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3. Does the mercy of God sustain a close relation to the origin of the plan of salvation? 4. What does Paul say Titus 3: 5?

5. What is taught 2 Tim. 1: 9?

6. What is the meaning of "grace" in that passage?

7. Are there other passages which teach that salvation is of grace? Acts 15: 11. Eph. 2: 5, 7, 8. 1: 7. Tit. 2: 11.

8. What is meant by our being "saved by grace?"

9. What did the Saviour tell Nicodemus? John 3: 16.

10. How do men conduct towards those whom they do not love?

11. If God had not loved mankind, what would he probably have done unto them?

12. Suppose that a stranger were to give you a valuable present, or confer some other great favor upon you; would you love him or hate him for it?

13. Does God love us because we have conferred upon him favors?

14. Is it possible for us to confer any favors upon God?

15. That stranger (question 12) would deserve your affection, and you would be under obligation to love him;-do we deserve God's affection ?

16. Is he under any obligation to love us? Why not?

1. Who are generally loved by men, those who are good, or those who are bad?

18. Was it because men are so good that God loved them?

19. What does Paul say on this subject? Rom. 5: 8.

20. Suppose a very kind man should see a family of children sick and almost starved; how would he feel towards them?

21. If he were rich, as well as kind, what would he do?

22. If he should provide for them the comforts of life, would he do it because of their good character, or their suffering condition?

23. In the plan of salvation there is a remedy for the effects of sin;-did God provide that remedy on account of our goodness, or on account of our wretchedness?

24. Some persons, when called upon for charitable purposes, say they will help none but the deserving poor; suppose our heavenly Father had acted on this principle, how would he have conducted towards us?

25. If we imitate his example, how shall we treat the suffering poor, though they may be undeserving of assistance?

26. We are under obligation to those who are kind to us;-as God has been exceedingly kind in providing a way of salvation, what is your duty to him?

27. How long has this been your duty? 28. Have you yet performed it?




1. What does the law of God require? Matt 22: 37-40.

2. What is the consequence of disobeying the law?

3. Suppose a person were to violate the law only once during his life, what would be the consequence? James 2: 10. Gal. 3: 10.

4. What is meant by being "cursed?”

5. What did you learn in lesson first respecting the characters of all men?

6. Can you prove from the characters of men that they cannot be saved on account of their goodness?

7. What is said Rom. 3: 20?

8. What are meant by "the deeds of the law?"

9. What is meant by "being justified?"

10. Why can they not "be justified by the deeds of the law?"


11. Notice the force of the word "therefore," which connects this with the preceding verses. Is this assertion true of us, as well as of the


12. Did Paul renounce all dependence upon his goodness, as the ground of his justification? Phil. 3: 4-9.

13. Suppose that you were never to commit

another sin; would that make amends for your past sins? Why not?

14. Suppose a man were to commit murder, and never afterwards break another law of the land; would his future obedience atone for his murder?

15. Suppose that a person should get in debt a thousand dollars, and then should purchase all future articles for cash; would that clear him from debt or not?

16. If a person should cease sinning, would that be any atonement for his past sins? Why not?

17. If a man were to weep much for his sins, would he deserve to be forgiven?

18. Would his tears be an atonement?

19. Suppose he were to torture himself as the heathen do, would God on that account pardon him?

20. If he were to give large sums of money for religious purposes, why would not that atone for his sins?

21. Can the offering of animal sacrifices take away sins? Heb. 10: 1-4, 11.

22. What kind of atonement do sinners need? 23. If sin is so difficult to be atoned for, what must be its nature?



1. Are men by nature the friends or enemies of God? Rom. 5: 10. 8: 7. Col. 1: 21.

2. What were the subjects of the second and third lessons?

3. What was the object of the last lesson? 4. What is an atonement?

5. As this is a difficult subject, ought we to expect to know everything concerning it?

6. Who made the atonement for sinners? 7. What does Moses say respecting blood? Lev. 17: 11.

8. What does Paul say Heb. 9: 19-22?

9. How did Christ make atonement? Heb. 9: 12, 26-28.

10. May the enmity between God and man be removed through the atonement of Christ? Col. 1: 20-22. Rom. 5: 10. 2 Cor. 5: 18, 19.

11. What practical application does Paul make of this? 1 Cor. 6: 20.

12. Are you reconciled to God through Christ? 13. Are sins forgiven through the atonement of Christ? Eph. 1: 7. Matt. 26: 28.

14. When a person's sins are pardoned, and he is treated as though he were not guilty, he is said to be justified. Are sinners justified through the atonement? Rom. 3: 24. 5: 9.

15. Has the death or atonement of Chris anv

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