Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design,

Front Cover
Pearson Education, Feb 26, 2014 - Computers - 832 pages

Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyProgrammingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyProgrammingLab search for ISBN-10: 0133796280/ISBN-13: 9780133796285. That package includes ISBN-10: 0133594955/ISBN-13: 9780133594959 and ISBN-10:0133781283 /ISBN-13: 9780133781281.

MyProgrammingLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

Java Software Solutions is intended for use in the Java programming course. It is also suitable for readers interested in introductory Java programming.

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

Java Software Solutions teaches a foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large realistic examples, this worldwide best-selling text emphasizes building solid problem-solving and design skills to write high-quality programs.

Teaching and Learning Experience

To provide a better teaching and learning experience, for both instructors and students, this program will:

  • Personalize Learning: Through the power of practice and immediate personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming.
  • Help Students Build Sound Program-Development Skills: A software methodology is introduced early and revisited throughout the text to ensure that students build sound program-development skills.
  • Enhance Learning with In-text Features: A variety of features in each chapter help motivate learning.
  • Provide Opportunities to Practice Design Skills and Implement Java Programs: A wealth of end-of-chapter programming projects and chapter review features help reinforce key concepts.
  • Support Instructors and Students: Resources to support learning are available on the Companion website and Instructor Resource Center.

About the author (2014)

John Lewis is the co-author of the previous editions of the Java Software Solutions textbook, Java Software Structures, Java Foundations, and the Java Software Solutions textbook used for AP computer science classes.

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