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boasts without reason, or, as the canters say, pisses more than he drinks.


The first woman seen by a man, or man seen by a woman, on St. Valentine's day, the 14th of February, when it is said every bird chuses his mate for the ensuing


TO VAMP. To pawn any thing. I'll vamp it, and tip you the cole: I'll pawn it, and give you the money. Also to refit, new dress, or rub up old hats, shoes or other wearing apparel; likewise to put new feet to old boots. Applied more particularly to a quack bookseller. VAMPER. Stockings.

VAN. Madam Van; see MADAM.

VAN-NECK. Miss or Mrs. Van-Neck; a woman with large breasts; a bushel bubby.

VARDY. To give one's vardy; i. e. verdict or opinion. VARLETS. Now rogues and rascals, formerly yeoman's ser



VARMENT. (Whip and Cambridge.) Natty, dashing. He is
quite varment, he is quite the go. He sports.
hat, coat, &c.; he is dressed like a gentleman Jehu.
VAULTING SCHOOL. A bawdy-house; also an academy
where vaulting and other manly exercises are taught.
VELVET. To tip the velvet; to put one's tongue into a
woman's mouth. To be upon velvet; to have the best
of a bet or match. To the little gentleman in velvet, i. e.
the mole that threw up the hill that caused Crop (King
William's horse) to stumble; a toast frequently drank by
the tories and catholics in Ireland.

VENUS'S CURSE. The venereal disease.


Half a quarter of a sheet.


VICE ADMIRAL OF THE NARROW SEAS. A drunken man that pisses under the table into his companions' shoes. VICTUALLING OFFICE. The stomach.

VINCENT'S LAW. The art of cheating at cards, composed of the following associates: bankers, those who play booty; the gripe, he that betteth; and the person cheated, who is styled the vincent; the gains acquired, termage. VINEGAR. A name given to the person who with a whip. in his hand, and a hat heid before his eyes, keeps the ring clear, at boxing-matches and cudgel-playing; also, in cant terms, a cloak.

VIX N. A termagant; also a she fox, who, when she has <cubs, is remarkably fierce.

[blocks in formation]


To VOWEL. A gamester who does not immediately pay his losings, is said to vowel the winner, by repeating the vowels I. O. U. or perhaps from giving his note for the money according to the Irish form, where the acknowledgment of the debt is expressed by the letters I. O. U. which, the sum and name of the debtor being added, is deemed a sufficient security among gentlemen. UNCLE. Mine uncle's; a necessary house. He is gone to visit his uncle; saying of one who leaves his wife soon after marriage. It likewise means a pawnbroker's: goods pawned are frequently said to be at mine uncle's, or laid up in lavender.

UNDERSTRAPPER. An inferior in any office, or depart


UNDER DUBber. A turnkey.

UNFORTUNATE GENTLEMEN. The horse guards, who thus named themselves in Germany, where a general officer seeing them very awkward in bundling up their forage, asked what the devil they were; to which some of them answered, unfortunate gentlemen.

UNFORTUNATE WOMEN. Prostitutes: so termed by the virtuous and compassionate of their own sex. UNGRATEFUL MAN. A parson, who at least once a week abuses his best benefactor, i. e. the devil.


UNICORN. A coach drawn by three horses.
UNLICKED CUB. A rude uncouth young fellow.

UNRIGGED. Undressed, or stripped. Unrig the drab; strip

the wench.

UNTRUSS. To untruss a point; to let down one's breeches in order to ease one's self. Breeches were formerly tied with points, which till lately were distributed to the boys every Whit Monday by the churchwardens of most of the parishes in London, under the denomination of tags: these tags were worsteds of different colours twisted up to a size somewhat thicker than packthread, and tagged at both ends with tin. Laces were at the same given to the girls.

UNTWISTED. Undone, ruined, done up.

UP TO THEIR GOSSIP. To be a match for one who attempts to cheat or deceive; to be on a footing, or in the secret. I'll be up with him; I will repay him in kind.

UPHILLS. False dice that run high.

UPPER BENJAMIN. A great coat. Cant.

UPPER STORY, or GARRET. Figuratively used to signify the




head. His upper story or garrets are unfurnished; i. e. he is an empty or foolish fellow.

UPPING BLOCK. [Called in some counties a leaping stock, in others a jossing block.] Steps for mounting a horse. He sits like a toad on a jossing block; said of one who sits ungracefully on horseback.

UPPISH. Testy, apt to take offence. UPRIGHT. Go upright; a word used by shoemakers, taylors and their servants, when any money is given to make them drink, and signifies, Bring it all out in liquor, though the donor intended less, and expects change, or some of his money, to be returned. Three-penny upright. See THREEPENNY UPright.

UPRIGHT MAN. An upright man signifies the chief or principal of a crew. The vilest, stoutest rogue in the pack is generally chosen to this post, and has the sole right to the first night's lodging with the dells, who afterwards are used in common among the whole fraternity. He carries a short truncheon in his hand, which he calls his filchman, and has a larger share than ordinary in whatsoever is gotten in the society. He often travels in company with thirty or forty males and females, abram men, and others, over whom he presides arbitrarily. Sometimes the women and children who are unable to travel, or fatigued, are by turns carried in panniers by an ass or two, or by some poor jades procured for that purpose. UPSTARTS. Persons lately raised to honours and riches from mean stations.

