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KC 10570


Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1841,


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts.


DESIGN OF THE WORK. The cbject of this book is, to assist Sabbath-School Teachers in their efforts for the conversion of their Scholars. The principle which has been adopted in its preparation is, that truth, in order to produce its greatest and best effects, must be presented to the heart, through the medium, of the understanding. Convince the judgment, and then the way is prepared for an appeal to the affections.

The book is intended to be used a year, by having a review once a month. Those Schools which recite Catechism or proof texts monthly, can make it last a year without such review. If they should adopt the practice of reviewing, the book may then be used more than a year.

PLAN OF THE WORK. 1. Instead of preparing ques tions upon some particular portion of Scripture, distinct subjects have been chosen, which embrace the various doctrines and duties more immediately related to the plan of Salvation.

2. Each Lesson has a single topic, and the ques tions, with the references, are designed to lead the Scholar to the truth respecting that topic

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