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generally formed?
When the singular ends in x, ch soft,
sh, s, or ss, how is the plural form-
ed? Give an example in each.
When the singular ends in ch hard,
how is the plural formed? Give an

What nouns are used only in the singular?
What, only in the plural ?

What are the same in both numbers?
When the singular ends in o, how is the plu-
ral formed?

How, when it ends inƒ, or fe?

How, when it ends in y?.

Decline the nouns, man, and mother?
Lecture V.-Of Pronouns.

What is a pronoun ?

What is the meaning of the word, pronoun?
Why are pronouns used instead of nouns?
What, besides nouns, is the pronoun some
times used to represent ?

Of how many kinds are pronouns ?
What are personal pronouns ?

Why are they called personal pronouns ?
How many personal pronouns are

What nouns become plural by changing of For what does the pronoun of the first

the singular number into e? oo into ee What are the plurals of ox and child ?

what is the plural of brother?

Of what number are the nouns, pains, riches, alms, mathematics, &c.

Of what number is news? Of what means?

When is means to be employed as singular?

When, as plural?

Of what number are antipodes,credenda, &c.
Of what, hiatus, apparatus, &c. Why?
What is person?

How many persons have nouns ?
When is a noun in the first person? When
in the second? When in the third?
How is the person of nouns known or de

In what person are nouns generally used?

Why are nouns seldom used in the first and
second person?

What does the first person depote ?
What, the second? What the third?
What is case?

How many cases have nouns ?
What does the nominative case denote?
Why is this case called nominative?
What does the possessive case denote?
Why is it called possessive?

By what other name is it sometimes called?
How is the possessive case generally

How, when the plural terminates in s?
How, when the singular ends in ss?
What was, formerly, the sign of the posses
sive case in English?

In modern use, what does the apostrophe
Why is the
the possessive case?
When the possessor consists of several terms,
to which is the possessive sign to be ad
ded ?

sometimes omitted in forming

What does the objective case denote ?
Why is it called objective?

Does the objective case of nouns vary in
form from the nominative?

How then is its subordinate character indi.


person stand? Decline the first person.

For what does the second personal pronoun stand?

Decline the second person.

For what does the third personal pro

noun stand?

Decline the third person.

How does the first personal pronoun de-
note the immediate speaker ?
How does the second denote the party ad-

How does the third designate an individual?
What is the meaning of the propouns, he,
she, it?

Why is the distinction of gender limited to
the third person?
What are relative pronouns ?
Why are they called relative ?
Of what do they imply the meaning?
What is what?

How is who applied? How, which?
How that?

Of what number is who? How is it
declined ?

Of what number are which, that, and

When used in asking questions, what
are who, which, and what?
How is which declined

When is that a relative pronoun? When, a
demonstrative pronoun ? When a con-

To what do who, which, and that relate,
when used interrogatively?
What are adjective pronouns ?
Why are they called adjective?
Into how many sorts are they divided?
What are the possessive?

Give some examples, distinguishing the pos

sessive pronouns from the possessive cases of their respective personal pronouns. What do the words, own and self, imply or express, when added to pronouns ? To what does each, relate? To what, eve. What are the distributive pronouns ?

ry? To what, either? What does neith er import? What are the demonstrative pronouns To what does this refer? To what that? What are the idefinite pronouus? What does one sometimes mean? How is others used?

Of what is another composed?

In which number is none used?

Lecture VI.-Of Verbs.

What is a verb ?


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Why is it called indicative ?

In what moods are questions asked?

Why is this part of speech called the Conjugate the verb, walk, through the


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What is the meaning of intransitive ?

indicative mood?

How does the subjunctive mood express an action ?

Why is it called subjunctive ?

Is the subjunctive sentence always added at the end of the other?

Is the conjunction always expressed ? In what respect does the first form of the subjunctive mood differ from the indicative mood?

In what respect does the second form differ from the first?

To what tense of verbs generally is the varied form of the subjunctive mood limited? In what tenses of the verb be, and of pas sive verbs is the varied form used? Conjugate the verb walk, in the subjunctive mood ?

Are there any transitive verbs which do What does the potential mood express?

not express a transition of action from the subject to the object?

How then are such verbs distinguished from the intransitive?

Are there verbs which are used both transi. tively and intransitively?

How is it known of which kind they are? How may intransitive verbs become com

pound transitive verbs ?

What is a passive verb ?

When is a verb called passive? Give an example.

In the examples, "The man was killed, the boy was beaten," why are was killed and was beaten called passive verbs ?

From what is the word passive, derived ? What does passive signify as applied to

verbs ?

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Why is it called potential?

Conjugate the verb walk, in the potential mood?

