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with three satin tulip-leaves, edged with a small rouleau and double crèpe lisse and blond, beginning with a satin bow on the left side; between each leaf is generally introduced a demi-wreath of fancy flowers of a ruby or cherry colour. Our print has a convolvolus in the front, which is of the cottage shape, bound with satin: French folds of satin head the border, which is of blond, and double in the front.

3. Circassian turban of silver muslin, with a bird of Paradise, beneath which is a rich ostrich feather falling|| very low on the left side.

and trimmed with a mixture of lutestring and a beautiful new kind of pluche de soie; the lutestring is disposed en bouillonné, which is interspersed with crescents of the pluche: this trimming goes only round the bottom, the fronts being fastened up with knots of lutestring, formed with pluche crescents. The back is full; but the corsage is almost concealed. by a large pelerine, which is cut out a good deal on the shoulder, and forms one deep scollop behind, and one also on each front. Falling collar, scolloped like the pelerine; both are finished by an edging of pluche,

4. Bonnet of ponceau velvet; round so also is the long sleeve. The epauthe front is a rouleau of gros de Na-lette corresponds with the trimming ples of the same colour; the velvet of the bottom. The hat worn with trimming is also edged with gros de this pelisse is also of dark blue velNaples, and interspersed with varie- vet; the brim, lined with white satin, gated roses. This bonnet is very fa- is wide, and rather deep in front, shionable in black velvet and satin, but very shallow behind; it turns up with pomegranate-blossoms. a little before: the crown is in the form of a calote. The trimming is a garland of Marabouts of different sizes, so disposed as to form a crescent; they are white, tipped with deep blue, and are attached to the hat by a brilliant steel ornament. Another very pretty bonnet is composed of grey velours simulé, and made exactly in the form of a shell: it is lined with white satin, and has a narrow edging of grey Marabouts round the brim; a full plume of grey ostrich feathers is placed at the left ear, and droops entirely across the

5. Bonnet composed of gros de Naples of two colours: the crown, which is round, and rather low, is of lemon colour; the front is of lavender colour, and very full, but confined by four flat straps, which are continued withinside, which is plain, and has a bunch of ranunculus on the right side. A high trimming, of lavender colour, nearly surrounds the crown, and is edged with a satin rouleau, as are also the three large puffs or bouillons in the front.



We have nothing to remark in promenade dress; but we have seen some new and very elegant articles in carriage costume. One of the most striking is a pelisse of dark blue velvet, lined with white sarsnet, Vol. I. No. II.

We have seen some new full dresses made in watered satin, with a trimming which we considered very novel: it is of white gauze divided into compartments by bands of satin; they are alternately plain, and disposed in folds, and are rather more


than a quarter in breadth: in each of the plain ones is an embroidered bouquet done in chenille of different flowers coloured after nature; the flowers vary in each bouquet: the effect is very beautiful. White lace, gauze, and tulle continue to be very much worn, particularly for dancing dresses: one of the prettiest that we have seen for a long time is composed of tulle over white satin; the trimming consists of full bouffants of gauze, confined by rouleaus of satin; each bouffant is formed to a point, to which a gauze knot, with a Provence rose placed in it, is attached. Three bouffants of satin go from the left breast in a bias direction down the front of the robe; they are put at

some distance from each other, and have knots of gauze, to correspond with the bottom, placed on them at regular distances. This ornament, which has the appearance of a drapery, has a most striking and graceful effect. The lower part of the corsage is tight; the upper disposed in folds round the bust and back. A quilling of tulle, which has some little resemblance to a wing, stands up on the shoulder. Sleeve, en bouillonné, formed of full bands of tulle, confined in a bias direction by narrow rouleaus of satin, and finished by a satin band. Fashionable colours are, dark slate, brown, purple, ponceau, and a good many different shades of rose, lavender, and green.

PARIS, Jan. 18,

My dear SOPHIA,

WE begin to exchange our pelisses for a cloak, nearly similar, except that it has no hood: it is made of a fine kind of cloth, which we call coating, and lined with levantine; the lining is frequently wadded and quilted. There are three different sorts of capes in favour: the one pointed, another cut in large scollops, and a third consisting of three capes; the cape and collar are frequently of velvet, to correspond with the manteau. A narrow edging of the lining is the only trimming worn to these manteaux.

bons and feathers of promenade bonnets; and the knots of satin or velvet which adorn them, are frequently edged with it.

The most stylish chapeaux for the promenade are made of a new kind of pluche de soie: they are ornamented with knots of the same mixed with feathers: the brim is of a moderate size; it bends a little on the forehead, and is very wide at the sides. These chapeaux have no strings, but are worn over a small blond cap, which has strings of the same material, and a bouquet of flowers on each temple.

Gowns for home-dress, and also Grey, pale brown, and lavender for the different exhibitions, are of are the colours most in favour for velvet, Merino, and gros de Naples. these cloaks; the linings are rose, Some are trimmed with a single blue, and flame colour, but particu- broad band of fur; others have two, larly the last. The few pelisses that one narrower than the other, placed we still see, are also generally lined at some distance. These bands are and trimmed with fiame colour: it is are also worn in pluche de soie and likewise much in request for the rib-velvet; but the newest trimmings are

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