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The sacrifices of virtue will not only
be rewarded hereafter, but recom-
pensed even in this life. (1.)
All those possessed of any office,
resigned their former commis-
sion. (2.)

"If young persons were determined
to conduct themselves by the rules


of virtue, not only would they escape innumerable dangers, but command respect from the licentious themselves." (2.)

"Charles was a man of learning, knowledge, and benevolence; and, what is still more, a true Christian." (2.)

6. The ellipsis of the adverb is used in the following manner: "He spok and acted wisely;" that is, "He spoke wisely, and he acted wisely? "Thrice I went and offered my service;" that is, "Thrice I went, and thrice I offered my service."

How is the ellipsis of the adverb used?

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7. The ellipsis of the preposition, as well as of the verb, is seen in the following instances: "He went into the abbeys, halls, and public buildings;" that 's, He went into the abbeys, he went into the halls, and he went into the public buildings." "He also went through all the streets and lanes of the city;" that is, "through all the streets, and through all the lanes," &c. "He spoke to every man and woman there;" that is, to every man and to every woman." "This day, next month, last year;" that is, "On this day, in the next month, in the last year." "The Lord do that which seemeth him good;" that is, "which seemeth to him."


Will you give an example of the ellipsis of the preposition and the verb ?

Changes a almost continually
taking place, in men and in man-
ners, in opinions and in customs,
in private fortunes and public
conduct." (5.) (3.)

"Averse either to contradict or blame,
the too complaisant man goes
with the manners that pre-
vail." (5.)
"By this habitual indelicacy, the vir-


gins smiled at what they blushed
before." (5.)

"They are now reconciled to what
they could not formerly be
prompted, by any considera-
tions." (5.)
"Censure is the tax which a man pays

the public for being eminent." (5.) "Reflect on the state of human life,

and the society of men as mixed with good and with evil.” (5.)

8. The ellipsis of the conjunction is as follows: "They confess the power, wisdom, goodness, and love of their Creator;" that is, "the power, and wisdom, and goodness, and love of," &c. "Though I love him, I do not flatter him ;" that is, "Though I love him, yet I do not flatter him."

Will you give an example of the ellipsis of a conjunction ?

"In all stations and conditions, the
important relations take place, of
masters and servants, and hus-
bands and wives, and parents and
children, and brothers and friends,
and citizens and subjects." (6.)
'Destitute of principle, he regarded
neither his family, nor his friends,
nor his reputation." (4.)


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"Religious persons are often unjustly represented as persons of romantic character, visionary notions, unacquainted with the world, unfit to live in it." (1.).

"No rank, station, dignity of birth,
possessions, exempt inen from
contributing their share to public
utility." (7.)

very common: it, however, is some-
that is, "Oh, pity! oh, shame!"
(3.) Reject two words. (4.) Reject oue word

17) nor- no or any.

As the ellipsis occurs in almost every sentence in the English languag numerous examples of it might be given; but only a few more can be ad

mitted here.

In the following instance, there is a very considerable one: "He will ofter argue, that if this part of our trade were well cultivated, we should gain from one nation; and if another, from another;" that is, "He will often argue, that if this part of our trade were well cultivated, we should gain from one nation; and if another part of our trade were well cultivated, we should gain from another nation."

The following instances, though short, contain much of the ellipsis: "Wo is me;" i. e. "wo is to me." "To let blood;" i. e. " to let out blood." "To let down ;" i. e. "to let it fall or slide down." "To walk a mile ;" i. e. " to walk through the space of a mile." "To sleep all night;" i. e. " to sleep through all the night." "To go a fishing," "To go a hunting;" i. e. " to go on a fishing voyage or business;" "to go on a hunting party." "I dine at two o'clock;" i. e. "at two of the clock." "By sea, by land, on shore ;" i. e. "by the sea, by the land, on the shore."

What is said of the ellipsis of the interjection?


'Oh, my father! Oh, my friend! how Oh, piety! virtue! how insensible great has been my ingratitude!" have I been to your charms!" (2.)



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10. The examples that follow are produced to show the impropriety of ellipsis in some particular cases. "The land was always possessed, during pleasure, by those intrusted with the command;" it should be," those persons intruste 1;" "those who were intrusted.” “ If he had read farther, he would have found several of his objections might have been spared;" that is, "he would have found that several of his objections," &c. "There is nothing men are more deficient in, than knowing their own characters;" it ought to be, "nothing is which men," and, "than in knowing." scarcely know any part of natural philosophy would yield more variety and use;" it should be," which would yield," &c. "In the temper of mind he was then ;" that is, "in which he then was. "The little satisfaction and consistency to be found in lost of the systems of divinity I have met with, made me betake myself to th sole reading of the Scriptures;" it ought to be," which are to be found," and which I have met with." "He desired they might go to the altar together, and jointly return their thanks to whom only they were due;" that is, to him to whom," &c. "There is nothing men are more deficient in, than in knowing their own characters." Will you correct this sentence?

