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Notes from Home.

ANALYSIS OF HAILSTONES.-M. Girardin, in a letter to M. Arago, gives the results of the analysis, which he has made of hailstones, collected in the month of February last. It appears, from this paper, that hailstones contain a considerable portion of organised and azotized matter, and a sensible quantity of lime and sulphuric acid. The experiments of chemists have before proved, that rain water, in falling through the atmosphere, carries with it in solution to the earth, ammoniacal salts, calcareous salts, and a flocky matter, which is, without doubt, the origin of the deleterious principles which are designated by the term ruis ruata. Hitherto, however, no one has stated the existence of this organic matter in hailstones.-Dearden's Miscellany.

From the calendar of the prisoners to be tried at the Salford Hundred sessions, it appears there are 127 persons charged with felony of whom 53 have received no education; 35 can read imperfectly; 34 can read and write imperfectly; and only three can read and write well. There are twenty-two persons charged with misdemeanours, of whom eight can neither read nor write; seven can read imperfectly; six can read and write imperfectly; and only one can read and write well.

LITERARY NOVELTIES. A summer amongst the Bocages and the Vines. By Miss L. S. Costello. The Arabs in Spain. An historical romance. Sketches of Country Life. By one of the Old School. The African Slave Trade and its Re. medy. By T. F. Buxton Esq. Tippoo Sultann: an historical romance. By Capt. M. Taylor. Memoirs of the Right Hon. Warren Hastings. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig. The History of Duels and Duelling. By Dr. Millingen. Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick: third series. The Man at Arms. By G. P. R. James, Esq.

GLASS TAPESTRY.-Two specimens of this new manufacture were exhibited at the Marquis of Northampton's last soirée. They were rich silk curtains, having all the appearance of being inwoven in gold and silver in most gorgeous patterns of arabesque. They looked and felt exactly like the most splendid hangings of the Louis Quatorze taste; but their cost is a mere trifle in comparison, for the gold and silver are merely woven glass.-Mechanic's Magazine.

NEW ALLOYS OF METALS. A curious and valuable discovery has just been made in A the alloy of metals. manufacturer of Paris has invented a composition much less oxidable than silver, and which will not melt at less than a heat treble that which silver will bear; the cost of it is less than 4d. an ounce. Another improvement is in steel; an Englishman at Brussels has discovered a mode of casting iron so that it flows from the furnace pure steel, better than the best caststeel in England and almost equal to that which has undergone the process of beating, only costing a farthing per pound more than cast iron.—Mining Journal.

NOVEL RAILWAY.-M. Fouard has proposed to the French Academy of Sciences a plan to make certain narrow and rapid streams of water drive weights upwards towards their source. He proposes to have rails laid on each side of the canal or stream and the axle of a carriage (striding we suppose the canal) to be the axle of a water-wheel having curved paddles like those proposed by M. Poncelet, which the water acting on, will drive upwards and of course force the carriage forward.-Atlas.

The Gatherer.

FIRST LOVE.-Scarce one person out of twenty marries his first love, and scarce one out of twenty of the remainder has cause to rejoice at having done so. What we love in those early days is generally rather a fanciful creation of our own than a reality. build statues of snow, and weep when We they melt.-Sir W. Scott.

"The poets," says the Buffalo Jour-
nal, 66
are not all dead," and give this
example:-The Niles (Michigan) In-
telligencer publishes a call for a meeting
of the citizens to repair a 'Corduroy'
road near that place, and compels the
muses to second the call in the follow-
ing stanza:-

Those who would travel it,
Should turn out and gravel it,
For now it's not passable,
Not even jackassable.'

WHEN TO LEAVE OFF.-It is the stand-
ard complaint against jokers, and whist-
players, and children, whether playing or
crying-that they "never know when
to leave off." It is a common charge
against English winters and flannel
waistcoats-it is occasionally hinted of
rich and elderly relations-it is con-
stantly said of snufflakers, and gentlemen
who enjoy a good glass of wine, that
they do not know when to leave off."
It is the fault oftenest found with cer-
tain preachers, sundry poets, and all
prosers, scolds, Parliamentary orators,
superannuated story-tellers, she-gossips,
morning-calls, and some leave-takers,
"that they do not know when to leave
off." It is insinuated as to gowns and
coats, of which waiting men and wait-
ing women have the reversion. It is
the characteristic of a Change-alley
speculator of a beaten boxer-of a
builder's row, with his name attached
to it-of Hollando-Belgic protocols-of
German metaphysics-of works in num-
bers of buyers and sellers on credit-
of a theatrical cadence of a shocking
bad hat-and of the Gentleman's Maga-
zine, that they "do not know when to
leave off." A romp-all Murphy's frost,
showers, storms and hurricanes-and
the Wandering Jew are in the same
predicament.-Heod's Comic Anual.

LAFAYETTE.-Descended from an ancient and honorable family which had preserved its original simplicity amidst the

corruptions of the great, gifted with a lofty spirit, a strong mind, and ambigust for the frivolities of the court and tious of true glory, Lafayette felt dis the pedantic discipline of the army.

