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" ... degrees below zero, immediately took the consistency of ice, and thus we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded; our sufferings aggravated by want of bedding, clothing, and animal food,... "
Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage, and of a ... - Page 449
by Sir John Ross - 1835 - 740 pages
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

History - 1834 - 850 pages
...consistency of ice ; and thus we actually became the inhabitants of 150 [1833. au iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded ; our sufferings,...were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only 13 of our number were able to carry provisions in seven journies of G'2 miles each to Batty Bay. We...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Part 3

English literature - 1833 - 554 pages of the most severe winters hitherto recorded. Our sufferings, aggravated by want of bed. ding, clothing, and animal food, need not be dwelt upon....carpenter, was the only man who perished at this beach ; hut three others, besides one who had lost his foot, were reduced to the last stage of debility,...
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The United Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine, Part 3

Military art and science - 1833 - 592 pages
...the consistency of ice, and thus we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe Winters hitherto recorded ; our sufferings,...were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only 13 of our number were able to carry provisions in seven journeys, of 62 miles each, to Batty Bay. "...
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The United Service Journal

Military art and science - 1833 - 596 pages
...the consistency of ice, and thus we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded ; our sufferings,...were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only 13 of our number were able to carry provisions in seven journeys, of 62 miles each, to Batty Bay. N...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volume 103, Part 2; Volume 154

Early English newspapers - 1833 - 636 pages
...became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded ; eur sufferings , aggravated by want of bedding, clothing,...were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only 13 of our number were able to carry provisions in seven journeys, of 62 miles each, to Batty Bay. "...
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The Christian Advocate, Volume 11

1833 - 588 pages
...inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded ; our sufferiuiis, aggravated by want of bedding, clothing, and animal...the only man who perished at this beach, but three cl her-, besides one who had lost his foot, were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only 13...
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The voyages and expeditions of captains Ross, Parry, & Franklin in search of ...

W. H. Bishop - Arctic regions - 1834 - 50 pages
...the consistency of ice, so that we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded; our sufferings,...were able to carry provisions in seven journeys of sixty two miles each to Batty Bay. We left Fury Beach on the 8th of July, carrying with us three sick...
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The People's Magazine, Volume 1

1834 - 222 pages
...the consistency of ice, and thus we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded; our sufferings...our number were able to carry provisions in seven jouruies of sixty-two miles each to Batty Bay. " We left Fury Beach on the 8th of July, carrying with...
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The Mariner's Chronicle: Containing Narratives of the Most Remarkable ...

Naval battles - 1834 - 668 pages
...the consistency of ice, and thus we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded ; our sufferings;...were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only twelve out of our numbers were able to carry provisions in seven journeys of 62 miles each to Batty...
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Mechanics' Magazine, Volume 20

Technology - 1834 - 476 pages
...the consistency of ice, and thus we actually became the inhabitants of an iceberg during one of the most severe winters hitherto recorded ; our sufferings,...beach; but three others, besides one who had lost his toot, were reduced to the last stage of debility, and only 13 of our number were able to carry provisions...
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