A Hunger for God: Ten Approaches to PrayerWilliam A. Barry, Kerry A. Maloney A Hunger for God: Ten Approaches to Prayer gathers some of the best essays from tow years of a public series on prayer at Boston College. The authors, representing a variety of academic disciplines, probe the mysteries and possibilities of prayer for person who year to find God. |
The Universe at Prayer What Does It Mean to Pray? | 1 |
Ignatian Prayer | 10 |
A Jesuit Looks at Jesuit Prayer | 11 |
Ignatian Prayer from a Womans Perspective | 18 |
Women and Spirituality | 19 |
Ignatian Spirituality | 23 |
Spiritual Exercises | 24 |
Ignatius Images and Experience | 25 |
Changing Images of God Throughout a Life of Prayer | 67 |
The Drama That Is Prayer A Psychoanalytic Interpretation | 76 |
The Freudian Critique of Prayer | 78 |
The Contribution of the NeoPsychoanalytic Movements | 79 |
The Interrupted and Yet Completed Life of Etty Hillesum | 82 |
Prayer in Many Places | 97 |
Thoughts About Science and Prayer | 98 |
Prayer and Work | 117 |
Conclusion | 33 |
Ignatian Contemplation The Use of Imagination in Prayer | 34 |
Development Through Prayer | 44 |
Prayer and the Stories We Use to Imagine Our Lives | 45 |
Praying Through the NonChristian | 130 |
Notes | 143 |
Contributors | 148 |
Common terms and phrases
adolescent aware baker beauty become begin believe Boston College called Christ Christian comedy contemplative in action contemplative prayer cultural D. W. Winnicott describe desire ence encounter Erik Erikson Etty Hillesum Etty's eucharist faith Father feeling Freud Frye God's Herbert McCabe holy Ibid Ignatian prayer Ignatian spirituality Ignatius of Loyola imagine inner insight irony Jesuit prayer Jesus Jewish Karl Rahner listen lives look Lord Margaret Gorman Mary meaning meditation mind and heart mother mystery mystical non-Christian Northrop Frye one's ourselves perhaps person Peter Kreeft possible pray present psychoanalytic psychological question reality reflect relationships religions religious retreat Rizzuto Robert Kegan romance scientists sense Society of Jesus someone speak Speer Spiritual Exercises stories suggest talk theology things tion tradition tragedy true truth understand vision Westerbork woman women words York