 |
The Tears of the Fish | 47 |
Iranian Days continued | 66 |
Iranian Days continued | 204 |
The Tunic of Santa Eulalia | 214 |
Iranian Days continued | 231 |
Cartouche Chiseldorf | 253 |
Iranian Days continued | 272 |
Forbidden Transitions from Crystalline Kingdoms | 285 |
Iranian Days continued | 385 |
Blue Melons | 392 |
The Gilt Felt Yurt | 75 |
Iranian Days continued | 115 |
The Man Who Fell in Love with His Own Feet | 134 |
Iranian Days continued | 159 |
Hashim Wali Abu Muslim | 179 |
Iranian Days concluded | 419 |
Authors Note | 423 |
Legend | 427 |