The Dublin Magazine, Volume 2

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J. P. Doyle, 1840

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Page 312 - There is a stone there, That whoever kisses, Oh ! he never misses To grow eloquent ; 'Tis he may clamber To a lady's chamber, Or become a member Of parliament : A clever spouter He'll sure turn out, or An out-and-outer, " To be let alone." Don't hope to binder him. Or to bewilder him, Sure he's a pilgrim
Page 186 - of war have taught men to shed the blood of their fellow-creatures, the laws, which are intended to moderate the ferocity of mankind, should not increase it by examples of barbarity, the more horrible, as this punishment is usually attended with formal pageantry. Is it not absurd that the
Page 86 - its attendant horrors, he should attempt some legislative reform on humane and liberal principles. He will then find not only what a stupid dread of innovation, but what a savage spirit it has infused into the minds of many of his countrymen. I have
Page 82 - bill to one year; but they were all rejected ; consequently, the bill stands as it went through the committee • and is to continue in force for two years, and to the end of the then next session of Parliament. It was five o'clock in the morning, before the question upon the third reading was
Page 311 - silent brooks, All decked by posies That spontaneous grow there, Planted in order In the rocky nooks. 'Tis there the daisy And the sweet carnation, The blooming pink, And the rose so fair; Likewise the lily, And the
Page 481 - The conference acknowledges that slavery is contrary to the laws of God, man, and nature, and hurtful to society ; contrary to the dictates of conscience and true religion, and doing what
Page 81 - and £5,500 have been given for seats, with no stipulation as to time, or against the event of a speedy dissolution by the king's death, or by any change of administration. The truth is, that the new ministers have bought up all the seats that were to be disposed of, at any
Page 191 - You see we do : yet see you but our hands ; And this, the bleeding business they have done : Our hearts you see not, they are pitiful.
Page 81 - placed there by some great Lord, and to vote as he shall direct, is to be in a state of complete dependence; and nothing hardly remains but to owe a seat to the sacrifice of a part of one's fortune. It is true that many men who buy seats, do it as a matter of pecuniary speculation, as a profitable
Page 311 - Tis there the lake is, Well stored with fishes, And comely eels in The verdant mud ; Besides the leeches, And groves of beeches, Standing in order To guard the flood. IV. There gravel walks are, For recreation, And meditation In

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