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NUMBER; it means but one-POSSESSIVE CASE; it implies possession and it is governed by the noun knife, according to

RULE I. The possessive case is governed by the following


Knife is a NOUN; it is a name-COMMON; it is a general name-NEUTER GENDER; it is neither male nor femaleTHIRD PERSON; it is spoken of-SINGULAR NUMBER; it means but one.

Let the learner parse the foregoing, till the mode of parsing the noun is so familiar to him, that he can do it readily, without looking in the book. He may then take the following exercises, which are to be parsed in a similar manner.


"Peter's cap."

John's slate."

[blocks in formation]

Q. When I say, "Give me a book," I evidently mean no particular book; but when I say, "Give me the book," what do I mean?

74. Some particular book.

Q. Which are the words that make this difference in meaning?

75. A and the.

Q. What are these little words called?


Q. What, then, are articles?

77. Articles are words placed before nouns to limit

their meaning.

Q. What is the meaning of the word definite?

78. Definite means particular.

Q. "Give me the book." Here a particular book is referred to: what kind of an article, then, shall we call the?

79. Definite article.

Q. What, then, is a definite article?

80. It points out what particular thing or things are


Q. The word in, when placed before words, frequently signifies not: what then, will indefinite mean?

81. Not definite.

Q. When I say, "Give me a knife" no particular knife is meant: what kind of an article, then, may a be called?

82. Indefinite article.

Q. Why is it so called?

83. Because it is not used before the name of any particular person o thing.

Q. We say " an apple," "an inkstand," &c. in preference to "a apple," "a inkstand," &c.: why is this?

84. Because it is easier to speak, and also more pleasant to the ear.

Q. What kind of letters do apple and inkstand begin with? 85. Vowels.

Q. In what cases do we use an instead of a?

86. Before words beginning with the vowels a, e, 2,

o, u.

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Q. In speaking, we say, a man," not an man": when, then, do we

use a?

87. Before words, beginning with consonants.

Q. Which letters are consonants?

88. All the letters of the alphabet, except the vowels, which are a, e, i, o, u; and also w and y, except at the beginning of words, when they are consonants. Q. How, then, do a and an differ?

89. Only in their use; a being used before consonants, and an before vowels: both are called by the

same name.

Q. How many articles do there appear to be, and what are they? 90. Two-a or an, and the.

not "

Q. It is customary to say, "a boy," not "a boys"; also, "an inkstand, an inkstands" of what number, then, must the noun be, before which the indefinite article is placed?

91. The singular number.

Q. What, then, is the rule for the indefinite article?


The indefinite article A or AN belongs to nouns of the singular number.

Q. We can say, "the boy," and "the boys"; using a noun either of the singular or plural number after the: what, then, is the rule for the definite article?


The definite article THE belongs to nouns in the singular or plural number.

"The boy."

92. The is an ARTICLE, a word placed before nouns to limit their meaning-DEFINITE; it means a particular boyand belongs to boy, according to

RULE III. The definite article the belongs to nouns of the singular or plural number.

Boy is a NOUN; it is a name-COMMON; it is a general name-MASCULINE GENDER; it is the name of a male-THIRD PERSON; it is spoken of and SINGULAR NUMBER; it means

but one.

[blocks in formation]

Q. When I say, "John is an obedient, industrious, and good boy," I use certain words to describe boy: which are they?

93. Industrious, obedient, and good.

Q. When I say, "a good man," to what word is the describing word good joined or added?

94. To the noun man.

Q. What does the word adjective mean?.

95. Joined or added to.

Q. What, then, shall we call such describing words as good, obedient, in dustrious, &c.?


Q. What, then, are adjectives?

97. Adjectives are words joined to nouns to describe or qualify them.

"A wise man." Which word is the adjective here, and why?

"Rufus is a good boy, but James is a better one." How are Rufus and James spoken of here?

98. In comparison with each other.

Q. The adjectives in the last example are good and better: can you tell me which of these words denotes a higher degree of excellence than the other? 99. The word better.

