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dow or Child be brought into the next Court of Sessions, unless the Court for reasons showed them may think fitt to grant Liberty to bring it in the Court following. But in case the deceased Dye without widow or Child, then the estate, for the better improvement thereof shall be sould by order of the Court at an Outcry, and the purchasers all puting Security, and Acknowledging Judgment for their debt which by the Court shall be Assigned to the several Creditors of the decendant, and paid according to the priority of Law and the Surplusage remaining, if any, to be delivered to the next kinsman of the descendant, if he appears or if none prove himself such within one year and six weeks, Then the Court to give an accompt of the said Surplusage to the Governour. And when the widow or Child Administers the surplusage after debts paid and the funerall Charges according to the quality of the person allowed for, shall be equally divided between the Widow and Children, viz. one third of the personall Estate to the widow and the other two thirds amongst the Children, provided the Eldest Sonne shall have a double portion, and where their are no Sonnes the daughters shall Inherit as Copartners, and if any of the Children shall happen to dye before it come to age his portion shall be divided amongst the Surviving Children.

Whoever pretends to Administer upon any Estate shall bring to the Court Sufficient Security, before the Order shall be granted, And an Order thus obtained legally by giving in such Security to be truly accomptable to bring in a true Inventory, and to perform such things as Administered by Law are, required or enjoyned, shall not any time after be reserved, unlesse the party that obtained the Same, dye before he hath given an Accompt of the estate and obtained his Quietus in which case the Court is Impowered to grant the Administration of that Estate so not Accompted for to some other person who may by virtue

thereof call the heirs Executors or Administrators of the former Administratores to accompt who shall pay out of the deceased Administrators Estate all such debts as shall be found due to the estate he administered upon in the first place.

If any Executor nominated in any will and knowing thereof shall not at the next Sessions which shall be above thirty days after the decease of the party; or shall not cause the same to be recorded by the Recorder or Clarke of that Court within that Jurisdiction the deceased party last dwelt. Or if any person whatsoever shall not within the same time take Administration of all such goods as he hath, or shall enter upon of any party deceased, or if any person or persons shall alienate or Embezell any lands or goods before they have proved and recorded the will of the deceased or taken Administration, every such person so administering, or Executing shall be lyable to be sued, and shall be bound to pay all such debts respectively as the deceased party owed whether the estate of the deceased weare sufficient for the same or not and shall also forfeit.

If any person shall renounce his Executorship or that none of the friends or kindred of the deceased party that shall die intestate shall seeke for Administration of such persons Estate, then the Constable of the Town where any such person shall die, shall give notice thereof to the next Court of Sessions; that so the Court may take order therein, as they shall think meet, who shall also allow such Constable due recompence for his pains But if the Constable shall fail therein, he shall forfeit forty Shillings to the publigue Treasury.

That the Clarke of the sessions when he carries the Probates or Commissions of Administration to be signed do then also Certify unto the recorders Office at New York, the name of the testator or the party deceased the Executors or Administrators and their Se

curity, the County and Parrish where they dwelt And the Court wherein the Administration is granted to the end that strangers and other Creditors invested in the Estate may be the better Enabled to find out the Records in which the accompts of the estate is entered and be informed how they may come to their just dues.

Memorandum That what is here spoken of Executors or Administrators the like is ment; and intended also of Executrixes & Administratrixes who in such Cases are to have the same priviledges.


All Amerciaments and Fines that are not expresly regulated because the meritt of the Case or offence can not be foreseen shall be imposed at the discression of the Court.

That all fines and Amercements be collected by the petty Constables who are to give in an Accompt of them to the high Constable Eight days before the Sessions ensuing, and the high Constable shall give in their Accompts to the high Sherriffe eight days before the next Assizes.


It shall be lawful for the plaintiffe or Defendant to take out Subpence from the Sherriffe or under Sheriff to Summon Witnesses to give in their evidence, in Case they will not voluntaryly appear and the witneses so summoned shall for non Appearance at the Sessions be fined twenty shillings; and for non Appearance at the Assizes forty Shillings Or such other fine or punishment as shall be Adjudged by the Court for damage done to the Cause by his non Appearance Provided that noe man shall be punished for non Appearing at or before any Court or Counsel, nor for the Omission of any Office or Service, if he shall be necessari


ly hindred, by any Apparent Act or Providence of God; which he could neither foresee nor avoid Provided also that this Law shall not prejudice any person of his Just cost and Damage in Civill Actions.


That no Justice of the peace that hath sate as Judge or voted in any Jnferior Court in that case he is appealed from, shall have any vote in the Superior Court appealed to; but the Case shall be there determined by such as are no way engaged in the same, by Judging or voteing formerly, And in all Cases of Appeales the Court appealed to, shall Judge the Case according to former evidence and no other, unless some material witness was not then in the Country or necessarily hindred from giveing in evidence at the triall, only rectifying what is amiss therein, and where matter of fact is found to agree with the former Court and the Judgement according to Law; not to revoke the Sentence or Judgement; but to abate or increase Damages as shall be Judged Right.

That in all Case of appeals the appealant do put in good Security for prosecuting the Appeal and payment of Damages to the Defendant if the Appealant be Cast in the Suite for his unjust Molestation.

If the Case of Appeal be of a Criminal nature, the party shall put in Security for the good behaviour also until the hearing, but if the Case be Capitall, and the person condemned shall appeale; he shall be kept in Goale till the next Assizes and then prosecuted and tryed Accordingly.

All Appeals with the Security aforesaid shall be Recorded at the charge of the party Appealing, and Certified to the Court to which they are made, and the party appealing shall briefly in writing under his owne or his Attorneys hand, give unto the Clark of the Court from which he did appeal, the Grounds and reasons of his Appeal Six days before the beginning

of the Court to which he did appeal the said Clark shall returne to that Court the said writing, and give Coppyes thereof to the defendant and whosoever shall Appeal from the sentence of any Court and not prosecute the same to effect according to Law shall besides his bond to the party forfeit to the Country the sum of Forty shillings for every such neglect.

All appeals are to be made by way of Petition and the Appealant shall pay ten Shillings upon the delivery of the petition unto the Clark of the Assizes for defraying the Charges thereof, over & above two Shillings Six pence to the Clark for entring the Appeal.

Apprisement of Goods.

That the Plaintiffe and Defendant shall choose each of them two indifferent men for that purpose and in Case of disagreement, the said four, or any three of them, shall choose an Umpire which Umpire so chosen shall be sworn by the next Justice of peace, to Apprize such Goods indifferently and his Umpirage to be finall. And if the Plaintiffe or Defendant neglect to Appoint Apprizers within three days after Execution is served, notice being given them by the Sheriffe to whom the Execution was directed, that then the Sheriffe in such Case of neglect shall choose and Appoint Apprizers either for the Plaintiffe or Defendant for Apprizing the Goods by him Seized upon Execution as aforesaid That before Such Apprisement the Sheriff shall remove the goods out of the possession of the plaintiffe, and the surplusage, if any be, returned to him, but after Apprisement made as aforesaid, the property to rest in the Sherriffe for the use of the Creditor to whom the Sheriff shall give notice that he may take them into his own possession, and because there can be no Averment against a Record, the Sheriff shall make returne of the Execution to the Clark of the Sessions that granted it, by him to

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