Lafayette, almost alone, maintained néraux, promoted the union of all class :s his opinions, demanded the Etats G recompense, Commander-in-Chief of the of the people, and was appointed as a National Guard. Lafayette was not of temper, a lofty spirit and an invaone to abuse power: with an equanimity peculiarly fitted for the part allotted riably disinterested conduct, he was him, that of seeing the laws executed. Adored by the troops without having won them by victories; full of calm ness and sagacity amidst the excitement of the populace, he maintained order with indefatigable vigilence. Those who found him incorruptible, attacked his abilities because they dared not asperse his character. He was not to knew how to value the court and the be deceived as to events or persons heads of parties, protected them at the peril of his life without esteeming them, and often struggled against factions without hope, but with the constancy of a lic good even man who will never abandon the pubit."-Hist: de la Revol: Francaise-Par when he despairs of M. Thiers.


lished in Ceylon under the Dutch GoList of Books translated and pubvernment for promoting Christian Knowledge among the Heathens.


In Singhalese.

1. The New Testament translated into Singhalese by the Rev. Messrs. J P. Witzelius and H. Philips and printed at the Government Printing office, An. 1776.

by the Rev. H. Philips of which the 2. The Old Testament in Singhaleso 5 books of Moses were printed.

3 The Confession of Faith translated by Rev. J. P. Witzelius and printed An. 1742.

4. "A short plan of the Doctrine of J. P. Witzelius, printed An. 1741. truth unto godliness" translated by Rev.

5. Ritual-book printed 1744.

4. The Liturgy, by P. De Melho,

6. Select Sermons of the Rev. W. printed 1760. Konyn printed 1746.

7. A new edition of the 1753.

same in

8. The Heidelberg Catechism translated by Rev. W. Konyn printed An. 1780.

9. Questious and Answers about the true doctrine of the Christian Religion for the use of Schools, in 4 parts, to which are annexed a few prayers, by the Rev. H. Philips-edit. 1780.

10. Part of the Psalm of David in

5. The Heidelberg Catechism, by Rev. S. A. Bronsveld, printed An. 1763.

6. An abridgement of the Heidelberg Catechism, printed 1754.

7. Meditation and Prayers of Da Mullin and Drellingcourt, translated into Tamul, by J. Franciscua, printed 1778.

8. Doctrine of the truth, by David De Kribbe.

9. The same work by Rev. M. J. OnRhyme, by the Rev. A. Bronsveld daatje and P.J. Toutor, printed An. 1789.

edit. 1785.

11. Singhalese Grammar, by the Rer.

10. Catechism for children in Tamul,

H. Philips and printed by Government by the Rev. S. A. Bronsveld, printed authority.


In Tamul.-Printed at the Colombo Government Printing Office.

1. The Old Testament for the Tamul Congregations printed An. 1790.

2. The New Testament translated by several Clergymen and Proponents printed An. 1759.

3. Selections from the Psalms of David and other Hymns, by the Rev. P. De Melho, printed An. 1755.

An. 1773.

11. Triumph of the truth, by the Rev. De Melho, printed An. 1773.

12. History of the Old Testament, printed 1753.

13. History of the New Testament, printed 1785.

14. An abridged history of Christianity 1787.

15. A refutation of the chief errors of the Roman Catholics 1773.

Patriotis m.


They never fail who strike for liberty,

They may be crushed; but they are not forgotten:
They leave their names as watchwords to inspire us
On through the glorious breach in which they fell;
And so they triumph ev'n in death.


Thy words

Have breathed in me new life, and have inspired me
When I was faint and wavering. We will not
Give way, we will devote ourselves, and conquer;
Or be first sacrifices on Rome's Altar.


There spake the sage and patriot! Noble Roman!

Not by the wisdom traced on dusty scrolls,

The legacies that dead men leave their kind,

Is man ennobled; no: 'Tis by example!

Deeds, deeds alone live in his memory:

For they come home to the heart, and are recorded
With pride, and kindle noble rivalship:

They are like landmarks pointed to; when pens
Statues, and brass, are nothing.

Catiline, or the Roman Conspiracy

Extracts from Periodicals


ses' feet sank so deeply in the plashy bog, that Viviana demanded, in a tone of some uneasiness if he was sure he had taken the right course?

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"If I had not," replied Humphrey Chetham, we should ere this have found our way to the bottom of the


As he spoke, a floundering plunge, accompanied by a horrible and quickly. stifled cry, told that one of their pursuers had perished in endeavouring to follow them.

a care!

"One poor wretch is gone to his account," observed Viviana, in a tone of commiseration. "Have have a care, Master Chetham, lest you share the same fate."

