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"It puzzles me very much to see you, so much troubled by a worldly affair, while you are highly rich in scientific knowledge. The object of our studying science is to acquire the accumulated store of knowledge of our ancestors, and to make it an instrument of passing through the world. You have now a trouble in your mind, why will you not determine how to proceed through the 'Eki'?" "Does the 'Eki' assist us in such affairs? his question. "The 'Eki' includes anything in the Universe," replied I "and I advice you to divine quickly, and decide." He took the "sticks" himself, and I sat beside him to help the power of divination. He calculated and obtained the "Negative II" of "Ken (


," whose "Exposition" is "Ken means a difficulty. A difficulty lies in front, and seeing the difficulty, an individual stops. Wise is such a person. 'Ken is advantageous in the south-west,'-because it advances and occupies a middle position. Ken is not advantageous in the north-west,'-because there its path is beset with embarrassments. Advantageous to see great men,' or, in other words, an advance will be attended by success. [The person] occupying the proper position will be lucky, if constant;' that is to say, he maintains order in the country. Great is the significance of the time of Ken.""

I interpreted as follows.

"Ken' is the hexagram of many difficulties. ‘A difficulty lies in front' means that you are now going to Yokohama for your son and to comfort your family, but you will thus multiply your conflictions by falling into the danger of the 'upper complement'; for the creditor will not hear to your request, but make you more distressed. You will anticipate this danger and will not dare to go, as it says 'and seeing the difficulty an individual stops. Wise is such a person.' Moreover, 'Ken' means 'lame,' so that the name of the diagram

implies the disadvantage of going. 'South-west' means to retreat, and 'advantageous in the 'south-west' shows that it will be well not to proceed from our side. 'Northeast' means to proceed, so that 'advantageous in the north-east' teaches you will meet with a danger if you proceed. Thus the 'Figuration' of the whole diagram indicates that, to go for us is a danger, and to come for him is profitable to us.

"The second 'Lineation' says, The king's vassel is struggling hard, not on his own account; advantageous.' If you will try to finish your duty, while all the fellow-committee are still indeterminate in paying their's, you will not succeed; as the creditor will regard you as the representative of all others. The words means that this affair is not relating to your house only. It will not be settled, until the end of five months from to-day, whether you may be troubling yourself for it, or leaving it off. Do not be troubled any more of this matter; leave it alone. The 3rd. month from this corresponds to the 'Negative IV' when all the committee will begin to consult together the means of paying their debts, as it says, 'Will get into trouble if he goes; but he will find associates, if he comes.' The 5th. month is the 'Positive V' which says, 'Has got into a serious trouble, but friends will come,' so that, in that month, this affair will become very important and will be brought before the court when the debtors afraid of their bankruptcy will apply their friends and relations for help, and will find a great mediator at last. The 5th. month is the topmost negative which says 'Will get into trouble, if he goes; while a great success will attend him, if he comes. Lucky. Advantageous to see great men.' In this month, a great and illustrious man will act as a mediator, and this affair will then be all settled down. Here the term of the 'difficulty' of 'Ken' will expire."

The gentleman was struck with the mystery of the

"Eki" and followed it. In the fifth month it was settled under the arbitration of Mr. Yamaoka Tesshū.


I was at Tōkyō in July of 1886, when a friend from Yokohama came to me and told me of the Cholera's prevailing in that city. He said, "Cholera is continually spreading itself over Yokohama. Two or three days since it destroys about 150 of people, every day. I do not know how far it will predominate." Another friend, who was beside, asked me, "I am now obliged to go and stay at that city for a time, but I am afraid of that disease. Will you please divine how will it go with that disease, and shall I ever be infested by it?" I divined and obtained the "Negative IV" of "Ken ()," " whose "Lineation" is "Will get into trouble, if he goes, but he will find associates, if he comes." I interpreted to him thus. "The hexagram of 'Ken' shows the evil of proceeding as the danger lies in front. If you will not obey it, but venture to go to Yokohama, you will surely be infested by it. Moreover the disease will advance to Tokyo and destroy many here, as it says so in the 'Lineation."


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Here, my friend said to me, Whatever affair of importance may oblige me, I shall not go there. This epidemic disease originated in India, and spread itself out into several parts of the world. In the west, Italy, France, and some others are being every year visited, and in spite of incessant endeavours of eminent physicians, its cause has not yet been discovered. Some scholars insist that a minute animalcule is the cause. A certain doctor lately brougt forth an objection to this opinion, as he once ate some of them and was not effected. The cause is still unknown, so that a proper

treatment of the patient is of course unknown. Will you please divine its cause? I agreed and obtained the "Negative III" of the "Kwan ().'

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"Kwan is the hexagram of the interview of man with the spirit, and is the most reverential of all human affairs. It also shows the necessity of reverence with the phrase, 'Washes his hands, but before he sets his offering, his truthfulness makes [the people] look up to him with reverence.' The disease is then a pest of the country and nothing can be done, but to avoid it. The 'Interpretation' says, 'Wind going over the earth is [the emblem of Kwan. Kings of old, accordingly, established moral doctrines by reflecting on [the peculiarities of] the place and observing [the manners aud customs of] the people.' The presence of the wind on the earth can not be seen, but can only be detected by its striking against objects. For the same reason, the presence of Cholera is known by man's feeling it, and its cause can never be ascertained.


'Hence, the third element shows the way of our proceeding, when it predominates, with the words 'Decides movement by observing his own nature,' whose 'Interpretation' says, that is, he does not depart from the path of reason." It teaches us to retreat to a district where it does not predominate, if our station and means allow us to do so. This says neither 'lucky' nor unlucky,' as it can be chosen by man himself; for a man can or can not avoid according to his circumstances."


All who heard this interpretation, was subdued to my opinion, as it is sound and natural.

XL. KAI (To open, to vanish away).

Kai. Advantageous in the southwest. Wen there is no place to go, it will be lucky to come back. When there is a place to go, it will be lucky to be quick.

Exposition. Kai is perilous and moving; and moving, it escapes from danger. Such is Kai. "Kai is advantageous in the south-west," for the multitude is won by going there. "It will be lucky to come back," because a middle course is thus pursued. "When there is a place to go, it will be lucky to be quick," because success will be achieved by going. When the Heaven and the earth open, the thunder and rain come out. When the thunder and rain come out, fruits of all kinds and plants burst forth. Great is the time of Kai."

Interpretation. The thunder and rain coming out is [the emblem of ] Kai. Honourable men accordingly

forgive faults, and pardon offences.

Negative I. Is free from blame.

Interpretation. The association of the strong and weak elements, ought to be free from blame.

Positive II.

Three foxes are obtained in hunting,

and also yellow arrows. Lucky, if constant.

Interpretation. [Positive II] will be lucky, if constant; because he does not deviate from a middle course. Negative III. Bears a burden and at the same time rides; invites enemies; inauspicious, even if just.


It is detestable to bear a burden. and at the same time to ride. When one invites enemies himself, who else is to blame?

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