Q. What degree of comparison, then, shall we call better?

100. Comparative degree.

Q. What, then, does the comparative degree imply?

101. A comparison between two.

Q. "William is tall, Thomas is taller, but Rufus is the tallest boy in school.'

What is meant here by tallest?

102. Exceeding all in height.

Q. What does the word superlative mean?

103. Exceeding all; the highest or lowest degree Q. What degree of comparison, then, shall we call tallest?

104 Superlative degree.

Q. What, then, does the superlative degree do?

105. It increases or lessens the positive to the high

est or lowest degree.

Q. When I say, "James is a good boy," I make no comparison between him and any other; but simply assert, in a positive manner, that James is a good boy. What kind of a sentence, then, would you call this?

106. A positive sentence.

Q. Of what degree of comparison, then, shall we call good? 107 The positive degree.

Q. What, then, does the positive degree do?

108. It merely describes, without any comparison. Q. Will you compare great?

109. "Positive, great; Comparative, greater; Superlative, greatest."

Q. Will you compare wise in the same manner?

Q. Wise and great are words of one syllable: how, then, are the com parative and superlative degrees of words of this sort formed?"

110. By adding r or er, st or est, to the positive. Q. Will you in this manner compare small? high? mean?

Q. Will you compare beautiful?

111. Pos. beautiful; Comp. more beautiful; Sup most beautiful."

Q. How many syllables compose the word beautiful?

112. Three.

Q. How, then, are words of three, or more syllables than one, usualy compared ?

113. By placing more and most before the positive. Q. Will you in this manner compare industrious? ingenious? dutiful? Q. Will you compare wise, by using the words less and least?

114. "Pos. wise; Comp. less wise; Sup. least wise." Q. Will you in like manner compare benevolent? distinguished? dilatory? Q. "Good men, better men, best men." Which adjective here is the positive, and why? (108.) Which the comparative? why? (101.) Which the superlative? why? (105.)

Q. Good, you perceive, is not compared regularly, like great, beautiful, &c.; and since there are many words of this description, I will give you a list of the principal ones, together with others, regularly compared will you re peat the comparative and superlative degrees, as I name the positive?

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Q. From the foregoing, how many degrees of comparison do there appear to be, and what are they?

116. Three-the positive, comparative, and superlative.

Q. Adjectives, you recollect, describe nouns: to what, then, do they natu rally belong?


4djectives belong to the nouns which they describe


"A wiser child."

117. A is an ARTICLE, a word placed before nouns to limit their meaning-INDEFINITE; it means no particular child— and belongs to child, agreeably to

RULE II. The indefinite article a or an belongs to nouns of the singular number.

Wiser is an ADJECTIVE, a word joined with a noun to describe it "Pos. wise; Comp. wiser; Sup. wisest"-made in the comparative degree-and belongs to child, by

RULE IV. Adjectives belong to the nouns which they describe.

Child is a NOUN; it is a name-COMMON; it is a general name-COMMON GENDER; it may be either male or femaleTHIRD PERSON; it is spoken of and SINGULAR NUMBER; it means but one.

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Q. When I say, "John goes to school, John learns fast, and John will ex. cel," how can I speak so as to avoid repeating John so often?

118. By using the word he in its place; thus, "John goes to school, he learns fast, and he will excel." Q. What little word, then, may stand for John?

119. He.

Q. What does the word pronoun mean?

120. Standing for, or instead of, a noun.

Q. What, then, shall we call the word he, above?


Q. What, then, is a pronoun ?

122. A pronoun is a word used for a noun, to avoid a repetition of the same word.

Q. When James says, "I will study," you perceive that I stands for the person speaking: what person, then, is it? (39.)

Q. When I say, "James, you must study," the word you evidently is applied to James, who is spoken to: what person, then, ought you to be? 123. The second person.

1. To be omitted in parsing. 2. Johnson's is governed by dictionary, by Rule I.

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