A CHASE, The dreary and fast-darkening so much beneath them, and their hor, waste had now opened upon them in all its horrors. Far as the gaze could reach appeared an immense expanse, flat al most as the surface of the ocean, and unmarked, so far as could be discerned in that doubtful light, by any trace of human footstep, or habitation. It was a stern and sombre prospect, and calculated to inspire terror in the stoutest bosom. What effect it pro duced on Viviana may be easily conjectured. But her nature was brave and enduring, and, though she trembled so violently as scarcely to be able to keep her seat, she gave no utterance to her fears. They were skirting that part of the morass, since denominated, from the unfortunate speculation already alluded to, "Roscoe's Improvements. This tract was the worst and most dangerous portion of the whole moss. Soft, slabby, and unsubstantial, its treacherous beds scarcely offered secure footing to the heron that alighted on them. The ground shook beneath the fugitives as they hur. ried past the edge of the groaning and quivering marsh. The plover, scared from its nest, uttered its peculiar and plaintive cry; the bittern shrieked; other night-fowl poured forth their doleful notes; and the bull-frog added its deep croak to the ominous concert. Be hind them came the thundering tramp and loud shouts of their pursuers. Guy Fawkes had judged correctly. Before they reached Baysnape the moon had withdrawn behind a rack of clouds, and it had become profoundly dark. Arrived at this point, Hum. phrey Chetham called to them to turn off to the right.

"Follow singly," he said, "and do not swerve a hair's breadth fron the path. The slightest deviation will be fatal. Do you, sir," he added to the priest,"mount behind Guy Fawkes, and let Miss Radcliffe come next af ter me. If I should miss my way, do not stir for your life."

The transfer effected, the fugitives turned off to the right, and proceeded at a cautious pace along a narrow and shaking path. The ground trembled


"If I can save you, I care what becomes of me," replied the young merchant. "Since I can never hope to posess you, life has become valueless in my eyes."

"Quicken your pace, Master Chetham," shouted Guy Fawkes, who "Our pursuers brought up the roar. have discovered the track, and are making towards us."

"Let them do so," replied the young merchant. "They can do us no farther injury.”

"That is false!" cried the voice of a soldier from behind. And as the words were uttered a shot was fired, which, though aimed against Chetham, took effect upon his steed. The animal staggered, and his rider had only time to slide from his back when he reeled off the path, and was ingulfed in the marsh.

-Hearing the plunge of the steed, the man fancied he had hit his mark, and hallooed in an exulting voice to his companions. But his triumph was A ball from the of short duration. petronal of Guy Fawkes pierced his brain, and dropping from his saddle, he sank, together with his horse, which he dragged along with him into the quagmire.

"Waste no more shot," cried Humphrey Chetham; "the swamp will fight our battles for us. Though I grieve for the loss of my faithful horse, I may be better able to guide you on foot."

With this he seized Viviana's bridle, and drew her steed along at a quick pace, but with the greatest caution.-Guy Fawkes, from Bentley's Miscellany, March 1840.

100 parts of the juice of the sugarcane, as it exists when introduced into the boilers, contain 21 per cent. of sugar, while that of beet-root possesses scarcely 10 per cent.; the cane itself containing 90 per cent. of juice. According to Peligot, the sugar boilers in France extract 5 per cent. of sugar from the juice of the beet-root, that is, one-half, while in Martinique the product of the juice, of the sugarcane by the usual process is only from 6 to 8 per cent, or about onethird of the actual quantity of sugar existing in the juice. He endeavours to prove that this loss depends upon the unscientific method of conducting the process. The apparatus consists of a series of boilers heated by the same fire. The juice is first introduced into the boiler which is most distant from the fire, and which is consequently the coolest; from thence it is conveyed into the remainder of the series, and is thus exposed to a gradual measure of temperature, in proportion to the concentration. Now fermentation most readily takes place. at a temperature of between 80 100, while it ceases to go on in fluids heated to the temperature of 140 or 160. The object therefore should be to raise the temperature at once above this point; and not to elevate it too high, because such a proceeding will be apt to produce a greater quantity of molasses. Much loss is also sustained in the extraction of the juice by the mills: from 100b. of cane 50th. of juice are only extracted, while the cane contains 90, per cent. Peligot advises that after the cane is passed through the mill, economical as that employed in the it should be plunged into boiling wa British islands, has suggested several ter, in order to undergo a second improvements. He has found that compression.-Athenæum.

On the 1st of June 1793, Lord Howe's ship, the Queen Charlotte, is stated by the French accounts to have killed 100 men on board the French Admiral's three-deeker by a single raking broadside. At the battle of the Nile, the Orion seventy-four sunk the French frigade Serieuse by a single broadside. At the battle of Trafalgar, Lord Collingwood, in the Royal Sovereign, poured into the Spanish first-rate Santa Anna a raking broadside, which alone, by the admission of the Spanish officers, killed and wounded nearly 400 of the crew, and disabled fourteen of her guus. The first broadside which the Victory fired into the French admiral's stern on the same occasion, was of an equally destructive character. It was stated by M. Villeneuve himself to have disabled 400 Frenchmen, dismounted twenty-one guns, and rendered the ship nearly defenceless during the rest of the action.-Edinburgh Review, April 1840.

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Suggested Improvement in the Manufacture of Sugar.-M. Peligot, who has lately examined the process for making sugar adopted in Matinique, which however is not considered so


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