"That is a property most men have,

or at least may attain." (3.) "Why do ye that which is not lawful

to do on the sabbath days ?" (2.) "The show bread, which is not lawful to eat, but for the priests alone." (2.)



"Most, if not all, the royal family had quitted the place." (2.)

"By these happy labors, they who sow and reap, will rejoice together." (4.)

Corresponding with Murray's Granmar,

All the parts of a sentence should correspond to each other: a regular and dependent construction, throughout, should be carefully preservea The following sen tence is, therefore, inaccurate: "He was more beloved, but not so much admired, as Cinthio." It should be, "He was more beloved than Cinthio, but not so much admired."

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The first example under this rule presents a most irregular construction, namely • He was mor beloved as Cinthio." The words more and so much are very improperly stated as having the same regimen. In correcting such sentences, it is not necessary to supply the latter ellipsis; because it cannot lead to any discordant or Improper construction, and the supply would often be harsh or inelegant,

As the 31st Rule comprehends all the preceding rules, it may, at the first view, appear to be too general to be useful. But, by ranging under it a number of sentences peculiarly constructed, we shall perceive that it is calculated to ascertain the true grammatical construction of many modes of expression, which none of the particular rules can sufficiently explain.

"This dedication may serve for almost any book, that has, is, or shall be publish ed;" it ought to be," that has been, or shall be published." "He was guided by interests always different, sometimes contrary to, those of the community; "dif ferent from;" or, "always different from those of the community, and sometim contrary to them." "Will it be urged that these books are as old, or even older than tradition ?" the words "as old," and "older," cannot have a coin mon regimen; it should be, "as old as tradition, or even older." "It requires few talents to which most men are not born, or at least may not acquire ;" "or which, at least, they may not acquire." "The court of chancery frequently mitigates and breaks the teeth of the common law." In this construction, the first verb is said to mitigate the teeth of the common law," which is an evident solecism. "Mitigates the common law, and breaks the teeth of it," would have been grammatical. "They presently grow into good humor and good language towards the crown ;" grow into good language," is very improper. "There is never wanting a set of evil instruments, who, either out of mad zeal, private hatred, or filthy lucre, are always ready," &c. We say properly, "A man acts out of mad zeal," or, "out of private hatred;" but we cannot say, if we would speak English, "he acts out of filthy lucre.""To double her kindness and caresses of me:" the word kindness requires to be followed by either to or for, and cannot be construed with the preposition of. "Never was man so teased, or suffered half the uneasiness, as I have done this evening :" the first and third clauses, namely, "never was man so teased," "as I have done this evening," cannot be joined without an impropriety; and to connect the second and third, the word that must be substituted for as; or suffered half the uneasiness that I have done;" or else, "half so much uneasiness as I have suffered."

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The first part of the following sentence abounds with adverbs, and those such as are hardly consistent with one another: "How much soever the reformation of this degenerate age is almost utterly to be despaired of, we may yet have a more comfortable prospect of future times." The sentence would be more correct in the following form: "Though the reformation of this degenerate age is nearly to be despaired of," &c.

"Oh! shut not up my soul with the sinners, nor my life with the bloodthirsty ; in whose hands is wickedness, and their right hand is full of gifts." As the passage introduced by the copulative conjunction and, was not intended as a continuation of the principal and independent part of the sentence, but of the dependent part, the relative whose should have been used instead of the possessive their; namely, "and whose right hand is full of gifts."

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." There seems to be an impropriety in this instance, in which the same noun serves in a double capacity, performing at the same time the offices both of the nominative and objective cases. Neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things," &c. would have been regular.

"We have the power of retaining, altering, and compounding those images which we have once received, into all the varieties of picture and vision." It is very proper to say, "altering and compounding those images which we have once received, into all the varieties of picture and vision ;" but we cannot with propriety say, "retaining them into all the varieties ;" and yet, according to the manner in which the words are ranged, this construction is unavoidable: for retaining, altering, and compounding are participles, each of which equally refers to and governs the subsequent noun, those images; and that noun, again, is necessarily connected with the following preposition, into. The construction might easily have been rectified. by disjoining the participle retaining from the other two participles, in this way. "We have the power of retaining those images which we have once re eived, and of altering and compounding them into all the varieties of picture and von ;" or, perhaps, better thus: "We have the power of retaining, altering, and compounding those images which we have once received, and of forming them into all the varieties of picture and vision."

