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Fellenberg, Philip Emanuel, founder
of Hofwyl Institute, 335, 336,

Fénelon, Abbé, Telemachus, study of,
in English, Franklin's Sketch,

Finley, (Rev.) Samuel, master acad.
at Nottingham, Md., 100; pres.
Princeton College, 100, 118.
Fisk, (Rev.) John, master Salem
(Mass.) S., 38.
Fiske, Catherine, head of acad. for

girls, Keene, N. H., 254.
Fithian, Philip Vickers, chaplain in

Continental army, 122; tutor in
family of Robert Carter of Vir-
ginia, 119; Journal and Letters,
quoted, 142.

Five Mile Act (English), 162.
Florida, School System, 223, 489.
Flower, Enoch, master at Philadel-
phia, 1683, 74.
Flushing Institute. See St. Paul's

Forbes, S. A., prof. Univ. of Illinois,
suggested commission

on ac-

credited ss., 390.
"Formal discipline," 385 f. n.
Forms, colonial grammar ss., 139.
Fouillée, Alfred, 454, 457.
Fourcroy, his knowledge of the Univ.

of New York, 210 f. n.

Fowle, W. B., editor of "Schools of
the olden time in Boston,"
Common School Journal, vol. XII.,
131 f. n.

France, influence of, on American
education, 204, 209, 210 f. n.
France, University of, 210 f. n.
"Frankfort plan," 465.
Frankland, Richard, head of college
at Durham, and of acad. at
Rathmill (Eng.), 161.
Franklin, Benjamin, attended Boston

Latin S., 140; Defoe's influence
on him, 156, 175; friendship for
Dr. Priestley, 172; founder of
Philadelphia Public Acad., 180 f;
showed need of teachers for ele-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Geometry, college entrance require-

ment, 232, 371.

Study of, in Amer. acad., 238,
278; in colonial gr. s., 134;
in English acad., 169, 171; in
h. ss., 301, 553, 417, 419.
George, Henry, pupil Central H. S.,

Philadelphia, 434.

Georgetown, Md., Acad. of the Visi-

tation, 326; Roman Catholic
acad., 324-326, 503.
Georgetown, S. C., Winyaw Indigo
Society S., 98.

Georgia (Colony), School System,
101; (State), School System, 201,
225, 491; University of, 211,
270, 301.

German influence on American edu-
cation, 338.

German language, study of, in

Franklin's Proposals, 182; in
acad., 191; in h. ss., 417, 418.
Germantown, Pa., Acad., 201, 503;
H. S., 303.

Girard, Stephen, founder of Girard
College, 341-343.

Girard College, Philadelphia, founda-

tion and early history, 342-345,
Girls, education of, 222, 244, 251, 252,
253, 254-255, 268, 306, 312, 326,
327, 329, 330, 400, 407.
Gloucester, Eng., Acad. of Rev.

Samuel Jones, 167.
Goodwin, Edward J., principal Peter
Cooper H. S., New York City,

Goose Creek, S. C., S., foundation,

Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, principal
Boston Latin S., 243, 275;
quoted, 275-277, 307–308.
Grades in colonial gr. ss., 139.
Gradus ad Parnassum, 132.
Grammar schools, American, colo-

nial period, in general, chap. III.;
decline, 91; prepared especially
for the ministry, 57; relations
to colleges, 57, 230; rules, 135 f. ;

post-Revolutionary, 272, 273;
English, 7 ff,

"Grammar schools," modern use
of the term in Boston, 1789,
199 f. n.

"Great Awakening," 85, 86, 87, 105,

Grant, Zilpah P. See Bannister,
(Mrs.) Wm. B.
Greek language, college entrance
requirement, 128 f., 371, 372;
methods of teaching, 425.
Study of, in Amer. acad., chaps.
IX. and XI., passim, 216, 237,
272, 277; in Amer. colonial ss.,
chap. VII., passim; in English
acad., chap. VIII, passim; in
English gr. ss., 23, 26; in h.
ss., 352, 353, 354, 383, 417, 418,
419, 441.

Green, John C., founder of Law-
renceville S., 397.

Green, Samuel, his description of
Nathan Hale, quoted, 123.
Greenfield, Conn., Acad., 200.
Greenfield Hill, Conn., Acad., 249,

253, 268-269.

Grew, Theophilus, prof. Philadelphia
Public Acad., 184.
Griscom, John, opened h. s. for boys,

New York City, 306; quoted,
309; travels in Europe, 304,
305; visit to Edinburgh H. S.,
305, 516.

Groton, Mass., Acad., 199, 505;
Groton S., 397.

Guarino, treatise on education,


Guilford, Conn., Grammar S., foun-
dation, 44.

Guilford County, N. C., classical s.
in, 99.

