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blows. I could wish that several learned men would lay out that time which they employ in controversies and dis putes about nothing, in this method of fighting with their own shadows. It might conduce very much to evaporate the spleen, which makes them uneasy to the public as well as to themselves.-Addison.


HABIT.-Habit or custom, like a complex mathematical scheme, flows from a point, insensibly becomes a line, and unhappily (in that which is evil), it may become a curve.— Robinson.

HABIT.-Habits are to the soul, what the veins and arteries are to the blood, the courses in which it moves.-H. Bushnell.

HABIT.—Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity.Augustine.

HABIT. I trust everything, under God, to habit, upon which, in all ages, the lawgiver, as well as the schoolmaster, has mainly placed his reliance; habit which makes everything easy, and casts all difficulties upon the deviation from the wonted course. Make sobriety a habit, and intemperance will be hateful and hard; make prudence a habit, and reck less profligacy will be as contrary to the nature of the child grown an adult, as the most atrocious crimes are to any of your lordships. Give a child the habit of sacredly regarding the truth—of carefully respecting the property of othersof scrupulously abstaining from all acts of improvidence which can involve him in distress, and he will just as likely think of rushing into the element in which he cannot breathe, as of lying, or cheating, or stealing.-Lord Brougham.

HABIT, THE AID IT RENDERS TO VIRTUE.-Never did any soul do good, but it came readier to do the same again, with more enjoyment. Never was love, or gratitude, or bounty practised but with increasing joy, which made the practiser still more in love with the fair act.-Shaftesbury.

HABIT, THE MISERY OF AN EVIL.-If we wish to know who is the most degraded and the most wretched of human beings, look for a man who has practised a vice so long that he curses it and clings to it: that he pursues it because he feels a great law of his nature driving him on towards it; but reaching it, knows that it will gnaw his heart, and make him roll himself in the dust with anguish.

HABITS.-Habits, though in their commencement like the filmy line of the spider, trembling at every breeze, may, in the end, prove as links of tempered steel, binding a deathless being to eternal felicity or woe.-Sigourney.

HABITS. There are habits, not only of drinking, swearing. and lying, and of some other things which are commonly acknowledged to be habits, but of every modification of action, speech, and thought. Man is a bundle of habits. There are habits of industry, attention, vigilance, advertency; of a prompt obedience to the judgment occurring, or of yielding to the first impulses of passion: of extending our views to the future, or of resting upon the present; of apprehending, methodizing, reasoning; of indolence, dilatoriness; of vanity, selfconceit, melancholy, partiality; of fretfulness, suspicion, captiousness, censoriousness; of pride, ambition, covetousness; of overreaching, intriguing, projecting: in a word, there is not. a quality or function, either of body or mind, which does not feel the influence of this great law of animated nature.— Paley.

HABITS, A FEARFUL PRINCIPLE CONCERNING.--There is one feature in the law of habit so important, and so uniformly

sure in its operation, as to call for the notice and remem brance of all. It is this our power of passive sensation is weakened by the repetition of impressions, just as certainly as our active propensities are strengthened by the repetition. of actions.

HABITS IN CHILDREN.-In early childhood, you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry or idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train. your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe.

HAPPINESS.-Man courts happiness in a thousand shapes; and the faster he follows it, the swifter it flies from him. Almost everything promiseth happiness to us at a distance, such a step of honor, such a pitch of estate, such a fortune or match for a child: but when we come nearer to it, either we fall short of it, or it falls short of our expectation; and it is hard to say which of these is the greatest disappointment. Our hopes are usually bigger than the enjoyment can satisfy; and an evil long feared, besides that it may never come, is many times more painful and troublesome than the evil itself when it comes.--Tillotson.

HAPPINESS.-Happiness is like the statue of Isis, whose veil no mortal ever raised.-Landon.

HAPPINESS. If you cannot be happy in one way, be in another; and this facility of disposition wants but little aid from philosophy, for health and good humor are almost the whole affair. Many run about after felicity, like an absent man hunting for his hat, while it is in his hand or on his head-Sharp.

HAPPINESS. Men of the noblest dispositions think themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them -Taylor.

HAPPINESS.-We take greater pains to persuade others

that we are happy, than in endeavoring to think so ourselves. -Goldsmith.

HAPPINESS AND MISERY.-I see in this world two heapsone of happiness, and the other of misery. Now if I can take but the smallest bit from the second, and add it to the first, I carry a point. I should be glad indeed to do great things; but I will not neglect such little ones as this.— John Newton.

HAPPINESS AND WISDOM.— -There is this difference between happiness and wisdom, that he that thinks himself the happiest man really is so; but he that thinks himself the wisest, is generally the greatest fool.--Colton.

HAPPINESS, DOMESTIC.-Nothing hinders the constant agreement of people who live together, but vanity and selfishness. Let the spirit of humility and benevolence prevail, and discord and disagreement would be banished from the household.

HAPPINESS, DOMESTIC.--Six things are requisite to create a "happy home," Integrity must be the architect, and tidi ness the upholsterer. It must be warmed by affection, lighted up with cheerfulness; and industry must be the ventilator, renewing the atmosphere and bringing in fresh salubrity day by day; while over all, as a protecting canopy and glory, nothing will suffice except the blessing of God.Hamilton.

HAPPINESS, FALSE.--False happiness is like false money, it passes for a time as well as the true, and serves some ordinary occasions; but when it is brought to the touch, we find the lightness and alloy, and feel the loss.-Pope.

HAPPINESS FOUND ONLY IN GOD.-There is nothing substantial and satisfactory but the Supreme Good: in it, the deeper we go, and the more largely we drink, the better and

happier we are; whereas, in outward acquirements, if we could attain to the summit and perfection of them, the very possession with the enjoyment palls.

HAPPINESS, ITS COMMUNICATION.- -To communicate happiness is worthy the ambition of beings superior to man; for it is a first principle of action with the author of all existIt was God that taught it as a virtue; and it is God that gives the example.—Langhorne.


HAPPINESS MADE up of little things.-Pound St. Paul's church into atoms, and consider any single atom; it is, to be sure, good for nothing: but put all these atoms together, and you have St. Paul's church. So it is with human felicity, which is made up of many ingredients, each of which may be shown to be very insignificant.-Johnson.

HAPPINESS, THE art of.—'

-The chief secret of comfort lies in not suffering trifles to vex us, and in prudently cultivating our undergrowth of small pleasures, since very few great ones, alas! are let on long leases.-Sharp.

HAPPINESS, TRUE AND FALSE. -True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise; it arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self; and in the next, from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions: it loves shade and solitude, and naturally haunts groves and fountains, fields and meadows: in short, it feels everything it wants within itself, and receives no addition from multitudes of witnesses and spectators. On the contrary, false happiness loves to be in a crowd, and to draw the eyes of the world upon her. She does not receive any satisfaction from the applauses which she gives herself, but from the admiration which she raises in others. flourishes in courts and palaces, theatres, and assemblies, and


has no existence, but when she is looked upon.-Addison.

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