A Palaeoecological Study of Raised Mires in the Humberhead Levels

Front Cover
Archaeopress, 2002 - History - 154 pages
Based on the author's doctoral thesis, this study is the first of the Thorne and Hatfield Moors Monographs. Brian Smith looks at the development of the Humerhead Levels through pollen analysis, stratigraphic evidence and radiocarbon dating. The conclusions that he reaches trace changes in the vegetation of the Thorne and Hatfield Moors, the impact of agricultural activities and woodland regeneration.

From inside the book


The Structure and Hydrology of Raised Mires
Terminology used in the Description of the Vertical Peatface Diagrams and Boring Transects
Raised Mires Rhizopods and the Plant Macrofossil Record

3 other sections not shown

Common terms and phrases

About the author (2002)

Brian M. Smith, edited by P. C. Buckland and Martin Limbert

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