URCHIN. A child, a little fellow; also a hedgehog.

URINAL OF THE PLANETS. Ireland: so called from the frequent rains in that island.

USED UP. Killed: a military saying, originating from a message sent by the late General Guise, on the expedition at Carthagena, where he desired the commander in chief to order him some more grenadiers, for those he had were all used up.


WABLER. Foot wabler; a contemptuous term for a foot soldier, frequently used by those of the cavalry. To WADDLE. To go like a duck. To waddle out of Change alley as a lame duck; a term for one who has not been able to pay his gaming debts, called his differences, on the Stock Exchange, and therefore absents himself from it.



WAG. An arch frolicsome fellow.

WAGGISH. Arch, gamesome, frolicsome.
WAGTAIL. A lewd woman.

WAITS. Musicians of the lower order, who in most towns
play under the windows of the chief inhabitants at mid-
night, a short time before Christmas, for which they col-
lect a christmas-box from house to house. They are said
to derive their name of waits from being always in waiting
to celebrate weddings and other joyous events happening
within their district.
WAKE. A country feast, commonly on the anniversary of
the tutelar saint of the village, that is, the saint to whom
the parish church is dedicated. Also a custom of watch-
ing the dead, called Late Wake, in use both in Ireland and
Wales, where the corpse being deposited under a table,
with a plate of salt on its breast, the table is covered with
liquor of all sorts; and thre guests, particularly the youn-
ger part of them, amuse themselves with all kinds of
pastimes and recreations: the consequence is generally
more than replacing the departed friend.
WALKING CORNET. An ensign of foot.

WALKING POULTERER. One who steals fowls, and hawks them from door to door. WALKING STATIONER. A hawker of pamphlets, &c. WALKING THE PLANK. A mode of destroying devoted persons or officers in a mutiny or ship-board,by blindfolding them, and obliging them to walk on a plank laid over the ship's side; by this means, as the mutineers suppose, avoiding the penalty of murder.

WALKING UP AGAINST THE WALL. To run up a score, which in alehouses is commonly recorded with chalk on the walls of the bar.


WALL. To walk or crawl up the wall; to be scored up at a public-house. Wall-eyed, having an eye with little or no sight, all white like a plaistered wall. To WAP. To copulate, to beat. If she wont wap for winne, let her trine for a make; if she won't lie with a man for a penny, let her hang for a halfpenny. Mort wap-apace; a woman of experience, or very expert at the sport.

WAPPER-EYED. Sore-eyed.

WARE. A woman's ware; her commodity.

WARE HAWK. An exclamation used by thieves to inform their confederates that some police officers are at hand. WARM. Rich, in good circumstances. To warm, or give a man a warming; to beat him. See CHAFED.



WARMING-PAN. A large old-fashioned watch. A Scotch warming-pan; a female bedfellow.

WARREN. One that is security for goods taken up on credit by extravagant young gentlemen. Cunny warren; a girl's boarding-school, also a bawdy-house.

WASH. Paint for the face, or cosmetic water. Hog-wash; thick and bad beer.

WASP. An infected prostitute, who like a wasp caries a sting in her tail.

WASPISH. Peevish, spiteful.


House of waste; a tavern or alehouse, where idle people waste both their time and money.

WATCH, CHAIN, AND SEALS. A sheep's head and pluck. WATER-MILL. A woman's private parts.

WATER SNEAKSMAN. A man who steals from ships or craft on the river.

WATER. His chops watered at it; he longed earnestly for it. To watch his waters; to keep a strict watch on any one's actions. In hot water in trouble, engaged in disputes. WATER BEWITCHED. Very weak punch or beer. WATERPAD. One that robs ships in the river Thames. WATERY-HEADED. Apt to shed tears.

WATER SCRIGER. A doctor who prescribes from inspecting the water of his patients. See Piss PROPHET. WATTLES. Ears. Cant.

WEAR A---E. A one-horse chaise.

WEASEL-FACED. Thin, meagre-faced. Weasel-gutted; thin-bodied; a weasel is a thin long slender animal with a sharp face,

WEDDING. The emptying of a necessary-house, particu larly in London. You have been at an Irish wedding, where black eyes are given instead of favours; saying to one who has a black eye.

WEDGE. Silver plate, because melted by the receivers of. stolen goods into wedges. Cant.

To WELD. To take a part. The kiddey weeded the swell's screens; the youth took some of the gentleman's bank


WEEPING CROSs. To come home by weeping cross; to repent.

WELCH COMB. The thumb and four fingers.


The itch. See ScoTCH FIDDLE. WELCH MILE. Like a Welch mile, long and narrow. His story is like a Welch mile, long and tedious. WELCH RABBIT. [i. e. a Welch rare-bit.] Bread and cheese toasted. See RABBIT.--The Welch are said to be so


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