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" twas Claver'se who spoke, " Ere the King's crown shall fall there are crowns to be broke; So let each Cavalier who loves honour and me, Come follow the bonnet of Bonny Dundee. " Come fill up my cup, come fill up my can, Come saddle your horses, and call... "
Quarterly Review - Page 97
1828 - 590 pages
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A Collection of Old Ballads: Corrected from the Best and Most ..., Volume 1

Ballads, English - 1723 - 348 pages
...Nor have I done any Injury, But I have gotten a fair Maid with Child, The Parfon's Daughter of bonny Dundee, Come fill up my Cup, come fill up my Can, Come f addle my Horfe, and call up my Man, Come open the Gates, and let me go free, For If e gang no more...
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A Collection of Old Ballads: Corrected from the Best and Most ..., Volume 1

Ballads, English - 1723 - 346 pages
...Nor have I done any Injury, But I have gotten a fair Maid with Child, The Parfon's Daughter of bonny Dundee, Come fill up my Cup, come fill up my Can, Come f addle my Horfe, and call up my Man, Come open the Gates, and let me go free, For If e gang no more...
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The Quarterly Review, Volume 37

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray (IV), Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle) - English literature - 1828 - 622 pages
...there are crowns to be broke ; So each cavalier, who loves honour and me, Let him follow the bonnet of bonnie Dundee. Come, fill up my cup, come can, Come, saddle my horses, and call up my men ; Come, open the West-port, and let me gae free, And its room for the bonnets of bonnie Dundee. Dundee...
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The Quarterly Review, Volume 37

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray (IV), Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle) - English literature - 1828 - 608 pages
...there are crowns to be broke ; So each cavalier, who loves honour and me, Let him follow the bonnet of bonnie Dundee. Come, fill up my cup, come can, Come, saddle my horses, and call up my men ; Come, open the West-port, and let me gae free, And its room for the bonnets of bonnie Dundee. Dundee...
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Notes of a journey in the north of Ireland, in ... 1827, to which is added ...

Ireland - 1828 - 216 pages
...Convention, 'twas Clavers who spoke, So each cavalier, who loves honour and me, Let him follow the bonnet of bonnie Dundee. Come, fill up my cup, come, can, Come, saddle my horses, and call up my men; Come, open the West-port, and let me gae free, And its room for the bonnets of bonnie Dundee. Dundee...
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Notes of a journey in the north of Ireland, in ... 1827, to which is added ...

Ireland - 1828 - 212 pages
...and the horsemen rode on, Till on Ravelston-craigs and on Clermiston lee Died away the wild war-note of bonnie Dundee. Come, fill up my cup, come, fill up my can, Come, saddfe my horses, and call up my men ; Fling all your gates open, and let me gae free, For tis up with...
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The Scottish Songs, Volume 2

Robert Chambers - Ballads, Scots - 1829 - 388 pages
...broke, 612 So each cavalier, who loves honour and me, Let him follow the bonnet of bonnie Dirndee. Come, fill up my cup, come, fill up my can, Come, saddle my horses, and call up my men ; Come, open the West Port, and let me gae free, And it's room for the bonnets of bonnie Dundee. Dundee...
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The New sporting magazine, Volume 37

1859 - 522 pages
...rode on, Till on Ravelston's cliffs, and on Clermiston's lee, Died away the wild war-notes of Bonny Dundee. Come fill up my cup, come fill up my can; Come saddle the horses, and call up the men ; Come open your gates, and let me gae free ; For it's up with the...
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The Quarterly review, Volume 37

1828 - 608 pages
...there's chiefs in the North ; There are wild dunnie-wassels, three thousand times three, Will cry hoigh! for the bonnet of bonnie Dundee. Come, fill up, &c....Dundee.' That celebrated wit and humourist of our da}', Mr. Theodore Hook, has supplied the same juvenile Souvenir with an effusion in verse, which,...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: First Series, Containing Minstrelsy ...

Sir Walter Scott - 1838 - 564 pages
...rode on, Till on Ravelston's cliffs and on Clermistou's lee, Died away the wild war-notes of Bonny Dundee. Come fill up my cup, come fill up my can, Come saddle the bon>es and call up tbe men. Come open your gates, and lei me gae free, For it's up wilh Uie bonnets...
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