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by Mr. Joseph Dixon for transferring mainder, Divinity bore a large propor The discovery tion.-Lit. Gazelle.

impressions to stone.

was made some seven or eight years since, and, by its means, new and exact impressions of the leaves of old books, bank bills, engravings, &c., may be obtained in an incredibly brief space of time. In Boston, Mr. Dixon furnished Gernor Everett with a new copy of some leaves of old works in less than fifteen minutes from the time they were, put into his hands. After Governor, Everett and other gentlemen present had examined it, they gave him a writ, ten document expressive of their satis.. faction and admiration; and, before they had ceased examining the first work, copies of their own written approval were put into their hands. The celerity and exactness of the work are truly remarkable. A bank bill was transferred by Mr. Dixon, in presence of the officers of a bank, with so much fidelity and precision that the very sign

ers of the bill could not tell the dif ference between the copies and the original. It is due to Mr. Dixon to state, that he has obtained a patent for the process by which bank bills can be protected from his own invention, should it ever fall into the hands of rogues. The importance of this discovery is no jo, inferior to that of the Daguerreotype, of which we have heard so much within the last year.-New York Mirror, TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. On the 1st of May, the great' Cork Totul Abstinence Society, of which Father Mathew is the President, mimbered no fewer than 1,202.628 members: there are enrolled in Connaught about 200,000, in Wexford 75.000, and in Dublin 70,090; making a grand total of more than a million an a half individuals who have voluntarily engaged to abstain form all intoxicating drinks.

PROGRESS OF PUBLICATION IN LONDON.-lu 1839 nearly 3,000 works, without including Pamphlets, were published. On Agriculture and Domestic Economy 17, Annual Pictorial books 12. Architecture 33, Atlasses and Maps 12, Fiography 8, Dialects 4, Drawing 13, Engineering 23, Geology 13, neral Guide books and Local History 52, Do. for Ireland 5, Do. for Scotland 7, Railways 16, Law 93, Mathematics and Book-keeping 27, Medicine Surgery and Chemistry 100, Natural History 76, Painting 7, Tran sactions of Societies 16. Of the re

THE DRAMA.-Sir E. L. Bulwer has in writing a Play for Covent Garden been for some time past busily engaged Theatre. It is expected to be produ ced in July.

Another Play from the pen of Leigh Hunt is spoken of as likely to be forthcoming at the Garden, in the course of the sumner.-Knowles re-. mains quiet, but it is rumoured that he is not idle: we trust it may prove correct, for we look upon every fresh emanation from the, peu of this poet of nature as a benefit to the human

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ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, FEB. 1.A paper on the site and ruins of the ancient town of Tummana Newera, in Ceylon; by Simon Casis Chiuy Esq. was read. The discovery of this town is interesting from its name from which undoubtedly arose the appella. tion given to Ceylon by the Greeks and Romans, Tapprobane Tomana is a corruption of Tambapain copper.. colored derived for the color of the soil. These ruins bear a close resemblance to the Druidical remains

in our own country. The city appears to have been founded about 600. B. c. by Wejaya, the conqueror.

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March 21st-The Secretary read at paper on the Agriculture and merce of Ceylon, by Johu Capper Esq. The chief articles treated of were Cinnamon, Coffee, Cocoanuts, and Sugar. Coffee and Oil are now the principal items in the Exports of Ceylon; the former is produced of a much finer quality owing to the improve. ments in the mode of culture introduced by Europeans; the latter, from the high price it fetches at home, has been most extensively manufactured, and the cocoanat tree is being planted in every direction. There is no doubt that Ceylon could supply Great Bri tain with Oil sufficient for all her wants, were all the trees left for fruit. The Sugar cane was of hut recent introduction into the Island,