Gulliver, John P., leader in the foun-
dation of the Free Acad., Nor-
wich, Conn., 315; quoted, 315,


Gunn, Frederick W., founder of the
“Gunnery,” Washington, Conn.,


Guyse, Dr. John, urged Jonathan
Edwards to write his account of
the Great Awakening, 176.

HACKENSACK, N. J., Washington
Acad., 96, 201.

Hadley, Mass., Hopkins S. (later
Hopkins Acad.), 48, 117, 124,
125, 148, 242, 504.
Hagerstown, Md., St. James' Col-
lege, 395.

Haldimand, General, and boys of
Boston Latin S., 138 f. n.

Hale, John P., 260.

Hale, Nathan, master at New Lon-
don, Conn., 122, 516.

Hall, Joseph, quoted, 24.

Hall, Samuel R., opened seminary
for training of teachers at An-
dover, Mass., 150.

Hallowell, Me., Acad., 200.
Hamilton, Alexander, relations to

the founding of the University
of New York, 209.

Hampton, Va., H. S., endowment, 49.
Hancock, John, 117.

Harley, Robert (Earl of Oxford),

pupil of John Woodhouse at
Sheriff hales, Eng., 163.
Harris, Wm. T., definition of secon-
dary education, 3; on number
of h. ss. in 1860, 313; member
of the Committee of Ten, 381.
Hart, Dr. John Seely, principal Central

H. S., Philadelphia, 422, 430, 517.
Hartford, Conn., Grammar S., 45,

47, 200, 243, 504; H. S., 312,
503, 504; Miss Beecher's Semi-
nary, 254, 504.
Hartlib, Samuel, letter of Milton to
him, 155.

Harvard University, 107, 193; en-

trance requirements, 128, 232,
249; elective courses, 248; or-
ganization of the corporation,
145, 281, 289; relations to Bos-
ton Latin S., 37, 243; secured
part of the Hopkins Fund, 47;
support from Salem, 38.

Haverhill, Mass., Acad., 241, 504.
Haymount, N. C., Manual Labor S.,


Hazzard, J. C., ed. of Eutropius, 154.
Hebrew language, study of, in Eng-
lish acad., 167, 170.

Helvetius, theory of education, 204.
Henry, Matthew, pupil in acad. at
Islington, Eng., 169, 193.
Herodotus, studied in Phillips An-
dover Acad., 263.

Herschel, F. W., Astronomy, 232.
High schools, American, in general,
chaps. XIV-XVI., pp. 295, 357-
368, 393, 400; county h. ss.,
Iowa, 354, Maryland, 355; cur-
riculum, chap. XVIII., passim,
and 416-417, 419; development
of term "h. s.," 301-303; per
cent of population in, 465; right
to maintain decided by courts,
356-359; special legislation es-
tablishing, 353; township h. ss.,
Indiana, 379, Wisconsin, 365.
For individual h. ss., see names
of cities and names of separate
h. ss.
History, ancient, college entrance
requirement, 232, 371; study of,
in Amer. acad., 238, 277.
History, general, methods of teach-
ing, 423-424, 428.

Study of, in Amer. acad., 101,

232, 238, 277; in English acad.,
171; in h. ss., 301, 353, 417, 419;
in Franklin's Proposals, 181, in
his Sketch, 189.

History, United States, college en-
trance requirement, 371.
Study of, in Amer. acad., 236, 237;
in h. ss., 301, 353, 462.
Hingham, Mass., Derby S., 200.
Hofwyl (Switzerland) Institute, 335-
336, 346.

[blocks in formation]

Holland, J. G., Arthur Bonnicastle,


Holmes, Oliver Wendell, The School
Boy, quoted, 262.

Holy Cross College, Worcester,
Mass., foundation, 328.
Homer, study of, in acad., 277; in
colonial gr. ss., 132; in Frank-
lin's Sketch, 189.

Hooper, Robert, pupil in Boston
Latin S., 117.

Hopewell, N. J., Baptist S., 95.
Hopkins, Edward, benefactor of
Connecticut and Massachusetts
gr. ss., 45 f.

Hopkins Grammar S. See Hadley,
Mass.; Hartford, Conn.; New
Haven, Conn.

Horace, study of, in Amer. acad.,
238, 271, 277; in colonial gr.
ss., 132; proposed in Franklin's
Sketch, 189.

Hort, (Rev.) Josiah, Archbishop of
Tuam, pupil in acad. at Newing-
ton, Eng., 167.
Hughes, (Bishop) John, opened St.
John's College, Fordham, N. Y.,

Hughes, John, pupil in acad. at New-
ington, Eng., 167.
Huguenots, settlement in the south
of the U. S., 84.
Hutchinson, (Gov.) Wm., description
of Ezekiel Cheever, 114.
Huxley, T. H., definition of a national

system of education, 347.

