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the class of power, and the exclusive and polished circles. The last are always filled, or filling from the first. Fashion, though in a strange way, represents all manly virtue. It is virtue gone to seed; a kind of posthumous honor; a hall of the past. Great men are not commonly in its halls: they are absent in the field: they are working, not triumphing. Fashion is made up of their children.-R. W. Emerson.

SOCIETY, PROGRESS OF.-The history of any private fam ily, however humble, could it be fully related for five or six generations, would illustrate the state and progress of socie ty, better than the most elaborate dissertation.-Southey.

SOCIETY, SUCCESS IN.-The secret of success in society, is a certain heartiness and sympathy. A man who is not happy in company, cannot find any word in his memory that will fit the occasion; all his information is a little impertinent. A man who is happy there, finds in every turn of the conversation equally lucky occasions for the introduction of what he has to say. The favorites of society, and what it calls "whole souls," are able men, and of more spirit than wit, who have no uncomfortable egotism, but who exactly fill the hour and the company, contented and contenting.-R. W. Emer


SOLITUDE. Those beings only are fit for solitude, who like nobody, are like nobody, and are liked by nobody.Zimmerman.

SOLITUDE.--It has been said that he who retires to solitude is either a beast or an angel; the censure is too severe, and the praise unmerited: the discontented being, who retires from society, is generally some good-natured man, who has begun his life without experience, and knew not how to gain it in his intercourse with mankind.— Goldsmith

SOPHISTRY.-Sophistry is like a window curtain-it please as an ornament, but its true use is to keep out the light.

SORROW-Sorrow is a kind of rust of the soul, which every new idea contributes in its passage to scour away. It is the putrefaction of stagnant life, and is remedied by exercise and motion. -Johnson.

SORROW. If there is an evil in this world, 'tis sorrow and heaviness of heart. The loss of goods,-of health,-of coronets and mitres, are only evil, as they occasion sorrow;take that out--the rest is fancy, and dwelleth only in the head of man.-Sterne.

SORROW OF OTHERS. -He that hath pity on another man's sorrow, shall be free from it himself; and he that delighteth in, and scorneth the misery of another, shall one time or other fall into it himself.-Sir W. Raleigh.

SOUL, THE. -We may compare the soul to a linen cloth; it must be first washed, to take off its native hue and color, and to make it white; and afterwards it must be ever and anon washed to preserve and to keep it white.- -South.

SOUL, THE.-The soul, considered with its Creator, is like one of those mathematical lines that may draw near to another for all eternity without a possibility of touching it: and can there be a thought so transporting, as to consider ourselves in these perpetual approaches to him, who is not only the standard of perfection but of happiness!—Addison.

SOUNDS, THE POWER OF.-We take our ideas from sounds which folly has invented: fashion, bon ton, and virtù, are the names of certain idols, to which we sacrifice the genuine pleasures of the soul in this world of resemblance, we are contented with personating happiness; to feel it is an art beyond us.-Mackenzie.

SPEAKING ONE'S MIND.-Nothing is more silly than the pleasure some people take in "speaking their minds." A man of this make will say a rude thing, for the mere pleasure

of saying it, when an opposite behavior, full as innocent, might have preserved his friend, or made his fortune.-Steele.

SPEECH. It is usually said by grammarians, that the use of language is to express our wants and desires; but men who know the world hold, and I think with some show of reason, that he who best knows how to keep his necessities private, is the most likely person to have them redressed; and that the true use of speech is not so much to express our wants, as to conceal them.-Goldsmith.

SPELLING. It is a shame for a man to be so ignorant of this little art (spelling) in his own language, as to be perpetually confounding words of like sound, and different significations; the consciousness of which defect makes some men, otherwise of good learning and understanding, averse to writing even a common letter.--Franklin.

SPIRIT.-Spirit is now a very fashionable word; to act with spirit, to speak with spirit, means only to act rashly, and to talk indiscreetly. An able man shows his spirit by gentle words and resolute actions; he is neither hot nor timid. Chesterfield.

SPIRIT, HIGH-High spirit in man, is like a sword, which, though worn to annoy his enemies, yet is often troublesome in a less degree to his friends: he can hardly wear it so in offensively, but it is apt to incommode one or other of the company: it is more properly a loaded pistol, which accident alone may fire and kill one.-Shenstone.

SPIRIT, PUBLIC.--It is impossible that an ill-natured man can have a public spirit; for how should he love ten thousand men who never loved one?

SPIRITS.--He that loseth wealth, loseth much; he that loseth friends, loseth more; but he that loseth his spirits loseth all--Spanish Maxim.

STATE, THE FUTURE.--The prospect of a future state is the secret comfort and refreshment of my soul; it is that which makes nature look gay about me; it doubles all my pleasures, and supports me under all my afflictions. I can look at disappointments and misfortunes, pain and sickness, death itself, and what is worse than death, the loss of those who are dearest to me, with indifference, so long as I keep in view the pleasures of eternity, and the state of being in which there will be no fears nor apprehensions, pains nor sorrow, sickness nor separation.-Spectator.

STATESMAN.-The true genius that conducts a state is he, who doing nothing himself, causes everything to be done; he contrives, he invents, he foresees the future, he reflects on what is past, he distributes and proportions things; he makes early preparations, he incessantly arms himself to struggle against fortune, as a swimmer against a rapid stream of water; he is attentive night and day, that he may leave nothing to chance. Telemachus.

STEWARDSHIP, OUR.-Our children, relations, friends, honors, houses, lands, and endowments, the goods of nature and fortune, nay, even of grace itself, are only lent. It is our misfortune, and it may be added, our sin, to fancy they are given. We start, therefore, and are angry when the loan is called in. We think ourselves masters, when we are only stewards, and forget that to each of us it will one day be said, "Give an account of thy stewardship."-Bishop


STORY-TELLING.-Story-telling is subject to two unavoidable defects; frequent repetition and being soon exhausted; so that whoever values this gift in himself, has need of a good memory, and ought frequently to shift his company, that he may not discover the weakness of his fund; for those who are thus endowed, have seldom any other revenue, but live upon the main stock-Swift.

STRENGTH, OUR.~ Although men are accused for not know ing their own weakness, yet perhaps as few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold, which the owner knows not of.-Swift.

STUDY.-Study has something cloudy and melancholy in it, which spoils that natural cheerfulness, and deprives a man of that readiness of wit, and freedom of fancy, which are required towards a polite conversation. Meditation has still worse effects in civil society; wherefore let me advise you to take care, that you lose not by it with your friends what you think to gain with yourself.-St. Evremond's Letters.

STUDY.-When a king asked Euclid, the mathematician, whether he could not explain his art to him in a more compendious manner? he was answered, that there was no royal way to geometry. Other things may be seized by might, or purchased with money, but knowledge is to be gained only by study, and study to be prosecuted only in retirement.— Johnson.

STUDY OF BOOKS AND MEN.-He that studies only men, will get the body of knowledge without the soul; and he that studies only books, the soul without the body. He that to what he sees, adds observation, and to what he reads, reflection, is in the right road to knowledge, provided that in scrutinizing the hearts of others, he neglects not his own.— Colton.

STUDY OF MANKIND.-To study mankind, is not learning to hate them; so far from such a malevolent end, it is learning to bear and live easily with them.

STYLE. Style is only the frame to hold our thoughts. It is like the sash of a window, if heavy, it will obscure the light. The object is to have as little sash as will hold the light, that we may not think of the former, but have the latter.-Emmons.

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