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JIBBER THE KIBBER. A method of deceiving seamen, by fixing a candle and lanthorn round the neck of a horse, one of whose fore feet is tied up; this at night has the appearance of a ship's light. Ships bearing towards it, run on shore, and heing wrecked, are plundered by the inhabitants. This diabolical device is, it is said, practised by the inhabitants of our western coasts.

JIG. A trick. A pleasant jig; a witty arch trick. Also a lock or door. The feather-bed jig; copulation.

JIGGER. A whipping-post. Cunt.

JILT. A tricking woman, who encourages the addresses of a man whom she means to deceive and adandon.

JILTED. Rejected by a woman who has encouraged one's advances.

JINGLE BOXES. Leathern jacks tipped with silver, and hung with bells, formerly in use among fuddle caps. Cant.

JINGLE BRAINS. A wild, thoughtless, rattling fellow. JINGLERS. Horse cosers, frequenting country fairs. IMPOST TAKERS. Usurers who attend the gaming-tables, and lend money at great premiums.

IMPUDENT STEALING. Cutting out the backs of coaches, and robbing the seats.

IMPURE. A modern term for a lady of easy virtue.

INCHING. Encroaching.

INDIES. Black Indies; Newcastle.

INDIA WIPE. A silk handkerchief.

INDORSER. A sodomite. To indorse with a cudgel; to drub or beat a man over the back with a stick, to lay cane upon Abel.


INKLE WEAVERS. Supposed to be a very brotherly set of people; 'as great as two inkle weavers' being a proverbial saying.

INLAID. Well inlaid; in easy circumstances, rich or well to pass.

INNOCENTS. One of the innocents; a weak or simple person,

man or woman.

INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. The inside of a **** and the outside of a gaol.

Јов. A guinea.

JOB'S COMFORT. Reproof instead of consolation.

JOB'S COMFORTER. One who brings news of some additional misfortune.

Лов'я Доск. He is laid up in Job's dock; i. e. in a salivation.



The apartments for the foul or venereal patients in St. Bartholomew's hospital, are called Job's ward.

JOBATION. A reproof.


То Јов. То reprove or reprehend. Cambridge term.

Јов. Any robbery. To do a job; to commit some kind of robbery.

JOCK, OF CROWDY-HEADED JOск. A jeering appellation for a north country seaman, particularly a collier; Jock being a common name, and crowdy the chief food, of the lower order of the people in Northumberland.

To Jock, or JOCKUM CLOY. To enjoy a woman. JOCKUM GAGE. A chamber-pot, jordan, looking-glass, or member-mug. Cant.

JOGG-TROT. To keep on a jogg-trot; to get on with a slow but regular pace.

JOHNNY BUM. A he or jack ass: so called by a lady that affected to be extremely polite and modest, who would not say Jack because it was vulgar, nor ass because it was indecent.

JOINT. To hit a joint in carving, the operator must think of a cuckold. To put one's nose out of joint; to rival one in the favour of a patron or mistress.

JOLLY, OF JOLLY NOB. The head. I'll lump your jolly nob for you; I'll give you a knock on the head. JOLLY DOG. A merry facetious fellow; a bon vivant, who never flinches from his glass, nor cries to go home to bed.

JOLTER HEAD. A large head; metaphorically a stupid fellow.

JORDAIN. A great blow, or staff. I'll tip him a jordain if I transnear; i. e. I'll give him a blow with my staff, if I come near him. Cant.

JORDAN. A chamber-pot.

JORUM. A jugg, or large pitcher.

JOSEPH. A woman's great coat. Also, a sheepish bashful young fellow: an allusion to Joseph who fled from Potiphar's wife. You are Josephus rex; you arejo-king, i. e. joking.

JOSKIN. A countryman. The dropcove maced the Joskin of twenty quid; The ring dropper cheated the countryman of twenty guineas.

JOWL. The cheek. Cheek by jowl; close together, or cheek to cheek. My eyes how the cull sucked the blowen's jowl; he kissed the wench handsomely.


IRISH APRICOTS. Potatoes. It is a common joke against the Irish vessels, to say they areloaded with fruit and tintber, that is, potatoes and broomsticks. Irish assurance; a bold forward behaviour: as being dipt in the river Styx was formerly supposed to render persons invulnerabie, so it is said that a dipping in the river Shannon totally annihilates bashfulness; whence arises the saying of an impudent Irishman, that he has been dipt in the Shannon. IRISH BEAUTY. A woman with two black eyes. IRISH EVIDENCE. A false witness.

IRISH LEGS. Thick legs, jocularly styled the Irish arms. It is said of the Irish women, that they have a dispensation from the pope to wear the thick end of their legs downwards.

IRISH TOYLES. Thieves who carry about pins, laces, and other pedlars wares, and under the pretence of offering their goods to sale, rob houses, or pilfer any thing they can lay hold of.

