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RENT offspring. This work crowns the climax, by teaching mothers how to CARRY children, that is, how to manage themselves while fulfilling the highest and only SPECIFIC relations of the female as such, namely, the maternal. His " Physiology," "Self-Culture," "Memory," "Religion," etc., then complete this range of subjects, by showing how to conduct the physical, intellectual, and moral education and, government of the young in accordance with the physical, mental, and moral laws of our being.* When mankind understand and obey the laws of love, matrimony, generation, maternity, and education, will the millennium open upon our benighted world in very deed, and our race be regenerated and infinitely exalted, but not till then. Right education can do much, yet infinitely more when its subjects are endowed by NATURE with strong physical, high moral, and powerful intellectual capabilities, than when they are weakly, vicious, and addlebrained by CONSTITUTION. These reproductive and educational laws, understood and applied, will almost banish sin and suffering from our earth, restore to all mankind the garden of Eden in ten-fold luxuriance, and render our world a literal paradise of holiness and happiness. Man, so far from being a base-born son of perdition, "is created in the image and likeness of God" himself, and all required to restore to him his primitive god-like capabilities and perfections, is RIGHT GENERATION, BEARING, and EDUCATION. Prospective mothers, be conjured, by all the ecstacy of maternal joy with which splendid children will swell your exulting souls, and by all that untold shame and anguish with which their inferiority and depravity will rend your souls perpetually, to LEARN and FULFILL these infinitely-momentous relations.

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Some condemn this subject as improper and injurious; but if it be so incompatible with female purity to study these

* All these works will be intimately related to each other, arranged in volumes, bound in uniform style, and entitled, "Phrenological Li brary."


maternal relations, how much more so to FULFILL them! Away with such prudery! It is a relict of American squeamishness, as unnatural as it is injurious, and fast passing away. Whether the author's MODE OF PRESENTING this subject is or is not judicious, is another matter. Of this, mothers are his

judges, because they have lost their fastidiousness, yet retain all their true delicacy; but neither girls or old maids are proper umpires. Thousands of mothers, after having heard his lecture on this subject, have exclaimed, "Oh, I would have given the world to have known this at my marriage!" LOVE of offspring is one of woman's predominant and most charming characteristics. Hence her hungering and thirsting after this species of knowledge. Nor should the maiden blush

to learn how to fulfill those maternal relations which are as much a necessary consequence of marriage, as heat of fire. For what but to bear children was woman-was the female AS SUCH-Created? For what else was the conjugal instinct ordained? Nor should any female ever be led to the hyme. nial altar till she knows how to manage herself at this period. My daughters must understand this whole subject thoroughly. None are marriageable till they do. Nor can young women learn any thing of equal value to themselves or their prospective offspring, or neglect to learn any thing equally at their peril. To show woman how to bring forth and bring up a high order of human beings, instead of those scrawny, imbecile, and depraved offcasts which throng our earth; to save mothers from those pains and premature deaths now so incident to maternity, are these pages sent forth. May they make better MOTHERS and better HUSBANDS of all who read them.



To secure all the advantages of copious repetition without any of its evils, or event disfiguring the page, and to present the various bearings of the various points treated in this work upon each other, as well as to form into one connected series all the author's works, each general principle proved


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and point presented in them all has its appropriate heading NUMBERED, and reference is made to them by small elevated figures called superiors. And the various works referred to are designated thus: P17 refers to that passage of Physiology numbered 17; to "Self-Culture,' 66 to Memory," m to "Maternity," My to "Matrimony," w to "Woman,' "R to "Religion," etc. The utility of this original device of thus connecting and fortifying subjects in hand by those previously presented, will doubtless be appreciated by thorough readers who would comprehend the bearings of the principles presented on each other, and grasp and digest each work, or all his writings, as a whole; yet each book can be as fully understood separately as if such reference had not been made.




404. Every thing must have its Mother-408. Intimacy of the Rela-
tions of Child to Mother-406. Appeal to Prospective Mothers. 11-18



407. The Embryo's requisition for Nutrition-408. Amount of Nutri
tion required-409. The Female Secretion-410. The Bearing Process
increases Appetite-411. All very young Animals require extra Care-
412. Weakness invites Disease-413. Mrs. G's Miscarriage and
Death; Cause-414. Castigation of wife-neglecting Husbands-Appeal
to Husbands-415. What Husbands should do at this Period-416. Di-
rections to pregnant Mothers-Sleep much-Let nothing disturb your
night's rest-Your food be nutritious, yet easy of digestion-Breathe
copiously of fresh air-Regular evacuations are particularly important---
417. Signs of Maternal Qualifications-Rationale of Female Fashions--
418. The constituent Elements of the Feminine-419. Female Beauty;
in what does it consist ?-420. Philosophy of Bustles, Corsets, Extra
Skirts, etc.—Philosophy of the Bustle-Cotton and plaited Breastworks
-421. Let Woman be what she would seem-422. Effects of these

False Appearances on the young Bridegroom-423 True Mode of
increasing the Beauty of Girls-424. Blighted Love weakens the Fe-

male Organs and Charms-425. Appeal to Man-426. Early Marriages

and young Mothers-427. Tight Lacing; its ruinous Effects on Offspring

-428. Requisition for Heat, Muscle, Bone, Nitrogen, etc.-Muscle-

Nitrogen-Fruit-429. Offsetting the Mother's Excesses and Defects-
430. Marks and Deformities-A Strawberry mark-A Lobster mark-
Mouse marks-Plum marks-Cherry marks-Amputated Thumb-A
Wine mark-Turning black and blue-Fire mark-A mark of intoxi-
cation-A Menagery mark-A Monkey mark-An idiotic mark—Mark
by fright-A broken back-Mrs. Butler and her strong, but frantic
Idiot-A club-footed mark-A Cat mark-The mashed Head-Dumb-
s-Hankering after Gin-Explanation of these Marks.

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435. Severe Labor-Pains unnatural and avoidable-Are they neces-
sary --Natural Delivery easy-Causes of severe and dangerous Labor

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