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ACHILLES, illustration, i. 503.


Adams, John Electoral College, ii. 392;
law stated, ii. 404; Presidential count,
ii. 406, 407; administration, ii. 557, 559.
Adams, John Quincy: diplomatic utter-
ances, i. 24; Biddle letters to, i. 128-130;
administration, i. 164; solution of slavery
question, i. 315; Electoral count, ii. 400,
411, 412, 415.

Adams, Samuel, a founder of the Republic,
ii. 533.

Administrative Reform, ii. 10-14.


Democrats, Federal Government, etc.)
Adoption of children, ii. 142-145.
Africa, descendants of barbarians, i. 415-417.
Africans, suffrage opposed, i. 394-420. (See
Negroes, Republican Party, Slavery, etc.)
Agrarianism, an absurd cry, i. 158.
Agriculture: 1835-1840, i. 104-164; profits,
i. 151; in France, India, etc., i. 152; popu-
lation, i. 195; Report of 1866. i. 461-466;
summary of products, i. 466, 467; Central
Fair, ii. 228-233; foreign markets, ii.
251; Western New York Society, ii. 344,
345; once unprofitable, ii. 494.
Alabama: in Baltimore Convention, i. 238,
239; concentration of population, i. 311;
growth, i. 316; slavery, ii. 543, 545, 547,
558, 568.

Albany Atlas, letter, i. 248-277.

Albany, N. Y.: Democratic Convention, i.
235; canal travel, i. 256-259, 372; Col-
lector's office, i. 259; freight, i. 378, 383;
convention, i. 394; valuation, ii. 136, 137;
new capitol, ii. 167, 169, 258-260, 315,
316; streets, ii. 340.

Albany County: Anti-Rent difficulties, i.
186, 188, 189; Ring trial, i. 472, 553,


Alden, N. Y., town-meeting, ii. 342.
Alexander's Lock, i. 361, 366, 367, 370,
ii. 42.

Alienage, not a matter of birth, i. 415.
Alleghany Mountains: southern population,
i. 315; cloven, ii. 37.
Allen's Canal Bill, i. 272.

Allen, William, nomination, ii. 355.
Alvord, Ring cases, i. 602-604.
America: specie, i. 71, 141; current of ad-
judication, i. 219; home of the people, i.
431; principles of liberty, i. 443; money




barometer, ii. 62; birthright, ii. 82; con-
trast with England, ii. 486-492. (See
Federal Government, United States, etc.)
American: stocks, i. 109; law and practice,
i. 178; ideas, i. 423.

American System: explained, i. 158, 159,
399; family foundation, i. 411-420; ad-
vocated, i. 433; forsaken, i. 442; glorious,
i. 499; citizenship, ii. 230. (See England,
Europe, etc.)

Ames, Fisher, on Executive Departments, i.
33, 35.

Ames, Governor, letters, ii. 75-84.
Amherst College, Walker's professorship, i.

Ancestors, wise warnings, i. 411.
André, Major, centennial, ii. 507-509.
Andrews, canal matters, i. 364.
Angel and Ames, on Corporations, i. 177.
Anglo-Saxons and Common Law, i. 281.
Antietam, battle of, i. 342.
Anti-Rent Disorders, i. preface (xiii), 186-

Applied, criticism on the word, i. 251-255.
Appomatox, surrender, ii. 64.
Argus, Albany, criticisms, i. 55-57, 64.
Aristarchus, comparison, i. 50.
Aristocracy system in America, i. 46, 83;
how established, i. 82. (See American

Arkansas: growth, i. 316; disputed vote,
ii. 430, 435, 444, 446; slavery, ii. 558.
Armstrong, General, leases, i. 193.
Army: abolished in the United States, i.

302; instrument of oppression, i. 401-414;
expenditures in times of peace, i. 434-446;
old scores, i. 439; outrage in Louisiana, ii.
75, 81; bounties, ii. 172. (See Civil War,
Republican Party, United States, etc.)
Assembly, New York, Documents quoted,
i. 220, 357, 358. (See New York.)
Atkinson, Government expenditures, i. 435-


Atlanta, Ga., Exposition, ii. 510-513. (See

Atlantic Coast: allusion, i. 419; limit, i.
429, ii. 232.

Atlantic merchants, i. 128.

