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WIT.--I cannot imagine why we should be at the expense to furnish wit for succeeding ages, when the former have made no sort of provision for ours.--Swift.

WIT AND COMMON SENSE.--Fine sense and exalted sense are not half so useful as common sense. There are forty men of wit for one man of sense; and he that will carry nothing about him but gold, will be every day at a loss for want of readier change.--Pope.

WIT AND CONFIDENCE.--Wit gives confidence less than confidence gives wit.-Palmer's Aph.

WIT AND JUDGMENT.-Wit is brushwood, judgment timber: the one gives the greatest flame, and the other yields the most durable heat; and both meeting make the best fire. -Overlung.

WIT AND JUDGMENT.--Less judgment than wit, is more sail than ballast. Yet it must be confessed, that wit gives ar edge to sense, and recommends it extremely.--Penn.

WIT AND JUDGMENT.--Wit lies most in the assemblage of ideas, and putting those together with quickness and variety wherein can be found any resemblance or congruity thereby to make up pleasant pictures and agreeable visions in the fancy; judgment, on the contrary, lies quite on the other side, in separating carefully, one from another, ideas wherein can be found the least difference, thereby to avoid being mis led by similitude, and by affinity to take one thing for another.--Locke.

WIT AND JUDGMENT.-- -Where judgment has wit to express it, there is the best orator.--Penn.

WIT AND JUDGMENT.--The nature of wit is to have its ope ration prompt and sudden, and that of judgment to have it more deliberate and more slow: but he who remains totally

silent for want of leisure to prepare himself to speak well, and he also whom leisure does no ways benefit to better speaking, are equally unhappy.--Montaigne.

WIT AND KINDNESS.-Witty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping off a broken string; but a word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain. It is a sced, which, eyen when dropped by chance, springs up into a flower.—Sigourney.

WIT AND PUNNING.—Punning is a conceit arising from the use of two words that agree in the sound, but differ in the sense. The only way therefore to try a piece of wit, is to translate it into a different language: if it bears the test, you may pronounce it true; but if it vanishes in the experiment, you may conclude it to have been a pun. In short, one may say of a pun, as the countryman described his nightingale, that it is vox et præterea nihil, a sound, and nothing but a sound.-Addison.

WIT AND WINE.-Spirit alone is too powerful for use. It will produce madness rather than merriment; and instead of quenching thirst, will inflame the blood. Thus wit, too copinsly poured out. agitates the hearer with emotions rather violent than pleasing: every one shrinks from the force of its oppression; the company sits entranced and overpowered ; all are astonished, but nobody is pleased.-Johnson.

WIT, MALICIOUS.-Wit loses its respect with the good, when seen in company with malice; and to smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another's breast, is to become a principal in the mischief-Sheridan.

WIT, TRUE AND FALSE.-As true wit generally consists in the resemblance and congruity of ideas, false wit chiefly consists in the resemblance and congruity sometimes of single letters, as in anagrams, chronograms, lipograms, and acros

ties sometimes of words, as in puns and quibbles: and sometimes of whole sentences or poems, cast into the figures of eggs, axes, or altars. Nay, some carry the notion of wit so far, as to ascribe it even to external mimicry; and to look upon a man as an ingenious person, that can resemble the tone, posture, or face of another.-Addison.

WITS. It is with wits as with razors, which are never so apt to cut those they are employed on, as when they have lost their edge.-Swift.

WITs. Some wits, like oracles, deal in ambiguities; but not with equal success; for though ambiguities are the first excellence of an impostor, they are the last of a wit.Young.

WOMAN.-Man is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man.-Paul.

WOMAN.-Discretion and good-nature have been always looked upon as the distinguishing ornaments of female conversation. The woman whose price is above rubies, has no particular in the character given of her by the wise man, more endearing than that she openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness.-Freeholder.

WOMAN.--A man cannot possess anything that is better than a good woman, nor anything that is worse than a bad one. Simonides.

WOMAN. The modest virgin, the prudent wife, or the careful matron, are much more serviceable in life, than petticoated philosophers, blustering heroines, or virago queens. She who makes her husband and her children happy, who reclaims the one from vice, and trains up the other to virtue, is a much greater character than ladies described in romance, whose whole occupation is to murder mankind with shafts from their quiver or their eyes.-Goldsmith.

WOMEN. Women have more strength in their looks, than we have in our laws, and more power by their tears, than we have by our arguments.-Saville.

WOMEN.-Women govern us; let us try to render them more perfect. The more they are enlightened, so much the more we shall be. On the cultivation of the minds of women, depends the wisdom of man.-Sheridan.

WOMEN-To the disgrace of men it is seen, that there are women both more wise to judge what evil is expected, and more constant to bear it when it is happened.-Sir P. Sidney.

WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN.-The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother.--Bonaparte.

WOMEN AND THEIR HUSBANDS.-A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband; but she that maketh ashamed, is as rottenness in his bones.-Solomon.

WOMEN AND THEIR HUSBANDS.-St. Paul first adviseth women to submit themselves to their husbands, and then counselleth men to love their wives. And it was fitting that women should first have their lesson given them, because it is hardest to be learned, and therefore they need have the more time to con it.-Fuller.

WOMEN AND THEIR HUSBANDS.-Women never truly command, till they have given their promise to obey; and they are never in more danger of being made slaves, than when the men are at their feet.--Farquhar.

WOMEN, MASCULINE.-Women famed for their valor, their skill in politics, or their learning, leave the duties of their own sex, in order to invade the privileges of ours. I can no more pardon a fair one for endeavoring to wield the club of Her

cules, than I could him for endeavoring to twirl her distaff -- Goldsmith.


WOMEN, THEIR INFLUENCE.-One reason why women are forbidden to preach the gospel, is, that they would persuade without argument, and reprove without giving offence.-J. Newton.

WOMEN, THEIR INFLUENCE-There is nothing by which I have through life more profited than by the just observations, the good opinions, and sincere and gentle encouragement of amiable and sensible women.-Sir S. Romilly.

WORDS.-Words should be employed as the means, not as the end language is the instrument, conviction is the work. -Sir J. Reynolds.

WORDS.-Words are but lackeys to sense, and will dance attendance without wages or compulsion: Verba non invita sequentur.-Swift.

WORDS.-When words are scarce, they are seldom spent in vain.-Shakspeare.

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WORDS. Such as thy words are, such will thy affections be esteemed; and such will thy deeds as thy affections, and such thy life as thy deeds.-Socrates.

WORDS.-Learn the value of a man's words and expressions, and you know him. Each man has a measure of his own for everything; this he offers you inadvertently in his words. He who has a superlative for everything, wants a measure for the great or small.-Lavater.

WORDS, EXAGGERATED.-Some so speak in exaggerations and superlatives, that we need to make a large discount from their statements, before we can come at their real meaning.

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