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Hereupon, beginning from the 3rd. year of Mei-ji, I determined myself, and throwing out my estates, built some mailsteamers and facilitated the internal transportations. Secondly I opened the railways, and thirdly I established a foreign school, and thus excited education by employing foreign teachers. Fourthly, I completed gaslights for Yokohama and illumined that city.

These four deeds were executed within the time from the 3rd. to the close of the 7th. year. These great deeds were never before attempted, and I have the honour of being the ancestor. In the 7th. year of Mei-ji when the gas-work was finished, His Majesty came to the office, and I had the greatest honour of receiving an Imperial decree of His prizing my endeavours and improvements. I kept then my father's "ihai" (a wooden tablet on which a dead person's posthumous name is written, and which is worshipped) in the pocket of my ceremonial dress, as a token of my felial gratitude.

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It is five years from the I to the V of the "Dô-Jin” or it is from the 3rd. to the 7th. year of Mei-ji. During that interval the adversities, such as stations an ambuscade among bushes" of "Positive III," and "Gets on the wall" of "Positive IV" were encountered, but they could not deflect me against my army of impartiality and of civilization and I succeeded in the "Positive V." The "Lineation" says, "At first cries in forming fellowship, but at last he laughs. The mighty armies are victorious and meet together." At first a great many difficulties persecuted me, but they were overpowered by my diligent perseverance, and succeeding I had the honour of being visited by the Emperor; this is "The mighty army etc."

It is however natural that things decline when they flourish. Though I have completed my endeavours by the assistance of the opportunity of "Dô-Jin," if I be ignorant of this principle, perhaps I shall have the

regret. The "Positive VI" of "Dô-Jin" gives the warning by the words "fellowship is formed in a suburb; free from remorses." Next year (8th.) I retired into the Bōkin-Dai in the country near Kanagawa, and am leading an easy life, studying the "Eki" at leisures, even to this day.


In May of the 10th. of Mei-ji I called on Mr. Soejima at home. He was just writing some characters, while a few guests were looking eagerly at them. Some time after taking my seat, one of the guests spoke to me "Kō-u boasted of the unnecessity of neat writing with his words 'Sufficient, when one can write his own name,' but it is generally true that some writings are neat while others are not. Thus many are fond of criticising several styles of writings and of deciding their superiorities and inferiorities. But as different persons have different tastes, their criticisms are always far from being strict ones. I have always a strong aversion to their unstrict cristicisms. Now you are skillful in divining things, and I think you can tell the will of Heaven about the writings of several persons. We have now three eminent writers in our country, as regards whose writings no one is able to compare, as they are all beyond our power of discerning. Will you please divine and tell me the will of Heaven?" He wrote down the names of the three on three sheets of cards, and distinguished them with the characters A, B, C on their backs. I divined the card A, and obtained the change of "Dô-Jin" into "Bubô."

“The ‘Figuration' says 'Fellowship is formed in a

plain; advantageous to wade a large river,' which means that, the force of his writing is indomitable, pervades though mounts, rivers, and plains without being hindered, and circulates through the world. The 'Positive III' says 'Stations an ambuscade among the bushes, and himself goes up a hill close by, but is unable to call [his troops] to action for three years,' which is explained as 'To station an ambuscade, shows that the enemy is strong. Thus the writing is a skillful one, it is true, but it is not free from a single propensity. While the writer is an accomplished one he is also liable to strive with and to envy other writers. Again as the 'Interpretation' says, 'When he is unable to call for three years, what could he accomplish?' his writing will be changed to a neat one of 'Ri' in three years, and he will be satisfied.”

After this interpretation we turned over the card A, and it was found to be that of Mr. Iwaya. Next for the card B, I obtained "Tai" of "Tai-chiku."

"The hexagram of 'Taichiku' has 'Gon' above and 'Ken' below, in which 'Gon' is stationary und 'Ken' is strong. Then, though the power of the writing is indomitable, as it is pressed down by the positive of 'Gon' of the upper complement, he could not use his pen freely, until three years ago, when he was awakened and his writing became excellent. Now the topmost element changing, we have 'Tai,' which means that his writing is fluent and unmolested. The 'Lineation' says, 'How vast is the space of the Heaven! Auspicious,' which means that the power of writing is as free as flying in the sky; he is undisturbed in the world, makes out an independent style of writing, and sees no match in his own eyes."

On turning the B here, it was found to bear the name of Mr. Meikaku Kusakabe. For the card C, I obtained the change of "Taiyû" into "Double Ri."

"Taiyu is this: a weak element occupies a dignified position and a mighty middle, and those above · and below agree with him. The virtue of [Tai-yû] is strong and enlightened. [Tai-yû] is in agreement with Heaven and acts seasonably. It is accordingly perfectly auspicious.' 'A weak element occupies a dignified position and a mighty middle, and those above and below agree with him' means he is employed by the Government and receiving the respect of all, through his writing. The virtue of [Tai-yû] is strong and enlightened etc' means that the force of his writing is indomitable, his style is never quitted by age and is greatly admired in the world.”

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The guests seemed to be greatly marvelled by my opinions. On turning the card over, it was found to represent Mr. Sanshu Chō. Lastly for Mr. Soejima, I obtained the "Changeless Kwai" (A), whase "Appendix" says "In the olden time the knots made with ropes were used in contracting; but in after ages honourable men invented characters as a substitute for the knots. The honourable men were suggested by Kwai." I said to him thus ;

"Your writing is done by measuring the thoughts of ancient sages, and is just like the ancients' making the character by observing the form of birds. You create

a new style of writing, and may be called the inventor of characters. I can not criticise your writings."

Mr. Soejima smiled, but did not speak a word.

XIV. TAI-YÛ ‹ A mighty possession).


Tai-Yu. Perfectly auspicious.

Exposition.. Tai-Yu is this: a weak element occupies a dignified position and a mighty middle, and those above and below agree with him. The virtue of [Tai-Yu] is strong and enlightened. [Tai-Yû] is in agreement with Heaven and acts seasonably. It is accordingly perfectly auspicious.

Interpretation. Fire in the heaven is [the emblem of] Tai-yû. Honourable men accordingly check wickedness and encourage goodness, and obey the graceful will of Heaven.

Positive I. Is as yet free from contact with harms; it is not to be blamed, and free from blame, if hardy. Interpretation. The Positive I of Tai-yû is as yet free from association with harms.

Positive II. Is loaded like a large vehicle; advances; and is free from blame.

Interpretation. To be loaded like a large vehicle, implies that [Positive II] does not break down under the load.

Positive III. A duke is invited to the royal table. Small-minded men can not [be invited].

Interpretation. "A duke is invited to the royal table," but it will be injurious to invite small-minded men. Positive IV. Is not proud of his splendor, and is free from blame.

Interpretation. [Positive IV] is not proud of his splendor, and is free from blame, because he has a fine discretion.

Negative V. His truthfulness is mutual. Lucky, if awe-inspiring.

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