What does the infinitive mood express ?

Why is it called infinitive ?

Conjugate the verb walk, in the infi

nitive mood?

What is tense? How many tenses bas the verb ?

What are the general divisions of time? What are those tenses which are used to mark the time of the verb more


Which of these are called simple tenses?
Which compound?

What does the present tense denote ?
How is this tense formed in the poten-

tial mood? How in the infinitive ? What does it likewise express ? How is it used when preceded by the words, when, before, after, &c. ?

For what tense is it sometimes used in animated historical discussions ?

What does the imperfect tense denote ? How is this tense generally formed in the indicative mood? How in the subjunctive? How in the poten tial?

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How does this tense denote a past event dif ferently from the imperfect?

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When the time of a past event is specified as happening prior to the present time, which of these tenses is to be used? Which must be employed, when we speak of a past event as happening in the day, year, or age, in which we mention it ? Give an example of the proper use of each of these tenses.

How is the perfect tense often used when
preceded by when, after, &c.
What does the pluperfect tense denote?
Why is it called pluperfect ?

How is it formed in the indicative mood? How in the subjuuctive? Potential?

What does the first future tense denote? How is it formed in the indicative mood? How in the subjunctive?

How is the simple future expressed? How

is the future of determination expressed ? Give an example of each in the verb, walk. What does the second future tense de

note? How is it formed in the indicative mood? How in the subjunctive?

What is the difference between the definits and the indefinite tenses ?

How are the definite tenses formed? Give an example in each of the six tenses? How many numbers and persons belong to verbs?

What is meant by number and person, as applied to verbs?

Of what are these inflections supposed to consist in ancient languages? Of what use are they in English? What is the conjugation of a verb ? What is the conjugation of an active verb styled? What, that of a passive verb? What are auxiliary verbs?

What are have, be, will, and do, when unconnected with a principal verb ? How is the auxiliary, do, varied? be? have? shall? will? may? can ? Explain the force and meaning of each of these auxiliaries.

What are regular verbs? What, ir regular? What defective?

What are verbs called, which are defective with respect to persons?

Are there any impersonal verbs in English? What is a participle?

How does the participle participate of the properties of a verb? How, those of an adjective?

How many participles are there? How is the present distinguished from the perfect? How is it distinguished from the adjective? Give an example of each of these distinctions.

Give an example of a participle used as a


What is the whole number of verbs in the English language?

Lecture VII.-Of Conjunctions. What is a conjunction ?

Why is this part of speech called the conjunction?

How are conjunctions divided? How is the copulative conjunction used?

How, the disjunctive ?

How are two nouns or pronouns connected by a copulative conjunction to be considered?

How, when connected by a disjunctive ? Give an example of a conjunction used to connect sentences.

Give an example of a conjunction connecting words only.

How do conjunctions connect words differently from prepositions?

What conjunctions are exclusively appro. priated to the coupling of sentences? What, to coupling the members of a sentence?

What, are equally adapted to both uses ? Give an example of then used as a conjunction.

Why is then a conjunction in that case ? How do conjunctions connect sentences differently from relative pronouns ?

Lecture VIII.-Of Adverbs.
What is an adverb ?
Why is it so called?

How are adverbs compared ?

What do adverbs denote, when added to verbs ?

What, when added to adjectives and other adverbs ?

For what purpose were adverbs originally contrived? Give an example.

Give an example of then, used as an adverb.

Why is then an adverb in that case? When several words are used together as an adverb, what are they called?

Of what are the adverbs aside, ashore, &c. composed.

What are when, where, &c. properly cal led? Why?

What necessity is there for adverbs of time?

Lecture IX.-Of Prepositions.

What are prepositions?

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matter out of which any thing is made? From what and how, those denoting abundance ?

From what and how, those denoting plenty but with some kind of diminution? From what and how, those denoting want? From what and how, those denoting likeness?

How are adjectives derived from other adjectives?

What is the meaning of ish, when added to

adjectives? What, when added to nouns ? How are adjectives derived from verbs ? How are nouns derived from adjectives? How, adverbs from adjectives?

What is the signification of nouns ending in hood?

What, of those ending in ship?
What, of those ending in ery?
What, of those ending in wick, rick, and

What, of those ending in ian ?

What, of those ending in ard?
How are diminutives formed?

What are the Latin prepositions used in the composition of English words? What do those prepositions severally signify?

The same of the Greek?

What do the words, and, about, among, &c. signify, when traced to their Saxon origin?


Lecture I.-Introductory.

Of what does Syntax treat ?
What is the office of Syntax?
How is Syntax divided ?

What is Concord ? What is Government ?