ILLINOIS, School System, 221, 222,
367, 497; legal status of h. ss.,


Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ill.,


of Education as inspectors of
secondary education, 378-379,
491, 498; State Normal S., 379.
University of, 220, 385; accrediting
system, 378.

Indians, education of, 93.

Iowa, School System, acad., 222-
223; h. ss., 354, 494.
University of, 223.

Ipswich, Eng., Cardinal Wolsey's S.,


Ipswich, Mass., girls' s., 254, 505.
Irving, Washington, 247.

Isocrates, read in Tewkesbury, Eng.,
Acad., 168.

JACKSON, (Gen.) Thomas J. (“Stone-
wall"), teacher in the Virginia
Military Institute, 334.
Jacksonville (Ill.) Female Acad., 222.
Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit,
Md., 398.

Jamison, David, master of Latin S.
in New York City, 53.
Jay, John, pupil at St. Paul's College,
Flushing, L. I., 394.
Jefferson, Thomas, 201, 228, 250 f.

n.; influence on public educa-
tion in Virginia, 292; letter to
Cabell, quoted, 350; notes on
the state of education in Virginia,
quoted, 207, 208.
Jesuits, Latin ss., 8; Acad. at George-
town, Md., 324-325; Holy Cross
College, Worcester, Mass., 328;
prominence of, in Roman Catholic
educational work, 327; St. John's
College, Fordham, N. Y., 328,
511; s. at Bohemia Manor, Md.,

Jewish antiquities, study of, in
English Acad., 168, 169, 171.

Independent Reflector, New York City, Johnson, Osgood, principal Phillips
1752-1753, 284–286.

Andover Acad., 266.

Indiana, Constitution of 1816, quoted, Johnson, Samuel, quoted, 165 f. n.;


Indiana, School System,


seminaries, 220; organization of
state system, 364; State Board

on Milton's Tractate, 160.

Johnson, Samuel (American), Ethica
elementa, Noetica, in Franklin's
Sketch, 189.

[blocks in formation]

KALAMAZOO (Mich.) H. S. Case,

Kansas, School System, 367, 488, 491.
Keene, N. H., Miss Fiske's s. 254.
Keith, George, master Philadelphia

Gr. S., 54; missionary of Society
for the Propagation of the Gos-
pel, 82.
Kentucky, School System, county
acad., 219-220, 225, 491.
Kent, (Chancellor) James, on the

Dartmouth College Case, 290.
King, Henry, founder of a free s. in
Isle of Wight Co., Va., 49.
King William's S., Annapolis, Md.,
foundation, 56; corporation of
150, 505.
King's College, New York City. See
Columbia University.
Kingswood, Eng., Methodist S., 172.
Knowlton, Cyrus, principal Hughes
H. S., Cincinnati, Ohio, 431.
Konkapunt, John, pupil at Nazareth
Hall, 191.

LABORATORY methods in secondary
Ss., 383, 418-422.

La Chalotais, L. R. C., educational
theories, 204; quoted, 285.
La Fayette (Marquis de), Jean Fran-

çois, his reputation in America
after independence, 235.

Lancaster, Joseph, founder of the
monitorial system, 294.
Lancasterian methods, 268, 305,


Latin language, college entrance
requirement, 128 f., 371; compo-
sition in Amer. acad., 237, 272;
composition in colonial grammar
ss., 132; methods of teaching, 21,
22, 114, 273, 276, 277-278, 424-

Study of, in Amer. acad., chap.

XI., passim; in colonial gr. ss.,
chap. VII., passim; in English
acad., chap. VIII. do.; in English
grammar ss., chap. II., do.; in
h. ss., 352, 353, 354, 382, 417,
419, 441; in Franklin's Proposals,
181, 182.

Latin ss., European, 7.
Laud, (Archbishop) Wm., efforts to
secure a bishop for America, 83.
Lawrenceville S., Lawrenceville,
N. J., 397.

Laws, instruction regarding, 135;
for legislation regarding ss., see
School laws.

Leach, Arthur F., on 16th cent.
gr. ss., 17 ff.

Lebanon, Conn., Moor's Indian
Charity S., 93

Lecture system in secondary ss., 421.
Leicester (Mass.) Acad., 199, 200,

240, 245, 253, 506.

Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 385.
Lewis, Samuel, on expansion of ele-
mentary ss., 314.
Lexington, Va., Virginia Military

Institute, foundation, 334.
L'Hommedieu, Ezra, founder of the

University of New York, 209.
Liberty (Ind.) county seminary, 220.
Liberty Hall Acad., Charlotte, N. C.,


Libraries in secondary ss., English

acad., 171, 174; in Franklin's
Proposals, 180; recommended by
Commission on accredited ss.,

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