IRON. Money in general. To polish the king's iron with one's eyebrows; to look out of grated or prison windows, or, as the Irishman expresses them, the iron glass windows. Iron doublet; aprison. See STONE DOUBLET. IRONMONGER'S SHOP. To keep an ironmonger's shop by the side of a common, where the sheriff sets one up; to be hanged in chains. Iron-bound; laced. An iron-bound hat; a silver-laced hat.

ISLAND. He drank out of the bottle till he saw the island; the island is the rising bottom of a wine bottle, which appears like an island in the centre, before the bottle is quite empty.


IVORIES, Teeth. How the swell flashed his ivories; how the gentleman shewed his teeth.



JUGGLER'S BOXx. The engine for burning culprits in the hand. Cant.

JUKRUM. A licence.

JUMBLEGUT LANE. A rough road or lane.

JUMP. The jump, or dining-room jump; a species of robbery effected by ascending a ladder placed by a sham lamplighter, against the house intended to be robbed. It is so called, because, should the lamp-lighter be put to flight, the thief who ascended the ladder has no means of escaping but that of jumping down.

JUMPERS. Persons who rob houses by getting in at the windows. Also a set of Methodists established in South




JUNIPER LECTURE. A round scolding bout."

JURY LEG. A wooden leg: allusion to a jury mast, which is a temporary substitute for a mast carried away by a storm, or any other accident. Sea phrase.

JURY MAST. A journiere mast; i. e. a mast for the day or occasion.

JUST-ASS. A punning appellation for a justice.

IVY BUSH. Like an owl in an ivy bush; a simile for a meagre or weasel-faced man, with a large wig, or very buslıy hair.


KATE. A picklock. 'Tis a rum kate; it is a clever pick

lock. Cant.

KEEL BULLIES. Men employed to load and unload the coal vessels.


KEELHAULING. A punishment in use among the Dutch seamen, in which, for certain offences, the delinquent is drawn once, or oftener, under the ship's keel: ludicrously defined, undergoing a great hard-ship.

ΤΟ ΚΕΕΡ. Τo inhabit. Lord, where do you keep? i. e. where are your rooms? Academical phrase. Mother, your tit won't keep; your daughter will not preserve her vir



finely last night; cock.

To prolong a debauch. We kept it up metaphor drawn from the game of shuttle

KEEPING CULLY. One who keeps a mistress, as he supposes, for his own use, but really for that of the public.

KEFFEL. A horse. Welsh.

KELTER. Condition, order. Out of kelter; out of order. KELTER. Money.

KEMP'S MORRIS. William Kemp, said to have been the original Dogberry in Much adoabout Nothing, danced a morris from London to Norwich in nine days: of which he printed the account, A. D. 1600, intitled, Kemp's Nine Days Wonder, &c.

KEMP'S SHOES. Would I had Kemp's shoes to throw after you. Ben Jonson. Perhaps Kemp was a man remarkable for his good luck or fortune; throwing an old shoe, or shoes, after any one going on an important business, being by the vulgar deemed lucky.

KEN. A house. A bob ken, or a bowmanken; a well-furnished nished house, also a house that harbours thieves. Biting the ken; robbing the house. Cant.

KEN MILLER, OF KEN CRACKER. A housebreaker. Cant. KENT-STREET EJECTMENT. To take away the street door: a method practised by the landlords in Kent-street, Southwark, when their tenants are above a fortnight's rent in


KERRY SECURITY. Bond, pledge, oath, and keep the money.

KETCH. Jack Ketch; a general name for the finishers of the law, or hangmen, ever since the year 1682, when the office was filled by a famous practitioner of that name, of whom his wife said, that any bungler might put a man to death, but only her husband knew how to make a gentleman die sweetly. This officer is mentioned in Butler's Ghost, page 54, published about the year 1682, in the following lines:

Till Ketch observing he was chous'd,
And in his profits much abus'd.
In open hall the tribute dunn'd,
To do his office, or refund.

Mr. Ketch had not long been elevoted to his office, for the name of his predecessor Dun occurs in the former part of this poem, page 29:

For you yourself to act squire Dun,
Such ignominy ne'er saw the sun.

The addition of squire,' with which Mr. Dun is here dignified, is a mark that he had beheaded some state criminal for high treason; an operation which, according to custom for time out of mind, has always entitled the operator to that distinction. The predecessor of Dun was Gregory Brandon, from whom the gallows was called the Gregorian tree, by which name it is mentioned in the prologue to Mercurius Pragmaticus, tragi-comedy acted at Paris, &c.


This trembles under the black rod, and he
Doth fear his fate from the Gregorian tree.

Gregory Brandon succeeded Derrick. See DERRICK. KETTLE DRUMS. Cupid's kettle drums; a woman's breasts, called by sailors chest and bedding.

KETTLE OF FISH. When a person has perplexed his affairs in general, or any particular business, he is said to have made a fine kettle of fish of it.

KICKS. Breeches. A high kick; the top of the fashion. It is all the kick; it is the present mode. Tip us your kicks, we'll have them as well as your lour; pull off your breeches, for we must have them as well as your money. A kick;



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