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Rec'd from Dr. J.W.W. Stephens
(Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)

Dr. Stephens supplies the following
history: Guillemots chiefly, razorbills
less, and puffins (a few pairs only)
breed on the cliffs. The birds were
beginning to lay at this period which
may account for the few ticks captured.
The cliffs are said to be "crawling"
with them at other times (later in the
season). These found under stones and
in cracks in the earth a few inches
down. I found one copulating pair in a
crack hen alive they are about the colour
of a Belgian hare, rather greener not so
yellow. No larvae were found.

N 969

1 ♂, 2, 2 N Ixodes uriae

Cliffs, Rhossili (51.35 N, 04.18 W),
Glamorganshire, Wales


Rec'd from Dr. J.W.W. Stephens
(Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)

Cited: Nuttall & Warburton (1911: 258,
fig. 255; 259, fig. 260; 260).

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