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14. Suppose that a criminal were condemned to die; would he not need some plan devised by which he might be pardoned?

15. Are not sinners condemned by God? Rom. 6: 23. 2: 12. Gal. 3: 10.

16. Do they need some plan devised by which they may be pardoned?

17. Why can they not devise a plan them selves?

18. How can it be shown that those nations which are destitute of the Bible have no correct ideas of the way of salvation?

19. To what method do some of them resort to save their souls?

20. The hearts of men are polluted with sin; -can they cleanse themselves from this pollution?

21. What says Jeremiah 13: 23?

22. As they cannot be saved unless they are purified, do they not need some plan arranged, by which their purification may be effected? 23. Is it the same with you?




1. The last lesson taught us that a plan of salvation was needed;-how may we learn whether such a plan has been provided?

2. What did God say to the serpent? Gen. 3: 15.

3. Who is meant by "the seed" of the wo


4. What is meant by its "bruising the head of the serpent?" Heb. 2: 14. 1 John 3: 8.

5. What effect did this promise probably have upon Adam and Eve?

6. How does this promise to our first parents prove that God had provided a plan of mercy? 7. What promise was given to Abraham? Gen. 22: 18.

8. Who is meant by "thy seed?" Gal. 3: 16. 9. Would God have made this promise to Abraham, if he had not determined to send his Son into the world to bless all nations?

10. Were the Jews required to offer sacrifices? 11. Mention some of the animals which they sacrificed.

12. Did these sacrifices procure the pardon of sin? Heb. 10: 3, 4, 11.

13. Some things in the Old Testament are said to be types;-what is a "type ?"

14. The sacrifices of the Jews were types of what? Heb. 9: 9-14. 1 Cor. 5: 7. John 1: 29.

15. Did the sacrifices and types of the Jewish dispensation unfold more clearly God's plan of salvation than his promises to Adam and Abraham?

16. What prophecy is recorded in Gen. 49: 10? 17. Who is meant by "Shiloh?"

18. What prophecy was given by Moses? Deut. 18: 15.

19. To what prophet does he refer ?

20. What prophecy is recorded in Isa. 9: 6, 7?
21. To whom does it refer?

22. What is predicted in Isa. 53: 2-7?
23. Of whom does the prophet speak?

24. Can you repeat any other prophecies respecting the character or works of the Messiah?

25. How do these prophecies show that God had arranged a plan of redemption?

26. How can the same thing be shown from Eph. 1: 3-5, 11, 12?

27. What would have been the consequences to you if no such plan had been provided?

28. How then ought you to feel and act towards God, for the provision he has made for your salvation?




1. When a man intends to build, does ne prepare a plan of his house beforehand, or does he contrive the plan as the building progresses?

2. What are Christians said to be 1 Cor. 3: 9, last clause ?

3. What is said in Eph. 2: 20-22?

4. As Christians are God's building, do you suppose that God had formed a plan of this ouilding beforehand or not?

5. What would you think of a man who should commence an expensive building, or any other great work, without a previous plan?

6. In what traits of character would he be lacking?

7. Do you think that God is such a being? Why not?

8. What is God said to be in Ps. 47: 7?

9. Is it wise, or unwise, for a king to have a regular form of government?

10. Is it probable that before God created men, he had determined by what laws they should be governed?

11. Did God know before the creation of man that they would sin and ruin themselves?

12. How can you prove that he did? Acts

15: 18.

13. For what did Jesus Christ come into the world?

14. Had God determined beforehand to send him?

15. Can you prove it?

16. When the Jews and Romans put Christ to death, did they act freely, or were they compelled?

17. Yet had not God from eternity determined that Christ should die? Acts 2: 22, 23. 4:27, 28.

18. As God had purposed that Christ should be crucified, why does not that excuse his mur. derers?

19. When any persons become Christians, is it in accordance with the purpose of God? Rom. 8: 28-30. Eph. 1: 11. 2: 10.

20. Did God from the beginning choose any to salvation? 2 Thess. 2: 13. Eph. 1: 4, 5.

21. How do the references to the two last questions teach that the plan of salvation was eternal?

22. If it will be right for you to do a certain thing to-morrow-for instance, to go to school, or perform a piece of work, will it not be right for you to resolve beforehand that you will do it?

23. Can anything be right for us to do, and wrong for us previously to resolve to do?

24. If then it is right for God to save any sinners through Christ, was it right or wrong for him from eternity to purpose to save them?

25. When has a person evidence of being chosen of God?

26. Have you this evidence?

27. What then ought you to do? 2 Peter 1: 10. Phil. 2: 12, 13.




1. As we are sinners, what treatment do we deserve from God?

2. Suppose that the governor should pardon all the criminals in the state-prison; would it be an act of justice or mercy to them?

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