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diftant, it was evident that we had been in the moft imminent danger. Nor were we yet in fafety, the wind veering more easterly, fo that for fome time, we did but just keep our distance from the coaft.

In the afternoon of the 20th, fome of the na tives came off in their canoes, bringing with them a few pigs and plantains. We continued trading with the people till four in the afternoon; when, having got a pretty good fupply, we made fail, and ftretched off to the northward.

I had never met with a behaviour fo free from referve and fufpicion, in my intercourfe with any tribes of favages, as we experienced in the people of this ifland. It was very common for them to fend up into the fhip the feveral articles they brought off for barter; afterward, they would come in themfelves, and make their bargains on the quarter-deck. The people of Otaheite, even after our repeated vifits, do not care to put fo much confidence in us.

On the 23d, we tacked to the fouthward, and had hopes of weathering the island. We should have fucceeded, if the wind had not died away, and left us to the mercy of a great fwell, which carried us faft toward the land, which was not

agues diftant. At length fome light puffs of which came with thowers of rain, put us langer. While we lay, as it were becalmveral of the iilanders came off with hogs, fruit, and roots.

t four in the afternoon, after purchafing evething that the natives had brought off, which vas full as much as we had occafion for, we made ail and ftretched to the north. At midnight we ked and ftood to the fouth-eaft. Upon a fup



pofition that the Difcovery would fee us tack, the ignal was omitted; but he did not fee us, as we afterward found, and continued ftanding to the north; for, at day-light next morning, fhe was not in fight. At fix in the evening, the fouthernmoft extreme of the ifland bore fouth-weft, the nearest fhore feven or eight miles diftant;. fo that we had now acceeded in getting to the windward of the ifland, which we had aimed at with fo much perfeverance.

The Difcovery, however, was 'not yet to be feen. But the wind, as we had it, being very favourable for her to follow us, I concluded that it would not be long before the joined us.

We began to be in want of fresh provision on the 30th. At ten o'clock next morning, we were met by the iflanders with fruit and roots; but in all the canoes were only three fmall pigs.

Before day-break the atmosphere was again loaded with heavy clouds; and the new year was thered in with very hard rain, which continued at intervals till paft ten o'clock. We lay to, trad ing with the inhabitants till three o'clock in afternoon; when, having a tolerable fupply made fail, with a view of proceeding to for the Difcovery.

The three following days were spent in r ning down the fouth-eaft fide of the island.

On the 5th in the morning, we paffed the four point of the island. On this there ftands a pre ty large village, the inhabitants of which throng ed off to the thip with hogs and women. It was not poffible to keep the latter from coming on board. This part of the country, from its ap pearance, did not feem capable of affording any vegetables. Marks of its having been laid wafte, Vol. VII. X


by the explotion of a volcano, every where prefented themselves: the devaftation that it had made in this neighbourhood, was vifible to the naked eye.

Between ten and eleven next morning, we faw with pleasure the Discovery coming round the fouth point of the ifland; and, at one in the afternoon, the joined us. Captain Clerke then coming on board, informed me that he had cruifed four or five days where we were feparated, and then plied round the eaft fide of the island; but that, meeting with unfavourable winds, he had been carried to fome diftance from the coaft. He had one of the iflanders on board all this time, who had remained there from choice, and had refufed to quit the fhip, though opportunities had offered.

For feveral days we kept, as ufual, ftanding off and on, with occafional vifits from the natives. At day-break, on the 16th, feeing the appearance of a bay, I fent Mr. Bligh, with a boat from each fhip, to examine it, being at this time three leagues off. Canoes now began to arrive from all parts; fo that before ten o'clock, there were not fewer

thoufand about the two thips, moft of wded with people, and well laden with other productions of the island. One vifiters took out of the fhip a boat's rudHe was difcovered; but too late to recover thought this a good opportunity to fhew people the ufe of firearms; and two or e mutkets, and as many four-pounders were red over the canoe, which carried off the rudder. s it was not intended that any of the thot thould ke effect, the furrounding multitude of natives

ed rather more furprifed than frightened.



In the evening Mr. Bligh returned, and reported that he had found a bay, in which was good anchorage, and freth water. Here I refolved to

carry the hips to refit, and fupply ourselves with every refreshment the place could afford. Numbers of our vifiters requeft permiffion to fleep on board. Curiofity was not the only motive, at leaft with fome; for the next morning, feveral things were mifling, which determined me not to entertain fo many another night.

At eleven o'clock in the forenoon we anchored in the bay, which is called by the natives Karakakooa. The fhips continued to be much crowded with natives, and were furrounded by a multitude of canoes. I had no where, in the course of my voyages, feen fo numerous a body of people affembled at one place. For befides thofe in canoes, all the flrore was covered with fpectators, and many hundreds were fwimming round the fhips like thoals of fifh. We could not but be ftruck with the fingularity of this fcene; few now lamented our having failed in our endeavours to find a northern paffage homeward laft fummer. To this difappointment we owed our having it in our power to revifit the Sandwich Islands, and to enrich our voyage with a discovery which, though the laft, feemed, in many respects, to be the most important that had hitherto been made by Europeans, throughout the extent of the Pacific Ocean,

While Captain Cook feems to have enjoyed the idea of this difcovery, little did he imagine that his labours were fo foon to be terminated at this difaftrous place, which will ever derive a difgrace

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ful immortality from his fate. Here his journal ends; and as we have recorded the principal events of his ufeful life, we fhall detail the melancholy circumftances that led to his lamented death, preferving as nearly as poffible the words of his amiable coadjutor, Captain King, whofe account of the voyage now commences.

Karakakooa Bay is fituated on the weft fide of the Ifland of Owhyhee, in a diftrict called Akona. It is about a mile in depth, and bounded by two low points of land at the diftance of half a league from each other. On the north point, which is flat and barren, ftands the village of Kowrowa; and in the bottom of the bay, near a grove of tall cocoa-nut trees, there is another village of a more confiderable fize, called Kakooa. This bay appearing to Captain Cook a proper place to refit the fhips, and lay in an additional Tupply of water and provifions, we moored on the

north fide.

As foon as the inhabitants perceived our intention of anchoring in the bay, they came off from the fhore in aftonishing numbers, and expreffed their joy by finging and fhouting, and exhibiting a variety of wild and extravagant gef


Among the chiefs that came on board the Refolution, was a young man called Pareea, whom we foon perceived to be a perfon of great authority. On prefenting himself to Captain Cook, he told him that he was jakanee to the king of the ifland, who was at that time engaged on a military expedition at Mowee, and was expected to return within three or four days. A few prefents from Captain Cook attached him entirely to our interefts, and he became exceedingly use


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