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ous countries places and natural ob jects in the world-By J. R. M'Cul lock. A Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales-Fourth Edition, en arged and revised-By B. P. Cap. per.-Ingliston-By Grace Webster.The Letters of Horace Walpole. - The Poems of Schiller explained-By E. Bach.-Three years residence in Canada-By F. R. Prescott.-Peter Paul Rubens, His Life and Genius. From the German of Dr. Waagen-By R. Cochrane.-Letters from under a Bridge H. Noc.The Morea-By A. B. and Poems By N. P. Willis.—Męmoirs of Beethoven--By A. Schindler. Morgan.-Precepts and Practice-By -Woman and her Master-By Lady zine-Edited by Montgomery Martin Theodore Hook.-The 'Colonial Maga-The Civil Engineer's Magazine,

The Gatherer,

A CONFESSION OF FAITH.-I believe that nothing is without beginning but GOD; no nature, no matter, no spirit, but one only, and the same GOD. That GOD, as he is eternally almighty, only wise, only good in his nature; so he is eternally Father, Son, and Spirit in persons.


I believe that GOD is so holy, pure and jealous, as it is impossible for him to be pleased in any creature, though the work of his own hands; so that neither angel, man, nor world, could stand, or can stand; one moment in his eyes, without beholding the same in the face of a mediator; and therefore, that before him, with whom all things are present, the Lamb of GOD was slain before all worlds; without which eternal counsel of his, it was impossible for him to have descended to any work of creation; but he should have enjoyed the blessed and individual Society of three persons in Godhead for ever.

But that, out of his eternal and infinite goodness and love, purposing to become a creator, and to commu nicate to his creatures, he ordained in his eternal counsel, that one person of the godhead should be united to

one nature, and to one particular of his creatures; that so, in the person of the mediator, the true ladder might be fixed, whereby Goo might descend to his creatures, and his creatures might ascend to GOD; so that GOD, by the reconcilement of the Mediator, turning his countenance towards his èreatures (though not in equal light and degree) made way unto the dispensation of his most holy and secret will; whereby some of his creatures might stand, and keep their state; others might possibly fall and be res. tored; and others might fall and not be restored to their estate, but yet remain in being, though under wrath and corruption; all with respect to the Mediator; which is the great mys tery, and perfect centre of all God's ways with his creatures; and unto which, all his other works and wonders do but serve and refer.

That atthe first, the soul of man was not produced by heaven or earth, but was breathed immediately from GOD; so that the ways and proceedings of GOD with spirits, are not included in nature; that is, in the lawa

of heaven and earth; but are reserved to the law of his secret will and grace: wherein GoD worketh still, and resteth not from the work of redemption, as he resteth from the work of creation; but continueth working till the end of the world: what time that work also shall be accomplished; and an eternal sabbath shall ensure. Like wise, that whensoever GoD doth transcend the law of nature by miracles, (which may ever seem as new crea ons) he never cometh to that point or pass, but in regard of the work of redemption, which is the greater, and whereto all God's signs and miracles do refer. $. That Go created man in his own image, in a reasonable Soul, in innocency, in free-will, and in Sovereignty: that he gave him a Law and a Coin mandment, which was in his power to keep, but he kept it not: that man made a total defection from GOD, presuming to imagine, that the commandments and prohibitions of GoD, were not the rules of good and evil; but that good and evil had their own principles and beginnings, and lusted after the knowledge of those imagined beginnings; to the end, to depend no more upon God's will revealed, but upon himself and his own light, as a GOD; than the which there could not be a sin more opposite. to the whole Law of GoD: that yet, nevertheless, this great sin was not originally moved by the malice of man, but was insinuated by the suggestion and in, stigation of the devil, who was the first defected creature, and fell of malice, and not by temptation.

That upon the fall of man, death and vanity entered by the justice of GOD; and the image of GOD in man was defaced; and heaven and earth, which were made for man's use, were subdued to corruption by his fall; but then that instantly, and without intermission of time, after the word of God's Law, became through the fall of man, frustrate as to obedience, there succeeded the greater word of the promise, that the righteousness of GOD might be wrought by faith.

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ceremony; a corner stone to remove the separation between Jew and Gentile; an intercessor for the Church; a Lord of nature in his miracles; conqueror of death and the power of darkness in his resurrection; and that he fulfilled the whole counsel of God; performing all his sacred offices, and anointing on earth; accomplished the whole work of the redemption and restitution of man, to a superior to the Angels; (whereas the state of man by creation was inferior) and reconciled and established all things according to the eternal will ofthe Father.

