For certain improvements in making or manufacturing bolts or chains. To Samuel Brown, Esq. London.-April 29. For certain improvements in the means of keeping or preserving beer, ale, and other fermenting liquors. To William Aitken, Esq. Scotland.-April 29. For certain improvements in apparatus for making and supplying coal gas for useful purposes. To Richard Witty, county of Stafford.-May 3. For certain improvements on steam boilers and in carriages or apparatus connected therewith. To James Viney, Piccadilly.-May 12. For a new method of purifying and whitening sugar or other saccharine matter. To Edward Turner, county of Middlesex. -June 14. For an improved engine for communicating power for mechanical purposes. To John Ericsson, London.-July 21. For certain improvements in preparing or finishing piece goods made from wool, silk, or other fibrous substances. To John Frederick Smith, Esq. county of Derby.-July 29. For certain improvements on steam carriages and in boilers, and a method of producing increased draft. To John Rawe Junior, county of Middlesex-July 29. For an improvement or improvements in the method or apparatus for separating the knots from paper, stuff, or pulp, used in the manufacture of paper. To Richard Ibotson, county of Middlesex-August 3. For certain improvements on, and additions to, machines or machinery to be used and applied for conducting to and winding upon spools, bobbins, or barrels, rovings of cotton, filax, wool, or other fibrous substances of the like nature. To Joseph Cheeseborough, county of Lancaster.-August 19. For a method or process of giving a metallic surface to cotton, silk, linen, and other fabrics. To John Yates, county of Chester.-August 19. For a new method of making iron wheel barrows of wrought iron, with a wrought iron wheel, by which new method, said iron wheel barrows can be made lighter, stronger, more durable, and cheaper than any iron wheel barrows which have been heretofore in use. To William Mallet, Dublin.-August 19. For an improved machinery for the navigation of vessels and propelling of carriages. To John Ruthven, Edinburgh.September 6. New Patents Sealed. To Charles Derosne, of Leicester Square, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, in consequence of a communication made to him, by a certain foreigner, residing abroad, and invention by himself, for an invention of certain improvements in extracting sugar or syrups from cane juice and other substances, containing sugar, and in refining sugar and syrups.-Sealed 29th Sep. 2 months, for Inrolment To Michael Donovan, of the city of Dublin, for his invention of an improved method of lighting places with gas.-6th Oct. 6 months. To Lieutenant Colonel Leslie Walker, C. B. of Cumming Street, Pentonville, for his invention of a machine or apparatus, to effect the escape and preservation of persons and property in case of fire, or other circumstances. -6th Oct. 6 months. To Richard Pering, of Exmouth, in the county of Devon, Esq. for his having invented an improvement or improvements on anchors.-6th Oct. 6 months. To John Heaton, William Heaton, George Heaton, and Reuben Heaton, of Birmingham, in the county of War wick, manufacturers and copartners, for their having invented or found out certain machinery, and the application thereof to steam engines, for the purpose of propelling and drawing carriages on turnpike roads, and other roads, and railways.-6th Oct. 4 months. To Joseph Harrison, of Wortley Hall, in the parish of Tankersley, in the county of York, gardener, and Richard Gill Curtis, of the same place, glazier, for their having invented certain improvements in glazing horticultural and other buildings, and in sash bars and rafters.-6th Oct. 2 months. To John Dickenson, of Nash Mills, in the parish of Abbotts, Langley, in the county of Hertford, Esq. for his having invented or found out an improved method of manufacturing paper by means of machinery.-6th Oct. 6 months. To William Augustus Archbald, of Vere St. Cavendish Square, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, for his invention of an improvement in the preparing or making of certain sugars.-13th Oct. 6 months. To David Napier, of Warren Street, Fitzroy Square, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for his having invented certain improvements in printing, and in pressing machinery, with a method of economising the power applicable to the same; which method of economising power is also applicable to other purposes.-13th Oct. 6 months. To Francois Constant Jacquemart, of Leicester Square, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. in consequence of a communication made to him, by a certain foreigner residing abroad, for an invention of improvements in tanning certain descriptions of skins.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Joseph Budworth Sharp, of Hampstead, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. and William Fawcett, of Liverpool, in the county palatine of Lancaster, civil engineers, for their having invented or found out an improved mode of introducing air into fluids, for the purpose of evaporation.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Alexander Craig, of Ann Street, Saint Bernard's, in the parish of Saint Cuthbert's, and county of Mid-Lothian, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain person residing abroad, for an invention of certain improvements in machines or machinery, for cutting timber into veneers, or other useful forms.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Andrew Ure, of Burton Crescent, in the county of Middlesex, doctor of medicine, for his having invented an apparatus for regulating temperature in vaporization, distillation, and other processes.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Andrew Ure, of Burton Crescent, in the county of Middlesex, doctor of medicine, for his having invented an improvement or improvements in curing or cleansing raw or coarse sugar.—20th Oct. 6 months. To Andrew Ure; of Southampton Row, in the county of Middlesex, doctor of medicine, for his having invented an air stove apparatus for the exhalation and condensation of vapours.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Samuel Clerk, of South Down, Brixham, in the county of Devon, for his having invented certain improvements in making or preparing saddle lining, saddle cloth, and girths, for keeping saddles in place on horses, and other animals of burden.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Sir Thomas Cochrane, Knight, (commonly called Lord Cochrane,) of Regent Street, in the county of Middlesex, for his having invented an apparatus to facilitate excavating, sinking, and mining.—20th Oct. 6 months. To Timothy Mason, of Great Portland Street, in the county of Middlesex, brush maker, for his having invented or found out an improvement in the manufacture of painting brushes, and other brushes applicable to various purposes.-20th Oct. 6 months. To Samuel Clegg, of Sidmouth Street, Gray's Inn Lane, in the county of Middlesex, civil engineer, for his having invented or found out an improved gas meter.-20th Oct. 6 months. |