The Treatment of Political Prisoners in South Vietnam by the Government of the Republic of South Vietnam: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs..., 93-1, September 13, 19731973 - 62 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Abzug American aid APPENDIX Article beatings budget Cao Dai ceasefire cells civilian detainees civilian prisoners Communist Con Son Island continue Danang Director doctor documents Don Luce expenditures forced foreign freedom funds ID cards imprisoned Interrogation Center interviewed jail lawyer leaders letter ment Military Field Court military prisoners million mistreatment National Police Ngo Ba Thanh Nguyen non-communist officials paralyzed prisoners Paris Accords Paris agreement Paris Peace Paris Peace Accords Phoenix police and prison political prisoners President Thieu prison system prisoners in South programs Quang Ngai Red Cross refugees refused release of political repression Republic of Vietnam request ROBERT N. C. NIX Saigon government Security Committees Senator sentenced shackled south Viet South Vietnam South Vietnamese parties South Vietnamese political statement Subcommittee surveillance testimony Thieu government tiger cages tion told torture treatment U.S. Congress U.S. government Viet Cong Vietnamese Vietnamese police
Popular passages
Page 16 - All Vietnamese civilian personnel captured and detained in South Vietnam shall be treated humanely at all times, and in accordance with international practice. They shall be protected against all violence to life and person, in particular against murder in any form, mutilation, torture and cruel treatment, and outrages against personal dignity.
Page 16 - Immediately after the cease-fire, the two South Vietnamese Parties will: — Achieve national reconciliation and concord, end hatred and enmity, prohibit all acts of reprisal and discrimination against individuals or organizations that have collaborated with one side or the other. — Ensure the democratic liberties of the people: personal freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of meeting, freedom of organization, freedom of political activities, freedom of belief, freedom of movement,...
Page 27 - It is the sense of Congress that the President should deny any economic or military assistance to the government of any foreign country which practices the internment or imprisonment of that country's citizens for political purposes.
Page 16 - The United States will not continue its military involvement or intervene in the internal affairs of South Vietnam.
Page 16 - The detaining parties shall not deny or delay their return for any reason, including the fact that captured persons may, on any grounds, have been prosecuted or sentenced.
Page 16 - The South Vietnamese people shall decide themselves the political future of South Vietnam through genuinely free and democratic general elections under international supervision. (c) Foreign countries shall not impose any political tendency or personality on the South Vietnamese people.
Page 36 - No citizen can be tortured, threatened or forced to confess. A confession obtained by torture, threat or coercion will not be considered as valid evidence. 5. A defendant is entitled to a speedy and public trial. 6. A defendant has the right to a defense lawyer for counsel in every phase of the interrogation, including the preliminary investigation.
Page 21 - Reds' are sent to the Tiger Cages in Con Son I where they are isolated from all others for months at a time. This confinement may also include rice without salt and water — the United States prisons' equivalent of bread and water.
Page 1 - ... but I believe I speak for Mr. Filbey and myself in this, if that should be the wisdom of the committee, we will immediately move to have the inclusion of the right to strike included in any postal corporation legislation coming out of the committee or the Congress. Mr. Nix. Mr. Wilson? Mr. WILSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I want to compliment you for starting the hearings with this very important matter. We were unable last year to conduct hearings when we should have started and...
Page 18 - Thieu ordered detention of anyone inciting others to "leave those areas controlled by the government in order to go into Communist areas or vice versa.