The Edge Taken Off: Or the Conundrums ... of the Whet-Stone Unriddled. To which are Added Some Fresh Conundrums, and Their Answers1745 |
Common terms and phrases
102 Becauſe 61 Becauſe 66 Becauſe 67 Becauſe ſhe 75 Becauſe 90 Becauſe 97 Becauſe Apothecary Argo Austria Becauſe ſhe Bird never caught Bowl of Bumbo Campaign ſo full catch Cold Compoſitions Cotton Wrapper eaſily Court extremely dull Court like Lady curry Favour dead Calm Door half open draw Straws dull and heavy Dutch like Storks eaſy Creditors Equinoctial Eſcape a Tri firſt fome bawling Patriots fordid King full of Shame Gaming-Houſe Gluttons no Ears Horſe innu King a Papift Knights like eaſy Lady L late Campaign ſo late Coalition Lord O's Eſcape Lord S---ys Lord will catch ney-Sweeper Perſonages like Book Plain Reafoner Pocky Fiddlers poſitively preſent Princes that hire proteſted quick Sale Rochester's Scrivener ſeveral Ship Argo ſome Perſonages ſome Princes ſome ſtaunch City Squib ſtaunch City Gluttons ſtrain Surgeons for taking taking thei Courſe Troops like Surgeons umph Welch Knights Wrapper eaſily ſeen Yellow-Hair'd Girl young Miſs