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210 Children have been put out Apprentice, and 51. given with most of them.

108 To the Sea-Service.

90 Gone to Services; and

40 On the present Establishment.

448 In all.

The TRUSTEES meet once a Month, at the School-House on Clerkenwell-Green, to transact all Business relating to the Charity; where the Books, wherein are enter'd all their Receipts and Disbursements, are ready for the Inspection of those Gentlemen who are Subscribers or Benefactors to this Charity.-Benefactions are received at the School-House, directed to the Treasurer and Trustees of the said SOCIETY: Likewise at Messrs. Tysoe and Co., Bankers in Lombard Street; and Messrs. Drummond and Co., Bankers at Charing-cross.

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Tyngu anudonau

Ar werthfawr greiriau,*
Camgredu ac ammau
Geiriau gwiredd;

Trais, twyll, brad, cynnen,

Murn, lledrad, absen,

Llid, a chynfigen,

Rhan pob rhinwedd."

61. Gwag gynnwys,7 glwys Glyw,
Gwawr mawr meirw a byw,8
Gwirion Dad, rhad rhyw,9
Llyw llaweredd ;

Dy rad a geisiaf,

Dy nerth a archaf,

Dy nawdd a alwaf,

Naf nefol-wledd;

Rhag cwyn gwenwynig,1

Rhag cŵn dïeflig,
71. Rhag cynnen dremig,2
Ddig ddygasedd ;

Murn, a foul deed', 'murder'. 6 Rhag pob rhiedd.—MS.

7 There is considerable difficulty in this passage. Gwag gynnwys is probably an allusion to his own emptiness or wants, inasmuch as he immediately afterwards asks for the blessing he needed.


of grace to some, but the sovereign
of the many.'

1 Rhag hun gwenwynig.-MS.
2 Dremig. Drennig.-MS.
Dig dygasedd.-MS.


4 Mwg mignwern, the exhalations of a quagmire or bog'; a no uncommon expression of the me

Clod mawr marw a byw. diæval poets.
5 Caith for caeth.


• Rhad rhyw, Radryw. We conceive the bard's meaning to be: The God of truth is the giver

Gwaith gaith gethin-wern.—MS. • Drewiant gern uffern.

Effaith ddygnedd.-MS.

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