Give an example illustrating each of of these parts of Syntax. What is a sentence?

What is the difference between simple and compound sentences ?

Give an example of a simple sentence. Of a compound sentence. What is a phrase?

Give an


ple. What are the principal parts of a sen

tence ?

What is the subject? The attribute? The object?

Lecture II.--Of the Articles. What rule do you give, in parsing the articles?

In which number does the indefinite article agree with nouns ?

In which the definite?

Give a few instances of the misapplication of the articles.

What distinction of the sense is sometimes made by the use or omission of the indefinite article?

What is the rule for repeating the article before two words in the same construction?

Are the articles frequently omitted in conversation, where they should be inserted in writing?

What is the effect of repeating the definite article before a second adjective, applied to the same generic name as the former ?

Lecture III.-Of Adjectives. What is the rule for adjectives? In what manner do adjectives agree with nouns?

Why does not a variation of gender, &c. in the noun require a correspondent variation in the adjective ?

How must numeral adjectives be associated with nouns ?

Give a few examples of the misapplication

of adjectives as adverbs.

When shonld ly be added to the word excreding?

How is the prononn such often misapplied ? Give a few examples of adverbs improperly used as adjectives?

What is the general rule for deciding, in particular constructions, whether an adjective or an adverb ought to be used? Give an example illustrating this rule ? Does the verb, be, generally require the word immediately connected with it to be an adjective or an adverb?

When this verb can be substituted for any

other without varying the sense, does that verb also require an adjective? What adjectives do not properly admit of the superlative or comparative form superadded ?

In what other way are the degrees of comparison often misapplied?

Lecture IV.-Of Nouns.

What is the rule respecting the agree

ment of Doups in the same case? When are nouns said to be in apposition ? Are nouns sometimes set in apposition to sentences or clauses ?

Are pronouns ever set in apposition to preceding nouns ?

What is the rule respecting the government of nouns in the possessive case ?

When is the preposition of, joined to a noun equivalent to the possessive case ?

Are pronouns ever governed in the possessive case by nouns ?

What should the pronoun, his, be considered when detached from its noun ?

When a noun in the possessive case stands alone, what governs it?

When several nouns in the possessive case come together, to which is the possessive sign to be annexed?

When is the additional s omitted in po

etry? when, in prose? why? When may the double possessive be used?

Lecture V.-Of Pronouns.

In what case must a noun or pronoun

be, when it is the subject of a verb? Give an example of the violation of this rule.

When is the relative pronoun the subject of the verb ?

What is the construction of the relative when a nominative intervenes between it and the verb ?

When the relative is used interrogatively, in what case most the noun or pronoun be, which contains the answer?

When is the nominative case placed after the verb or auxiliary ?

In what case is the noun or pronoun, when an address is made ?

Why are nouns and pronouns, thus circumstanced, said to be in the nominative case independent?

In what respects do pronouns agree with their antecedents and the nouns for which they stand?

Give some examples of the violation of this rule?

When a pronono stands for two or more nouns singular, connected by a copula. tive conjunction, in which number must it be?

Are which and what ever used as adjective pronoun? Give an example. How is what frequently used?

When the relative is preceded by two ante. cedents of different persons, with which may it agree?

In what case is a noun or pronoun, when joined with a participle and standing independent on the rest of the sentence ?

In what respect do adjective pronouns agree with their nouns?

What exceptions to this rule? What distinction between this and that, when used in reference to antecedent nouns ?

Lecture VI. Of Verbs.

In what respects does the verb agree with its dominative case ?

Give an example of the violation of this rule.

Is a verb ever used correctly, in a sentence without a nominative case expressed ot implied

In the sentence, "Whereof there needs no 'account," what is the nominative case to the verb, needs?

When a verb comes hetween two nouns, either of which may be the subject, with which may it agree?

When a verb agrees with two or more nouns, &c. singular, connected by a copulative conjunction, in which number must the verb be put ? Give an example of the violation of this rule.

What exceptions are there to this rule? Does this rule apply also to nouns and proIf the singular nouns and pronouns be of uouns, similarly situated? different persons, what person takes the preference ?

Give an example of such preference. When a verb agrees with two or more nouns, singular, connected by a dis junctive conjunction, in which Dumber must the verb be put ?

Give some examples of the violation of this rule.

When singular nouns of different persons are disjunctively connected, with which person must the verb agree?

Give an example of such agreement. When a disjunctive occurs between a singufar noun and a plural one, with which must the verb agree?

Give an example of such agreement. What is the rule respecting the agreement of a verb with a noun of multitude ? Give some examples illustrating this rule. In which number must the verb be put, when it agrees with the infinitive mood or part of a sentence ?

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