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I believe that the Souls of such as die in the LogD, are blessed, and rest from their labors, and enjoy the sight of God; yet so as they are in expectation of a farther revelation of their glory in the last day. At which time all flesh of man shall arise and be changed, and shall appear and receive from JESUS CHRIST his eternal judgement; and the glory of the saints shall then be full; and the Kingdom shall be given up to God the Father; from which time all things shall continue for ever in that being and state which then they shall receive: so there are three times (if times they may be called) or parts of eternity. The first, the time before beginnings, when the Godhead was only, without the being of any creature: the second, the time of the mystery, which continueth from the creation to the dissolution of the world; and the third, the time of the revelation of the sons of God; which time is the last, and is everlasting without change. Lord Bacon.

A MOUNTAIN SKIRMISH.--All at once numerous lights gleaned through the dense foliage on the mountain-top with. a fiery redness, (prophetic of the approaching struggle,) which was soon followed by a crash of cannon fearfully reverberating from valley to mountain, from glen to hill. "Urus! Urus! -the Russians! the Russians!" burst

at once from immense multitudes; and in 2 few minutes several scouts, on their foaming steeds, gal loped down the dizzy height. The Circassians, without waiting to hold a rouncil of war, instantly galloped forth to the assistance of their comrades, some to the valley of the Zeuies, and others to the pass of the Bakan, where it was ascertained that the combat had cominenced, leaving, however, a strong body of veterans to guard every approach to their, villages in case of surprise.

At length the Russian columns were seen advancing, cautiously and stealthily, preceded by their light howitzers transported on the backs of hor ses, while a party of cussacks scoured the sides of the hills, in order to prevent the possibility of the main body of the army being taken by surprise; then, again, owing to the nar Towness of the gorge and its serpentine windings, they were concealed from view, when suddenly on doub. ling a curve they came in front of their hitherto invisible enemy, who had converted every jutting creg, shrub, and tree, into an ambuscade, and were now waiting, in breathless anxiety, to deal a piece-meal destruction on the hosts of their enemy, who

could not amount to less than between five and six thousand. The formida

ble circassian dagger and flight of arrows silently despatched such of the ualucky cossacks as came within grasp of their lurking foes; and before the army were made sensible of the vicinity of so much danger, they were assailed with a shower of bullets and arrows, accompanied with one of the most terrific war whoops ever uttered by an enemy, more resembling the yell of furies than the war cry of mortal men.-Spencer's Travels in Wes

tern Cercasus

MR. WELLER AND HIS GRANDSON."That 'ere Tony is the blessedest boy "said Mr. Weller, heedless of this rebuff," the Hessedest boy as ever I see in my days! of all the charmin'est infants as ever I heerd tell on, includin' them as wos kivered over by the robin redbreasts, arter they'd committed suicide with blackberries, there never wos any like that 'ere little Teny. He's always a playin' with

a quarter pot that boy is! To seo him a settin' down on the door step pretending to drink out of it, and fetching a long breath arteryards, and smoking a bit of firewood and sayin' Now I'm grandfather to see him a doin' that at two year old is better than any play as wos ever wrote. Now I'm grandfather!' He wouldn't take a pint pot if you was to make him a present on it, but he gets his quarter and then he says Now I'm grandfather.'

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Mr. Weller was so overpowered by this picture that he straightway fell into a most alarming fit of coughing, which must certainly have been at. tended with some fatal result but for the dexterity and promptitude of Sam, who taking a firm grasp of the shawl just under his father's chin shook him to and fro with great violence, at the same time administering some smart blows between his shoulders. By this curious mode of treatment Mr. Weller was finally recovered but with a very crimson face and in a state of great exhaustion.

"He'll do now Sam," said Mr. Pickwick who had been in some alarm


"He'll do sir!" cried Sam looking reproachfully at his parent," Yes, he will do one o' these days-be'll do

for his-self and then he'll wish he

hadnt. Did any body ever see sich a inconsiderate old file,-laughing into conwulsions afore company, and stamp. his own carpet vith him and wos uning on the floor as if he'd brought

der a wager to punch the pattern out in a given time? He'll begin again in a minţite. There he's a goin' off-I said he would!'