Will you

Why is the first example under this rule inaccurate? "This dedication may serve for almost any book, that has, is, or shall be published " point out the inaccuracies in this sentence, and correct them?

"Several alterations and additions have been made to the work." (1.) "The first proposal was essentially different, and inferior to the second." (2.)

"He is more bold and active, but not so wise and studious as his companion." (3.) •Thou hearest the sound of the wind, but thou canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth." Neither has he, nor any other persons, suspected so much dissimulation." (4.)

"The court of France or England

was to have been the umpire." (5.) "In the reign of Henry II, all foreign commodities were plenty in England." (6.)

"There is no talent so useful towards success in business, or which puts men more out of the reach of accidents, than that quality generally possessed by persons of coo. temper, and is, in common language, called discretion." (7.) "The first project was to shorten discourse, by cutting polysyllables into one." (8.)

'I shall do all I can to persuade

others to take the same measures for their cure which I have. (9.) "The greatest masters of critical learning differ among one an

other.' "Micaiah said, If thou certainly return in peace, then hath not the Lord spoken by me." (10.) "I do not suppose, that we Britons want a genius, more than the rest of our neighbors." (10.) "The deaf man whose ears were opened, and his tongue loosened, doubtless glorified the great Physician." (11.)

"Groves, fields, and meadows are, a. any season of the year, pleasant to look upon; but never so much as in the opening of the spring." (12.) "The multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace." "The intentions of some of these phi

losophers, nay, of many, might and probably were good." (13.) "It was an unsuccessful undertaking which, although it has failed, is ne objection at all to an enterprise se well concerted." (14.) "The reward is his duc, and it has al ready, or will hereafter be given to him." (15.)

"By intercourse with wise and expe rienced persons, who know the world, we may improve and rub off the rust of a private and retired education." (16.)

"Sincerity is as valuable, and even more valuable, than knowledge." (17.) "No person was ever so perplexed, or sustained the mortifications, as he has done to-day." (18.) "The Romans gave not only th freedom of the city, but capacity for employments, to several towns in Gaul, Spain, and Germany." (19.) "Such writers have no other standard on which to form themselves, except what chances to be fashionable and popular." (20.) "Whatever we do secretly, shall be displayed and heard in the clearest light." (21.)

"To the happiness of possessing a person of so uncommon merit," Boethius soon had the satisfaction of obtaining the highest honor his country could bestow."

(1.) "This work his reveived." &c. (2.) "was inferior to the second, and—from it." (3.) "active than his." (4.) Insert "have." (5.)" or that of." (6.) "plentiful.h (7.) Insert "more" and "which." (8 by reducing-to words of one syllable." (9.) Insert a participle. (10.) Ro ject one word. (1) Insert two words, and reject one. (12.) Insert "80." (13.) Insert" have been." (14.) "the failure of which is however." (15.) Insert "been." (16.) End with, "and rub off its rust? (17.) as knowledge, and." (18.) Insert "been" for "done," and end with "such mortification." (19.) the inhabitants of." (20. Reject one word. (21.)“ displayed in the clearest.”


ists of two parts: the former teaches the true PROwords, comprising ACCENT, QUANTITY, EMPHASIS, ; the latter, the laws of VERSIFICATION



ying of a peculiar stress of the voice on a certain letter or that it may be better heard than the rest, or distinguished he word presume, the stress of the voice must be on the 1 syllable sume, which take the accent.


of a syllable is that time which is occupied in pronouncing


ole is long, when the accent is on the vowel, which occa joined in pronunciation with the following letter; as, füll,


t, when the accent is on the consonant, which occasions -kly joined to the succeeding letter; as, ănt, bõnnět, hũngèr. generally requires double the time of a short one in proate and note should be pronounced as slowly again as


meant a stronger and fuller sound of voice, by which we rd or words on which we design to lay a particular stress, y affect the rest of the sentence. Sometimes the emphatic inguished by a particular tone of voice, as well as by a


, in speaking and reading, are a total cessation of the eptible, and, in many cases, a measurable space of time.


nt both from emphasis and pauses, consisting in the modu he notes or variations which we employ in the expression


is the arrangement of a certain number and variety of to certain laws.

respondence of the last sound of one verse to the last

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