Atlantic Ocean: rapid trips across, i. 349;
great ships, i. 372; limit, i. 486; naviga-
tion, ii. 250.

Auburn, N. Y.: repayment, ii. 160; prison, Berrien, on Corporations, i. 177.

ii. 262, 263.

Auctions, duty on, i. 274.

Austria, currency and labor, i. 156.

BACON, FRANCIS, corruption, i. 487.
Badger, on United States Bank, i. 181.
Bailey, Ring matters, i. 566, 571.
Baldwinsville Canal, ii. 254.
Baltic Sea, wheat, i. 151.

Baltimore: Convention of 1848, i. preface
(ix, x, xiii), 232-247, ii. 573, 574; flour-
inspection, i. 107; Niles's Register, i. 132,
131; prices, i. 134.

Banking: to be separated from Govern-
ment, i. 55-87; resolutions of 1838, i. 87;
New York Constitution, i. 221-231; in
1874, ii. 10, 11; laws of 1838, ii. 29.
Bank-notes: Governinental, i. 57-77; State,
i. 221-231; over-issue, ii. 51-66; expan-
sion, ii. 283-295; evils, ii. 363-371, 541.
Bank of England: over-issues, i. 110; ex-
perience, ii. 54; parlor, ii. 62; plan of
1844, ii. 285.

Banks: State, i. 57-77; New York, i. 59;
circulation in United States, and general
relation to prices, i. 103-164; affecting
currency fluctuation, i. 107-114; new, i
115-118; largest circulation, i. 145; as a
Government foundation, i. 164; New York,
ii. 67, 271, 272: certificates accepted, ii.
191; failures, ii. 541. (See Currency,
Specie, United States Bank, etc.)
Banyer, Goldsbrow, leases, i. 194.
Bar Association: Ring cases, i. 553, 554,
565, 599, 602-604; lawyers, ii. 198.
Bar, the: on Ring cases, i. 545; cleansed,
i. 565; confidence, i. 578.
Barbarism, retrograde steps, i. 433.
Barbour, Philip P., on Electoral count, ii.
415, 437.

Biddle, Nicholas: currency fluctuation, i
107, 108; followed by Webster, i. 114,
115, 119, 120; Congressional testimony,
i. 124, 125; new United States Bank
charter, i. 127; letters to Adams, i. 128-
130; on revulsion of 1825, i. 135; of 1828,
i. 136.

Bigelow, John, canal investigating com-
mission, ii. 252, 296.

Bigler, Senator: a correction, ii. 435; Bill of
Rights, ii. 562.

Binney, Horace: on the Treasury, i. 28;
Executive powers, i. 31, 32, 35.
Bismarck, Count, comparison, i. preface (v).
Bissell, canal-commissioner, i. 361.
Black Lake, drainage, ii. 345.
Black River: Canal, i. 251, 265, 352, 366:
ii. 254; improvements. ii. 100, 115; In-
surance Company, ii. 139.

Black Rock Harbor, deepening, ii. 180, 181.
Blaine, James G., candidacy, ii. 533.
Blair, F. P., candidate for Vice-Presidency,
i. 421, ii. 543.

Blatchford, Judge: removed by the Ring,
i. 571; Dana's case, ii. 12.
Blenheim, N. Y., Anti-Rent difficulties, i.
189, 191.

Blue Ridge, i. 349.

Bollar, C. D., & Co., Ring warrants, i. 508-

Booth, Ring matters, i. 579, 593, 595, 597.
Bordentown, Pa., canals, i. 384.
Border States, Republican party in, i. 291.
(See Missouri, South, States, etc.)
Boston, Mass.: prices, i. 134; slave-market,
i. 303. (See Massachusetts.)
Bosworth, Ring frauds, i. 571, 573.
Bouck, Colonel, State Debt,
Bounties: New York, ii. 25, 26, 169, 240-
248; sinking-fund, ii. 318-320.


Boutwell, George S., on Presidential counts,
ii. 392.

Baring Brothers, legal opinion, i. 161.
Barley: product, i. 464; tolls, ii. 114.
Wheat, etc.)

[blocks in formation]

Barlow, Ring matters, i. 602.

Bradley, D. Ogden, André celebration, ii.

Barnard, Judge: Ring matters, i. 564, 580; Bradley, John J., Tweed frauds, i. 494, 571.

impeachment, i. 602-604.