In fact, Mr. Weller, whose mind was still running upon his precocious grandson, was seen to shake his head from side to side, while a laugh, working like an earthquake, below the surface, produced various extraordinary appearances in his face, chest, and shoulders, the more alarming because unaccompanied by any noise whatever. These emotions, however, gradually subsided and after three or four relapses he wiped his eyes with the cuff of his coat, and looked about him with tolerablə composure.—Master Humphrey's Clock.

MR. WELLER'S OPINION OF RAILWAYS.-" I consider" said Mr. Weller, " that the rail is unconstitutional and an inwader o' priwileges, and I

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should wery much like to know what that ere old Carter as once stood up for our liberties, and wun'em too-I should like to know wot he would say if he wos alive now, to Englishmen being locked up with widders, or with anybody, again their wills. Wot a old Carter would have said, a old Coachman may say, and I assert that in that pint o' view alone, the rail is an inwader. As to the comfort, vere's the comfort o' sittin' in a harm cheer an lookin' at Brick walls or heaps o' mud, never comin' to a public house, never seein' a glass o' ale. never goin' throuh a pike; never meetiu a change o' no kind (horses or othervice), but always comin' to a place, yen you come to one at all, the wery picture of the last, with the same p'leesemen standing about, the same blessed old bell a ringin', the same unfort'nate people standing behind the bars, a waitin' to be let in; and everythin' the same except the name, vich is wrote up in the same sized letters as the last name and with the same colors. As to the

honour and dignity o' travellin', verg can that be without a coachman: and wot's the rail to sich coachman and guards as is sometimes forced to go by it, but a outrage and a insult? As to the pace, wot sort o' pace do you think I, Tony Veller, could have kept a coach goin' at for five hundred thousand pound a mile, paid in ad: wance afore the couch was on the road? And as to the ingein-a nasty wheezin', creaking, gasping, puffin, bus, tin,' monster, alvays out o' breath, with a shiney green and gold back like a unpleasant beetle in that ere gas magnifier-as to the ingein as is always a pourin' out red hot coals at night, and black smoke in the day, the sensiblest thing it does in my opi nion is, vea. there's somethin' in the ray and it sets up that ere frightful scream vich seems to say "Now here's two hundred and forty passengers in the wery greatest extremity o' danger, and here's their two hundred and forty screams in vun!"-Ibid

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Extracts from Periodicals,


Is the fifteenth century (the era of the invention of the art) the brief, men or writers who lived by their manuscripts, seeing that their occupation was about to be superseded, boldly attributed the invention to the devil, and, building on this foundation, mén were warned from using diabolical books 6 written by victims devoted to hell,' The monks in particular were its in veterate opposers; and the Vicar of Croydon, as if he had foreseen the Reformation which it subsequently effected, truly enough exclaimed in a serinon preached by him at St. Paul's Cross. We must root out printing, or printing will root us out! Nevertheless, the men of the old school were soon com. pelled to adopt the novelty thus hateful: in fact, many of the present names of our type have been derived from their having been first employed in the printing of Romish prayers: for instance, 'Pica,' from the service of the Mass. termed Pica or Pie, from the glaring contrast between the black and white on its page-Primer,' from Primarius,

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the book of Prayers to the VirginBrevicr,' from Breviary,—‘Canon,' from the Canons of the Church-St. Augustin,' from that Father's writings having been first printed in that sized type, &c. &c.

How reluctantly, however, the old prejudice was parted with, even by the classes most interested in the advancement of the new device, may be inferred from Shakspeare's transcript of the chronicle in which Jack Cade, the Radical spouter of his day, is made to exclaim against Lord Say, Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar-school; and whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books but the score and tally, thou hast caused printing to be used; and contrary to the king, his crown, and dignity, thou hast built a papermill!

Before the invention of printing al most the whole herd of mankind were in a state of moral degradation, nearly equal to that which we have thus described; for, although various manuscripts existed, yet the expense

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