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alteration in things since he fell asleep; but he was a little mistaken to imagine he could awake at all after his head was cut off.-Tatler.


MALICE.-Malice drinks one half of its own poison.-Sen

MAN. What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god!

MAN. What a chimera is man! what a confused chaos! what a subject of contradiction! a professed judge of all things, and yet a feeble worm of the earth! the great depositary and guardian of truth, and yet a mere huddle of uncertainty the glory and the scandal of the universe !-Pascal.

MAN.-Man is to man all kinds of beasts; a fawning dog, a roaring lion, a thieving fox, a robbing wolf, a dissembling crocodile, a treacherous decoy, and a rapacious vulture.— Cowley.

MAN, HOW TO BE A.-It is not by books alone, or chiefly, that one becomes in all points a man. Study to do faithfully every duty that comes in your way. Stand to your post; silently devour the chagrins of life; love justice; control self; swerve not from truth or right; be a man of rectitude, decision, conscientiousness; one that fears and obeys God, and exercises benevolence to all; and in all this you shall possess true manliness.

MAN, WHAT WILL MAKE ONE.-Energy will do anything that can be done in this world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged animal a man without it.- Goethe.

MANKIND.-Mankind may be divided into the merry and the serious, who, both of them, make a very good figure in the species, so long as they keep their respective humors from degenerating into the neighboring extreme; there being a natural tendency in the one to a melancholy moroseness, and in the other to a fantastic levity.—Addison.

MANKIND, CONFIDENCE IN ―There are cases in which a man would be ashamed not to have been imposed upon. There is a confidence necessary to human intercourse, and without which men are often more injured by their own suspicions, than they could be by the perfidy of others.—Burke.

MANKIND, CONTEMPT OF.-We seldom contemn mankind till they have injured us; and when they have, we seldom do anything but detest them for the injury.—Bulwer.

MANKIND, HOW TO JUDGE.-Men are not to be judged by their looks, habits, and appearances; but by the character of their lives and conversations, and by their works. 'Tis better that a man's own works, than that another man's words should praise him.-Sir R. L'Estrange.

MANNER. The manner of saying or of doing anything goes a great way in the value of the thing itself. It was well said of him that called a good office that was done harshly, and with an ill-will, a stony piece of bread; "It is necessary for him that is hungry to receive it, but it almost chokes a man in the going down."-Seneca.

MANNER.-There is not any benefit so glorious in itself, but it may yet be exceedingly sweetened, and improved by the manner of conferring it. The virtue, I know, rests in the intent; the profit in the judicious application of the matter; but, the beauty and ornament of an obligation, lies in the manner of it.-Seneca.

MANNER, AN ATTRACTIVE.—A man, whose great qualities want the ornament of exterior attractions, is like a naked mountain with mines of gold, which will be frequented only till the treasure is exhausted-Johnson.

MANNERS.-Defect in manners, is usually the defect of fine perceptions. Elegance comes of no breeding, but of


MANNERS, GOOD.-Good manners, is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse; whoever makes the fewest persons uneasy, is the best bred man in company. -Swift.

MANNERS, GOOD-Good manners are the blossom of good sense and good feeling. If the law of kindness be written in the heart, it will lead to that disinterestedness in both great and little things-that desire to oblige, and that attention to the gratification of others, which are the foundation of good-manners.

MANNERS, GOOD.-Good manners are the small coin of virtue.- Women of England.

MANNERS, GOOD.-Good manners are the settled medium of social, as specie is of commercial life; returns are equally. expected for both; and people will no more advance their civility to a bear, than their money to a bankrupt.-Chesterfield.


The same pride that erects a colossus, or a pyramid, installs a god or a hero: but though the adoring savage can raise his colossus to the clouds, he can exalt the hero not one inch above the standard of humanity; incapable, therefore, of exalting the idol, he debases himself, and falls prostrate before him.-Goldsmith.

MARRIAGE.-Marriage is the strictest tie of perpetual friendship, and there can be no friendship without confidence,

and no confidence without integrity, and he must expect to be wretched, who pays to beauty, riches, or politeness, that regard which only virtue and piety can claim.-Johnson.

MARRIAGE. Of all the actions of a man's life,his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life, 'tis most meddled with by other people.—Selden.

MARRIAGE.-Marriage is the best state for man in general; and every man is a worse man, in proportion as he is unfit for the married state.-Johnson.

MARRIAGE. When two persons have so good an opinion of each other as to come together for life, they will not differ in matters of importance, because they think of each other with respect; and in regard to all things of consideration that may affect them, they are prepared for mutual assistance and relief in such occurrences. For less occasions, they form no resolutions, but leave their minds unprepared. -Tatler.

MARRIAGE.- -An idol may be undeified by many accidental causes. Marriage in particular is a kind of counter-apotheosis, or a deification inverted.—When a man becomes familiar with his goddess, she quickly sinks into a woman.—Addison.

MARRIAGE FOR MONEY.-When a couple are now to be married, mutual love, or union of minds, is the last and most trifling consideration. If their goods and chattels can be brought to unite, their sympathetic souls are ever ready to guarantee the treaty. The gentleman's mortgaged lawn becomes enamored of the lady's marriageable grove; the match is struck up, and both parties are piously in love—according to act of parliament.-Goldsmith.

MARRIAGE, ITS OBLIGATION. Two persons who have choser

each other out of all the species, with design to be each other's mutual comfort and entertainment, have in that action bound themselves to be good-humored, affable, discreet, for giving, patient, and joyful with respect to each other's frailties and imperfections to the end of their lives.-Addison.

MARRIAGE, TO THE WORTHLESS.-Themistocles, the great Athenian general, being asked whether he would rather choose to marry his daughter to an indigent man of merit, or to a worthless man of estate, replied, that he should prefer a man without an estate to an estate without a man.

MARRIAGE, WHY OFTEN UNHAPPY.-When we see the avaricious and crafty taking companions to their tables, and their beds, without any inquiry but after farms and money; or the giddy and thoughtless uniting themselves for life to those whom they have only seen by the light of tapers; when parents make articles for children without inquiring after their consent; when some marry for heirs to disappoint their brothers; and others throw themselves into the arms of those whom they do not love, because they have found themselves rejected where they were more solicitous to please; when some marry because their servants cheat them; some because they squander their own money; some because their houses are pestered with company; some because they will live like other people; and some because they are sick of themselves, we are not so much inclined to wonder that marriage is sometimes unhappy, as that it appears so little loaded with calamity; and cannot but conclude, that society has something in itself eminently agreeable to human nature, when we find its pleasures so great, that even the ill choice of a companion can hardly overbalance them.-Those, therefore, of the above description, that should rail against matrimony, should be informed, that they are neither to wonder, or repine, that a contract begun on such principles has ended in disappoint ment.-Johnson.

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