Barnburners, party name, i. 232.
Bartlett, plea in Dana's case, ii. 12.
Bath-on-the-Hudson, incorporation, ii. 344.
Bayard, Thomas F., nomination, ii. 355.
Bayly, of Virginia, i. 239.

Baxter, on National Income, i. 455, 456.
Beach, Lieutenant-Governor, his reply to
Tweed, i. 569.

Beans, product, i. 464. (See Corn, Wheat,

Beardsley, Samuel, office, i. 55, 56.
Beaver Creek, drainage, ii. 345.

Beef: prices, i. 104, 136, 137; from the
West, ii. 376. (See Calves, Cattle, Hogs,
Pork, etc.)

Belfast, Ireland, law-case, i. 540, 543.
Belknap, General, Southern interferences,
ii. 82.

Bell, John, candidacy, i. 284.
Belshazzar, allusion, i. 232.

Benton, Thomas H., opposition to National
Bank, i. 55. (See Specie, etc.)

Brady, Judge, Ring matters, i. 565, 573, 594.
Brazil, interference with slavery in, i. 321.
Breadstuffs: foreign demand, i. 259: canal
transportation, i. 368. (See Corn, Wheat,

Breckenridge, John C., candidacy, i. 284.
Brennan, Ring frauds, i. 571, 573.
Brighton, Eng., coal-tax, i. 523, 524.
Brighton, N. Y.: lock, i. 370; damages,
ii. 182; bridge, ii. 323.

Bristol, Wheeler H., repayment, ii. 165.
British System, i. 433. (See American Sys
tem, England, Great Britain, etc.)
Broadcloth, price, i. 134.
Broadway Bank: Ring frauds, i. 496-500,
504; figures, i. 505-514; discovery, i. 593–

Brooklyn, N. Y.: park, ii. 211; charter, ii.
212; industries, ii. 311; disagreement
about appointments, Mayor Hunter, ii.
334, 335.

Broome County, law-case, i. 545.

Brown, Judge, on the Tweed Charter, i. 468.

Brownlow, Senator: on negro suffrage, i. | Canal Board: restrictions on size of boats,
410; a poor substitute, i. 418.
Bruce, canal-commissioner, i. 358.
Bryant, William C., letters, i. 101, ii. 352.
Buchanan, James: averting war, i. 285;
administration, i. 296; public debt, i. 441,
442; Electoral count, ii. 410, 419-422, 443.
(See Federal Government, Presidency,

Buckwheat, product, i. 464. (See Corn,
Wheat, etc.)

Buffalo, N. Y.: canal travel, i. 256-267,
270, 366, 372, 377-383; navigation, ii. 39,
43-45; harbor, ii. 100, 181; valuation, ii.
136, 137; Fillmore Avenue, ii. 156; asy-
lum, ii. 162, 261; Board of Trade, ii. 213;
Tilden's address, ii. 213-219, 222, 225, 226;
docking, ii. 325; Grand Island Ferry, ii.
344; iron bridge, ii. 345. (See Canals.)
Buildings, value and style, ii. 163, 261.
Bull Run, battle of, i. 332.

Bulwer, on taxes and wages, i. 155.
Burdell case, i. preface (xv).
Burgoyne, General, ii. 508. (See Revolu-

Burr, Aaron: ambition, i. 395; Electoral
count, ii. 412.

Burwell, Canal letter, i. 250.

Business: to be divorced from politics, i. 77;
relief to distress in, ii. 369, 370. (See
Banking, Crisis, Republicans, etc.)
Butler, Benjamin F.: Electoral count, ii.
420; objection to Georgia vote, ii. 426-

Butter: product, i. 464; export, ii. 232.
(See Beef, Wheat, etc.)

Butts, Isaac, letter to, i. 421, 453.
Byron, Lord, read in Ohio, ii. 352.
Byron, Port. (See Port Byron.)

CABINET, THE: Van Buren in, i. 20-26;
Eaton difficulty, i. 20; dissolution, i. 24;
Jackson's paper on United States Bank,
i. 27; establishment of Departments, i. 27-
37; Mr. Badger in, i. 181; division in the
Lincoln, i. 338; Mississippi matters, ii. 76-
84; co-operation needed for New York, ii.
487; interference with elections, ii. 490.
(See Congress, Constitution, Federal Gov-
ernment, Presidency, etc.)
Cæsarism, repeated in America, ii. 13. (See
Republican Party.)
Calhoun, John C.: Nullification leadership,
i. preface (xiii), 9-15; saving the Union,
i. 18; dinner i. 20; rupture with Jackson,
i. 20, 24; alliance with Van Burenites,
i. 165; extreme ideas i. 322.
California: acquisition of, i. 322, 323; slav-
ery, ii. 546, 568.

Calves, low prices, i. 134. (See Beef, Pork,
Rye, etc.)

Cambreleng, Churchill C.: report on Cur-
rency, i. 221; Baltimore Report, i. 240,
241, 247.

Camden, N. Y., incorporation, ii. 344.
Campbell, Lord, cited, i. 538, 539.
Canada: insurance, ii. 68-70; trade with,
ii. 239; wars, ii. 508.
Canajoharie, N. Y., ii. 149, 174.

i. 256-277, 360; toll-sheet, ii. 45; regula-
tion of bids, ii. 109; elected, ii. 110; or-
ders to, ii. 302-306; support needed, ii. 488.
Canal Committee, i. 385, 386.
Canals: system, i. 221; revenue questions,
i. 248-277; Enlargement Fallacy, i. 347-
393; four elements, i. 376; funds, ii. 24-
26; in Message, ii. 37-50; abuses, ii. 95-
116; income, ii. 97, 98; tolls, ii. 114; ex-
penses, ii. 169-171; cost and repairs, ii.
174-197; vetoes, ii. 186; auditor, ii. 189;
debt, ii. 191-195; Appropriation Bill, ii.
195-197; Ring, ii. 213-222, 225; (See
preface xiv); debts, ii. 240-258; inves-
tigating committee, ii. 252-258, 296; an-
swers to the Senate, ii. 297-300; dam-
ages, ii. 296, 298; further facts, ii. 301-
306; drafts of commissioners, ii. 314;
sinking-fund, ii. 317-323; contracts, re-
pairs, bridges, considered in veto, ii. 323-
328; debt to E. H. French, ii. 326-328;
frauds, ii. 327; awards by appraisers, ii.
336; Ring broken, ii. 503.

Capital, in England, France, etc., i. 152,
154. (See Banks, Specie, etc.)
Carpet-baggers: mischief done by, i. 444,
600; a cancer worse than the Tweed Ring,
i. 600. (See South, etc.)
Carter, Ring matters, i. 602.
Cassidy, William: editorship, i. 248; letter
to, i. 249–277.

Cass, Lewis, candidacy, i. preface (x), ii.

Cattle: speculation in, i. 105; value, i. 457,

461-463, 465. (See Beef, Calves, etc.)
Caucasian race, cotton-culture, ii. 512.
Cavour, Count, comparison, i. preface (v).
Cayuga and Seneca Canal, ii. 46, 47, 49,
166, 179, 254, 325.

Cayuga County, election expenses, ii. 165.
Cayuga Lake, expenditure, ii. 314.
Cemeteries, vetoes, ii. 343.
Census: of 1860, i. 453. 454, 457; of 1850,
i. 457; New York, 1875, ii. 27, 28.
Centennial Exhibition, ii. 28, 270.
Centralism: Evils of Federal, i. 483-489;
meddlesome, ii. 12. (See Federal Gov-
ernment, States, etc.)

Central New York Fair, visit and address,
ii. 228-233.

Central Park: Commission, i. 468; fraudu-
lent control, i. 571.
Century, The, quoted, i. 473.
Champlain, Mr., Ring matters, i. 590.
Champlain Canal: condition and improve-
ments, i. 349, ii. 46, 47, 49, 113, 115, 254,
302, 303, 318; bridge, ii. 325, 327.
Champlain, Lake, connections, ii. 239.
Charity, address at Saratoga, ii. 374–379.
Charles I., tyranny, ii. 83.
Charles II., statutes, i. 217.
Charleston, S. C. prices, i. 134; voyage
to, i. 349.
Charta, i. 170.

Charters United States Bank, i. 166-182;
Story on, i. 169.

Chase, Salmon P., leadership, i. 287, 338.
Chatham, N. Y., speech, i. 422-452.
Chautauqua Lake, camp-meeting, ii. 153.

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