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Than even the loud inspiring cry,
Of conquest and of victory.


Earl Warwick his favorite steed bestrode,
Sir Ernest beside him in silence rode,
He was as hardy and stalwart a knight,
As ever broke lance in the battle fight;
And he felt in his heart a passing thrill,
Of pleasure as that gallant throng,
Pass'd in their stately files along;
For they promised revenge for deadly ill;
And he in his earlier hours had been,
Merry of heart and joyous of mien,

But the time was past- the darksome cloud,
His mauly heart to the earth had bow'd;
Yet now his eye was gleaming bright,
With something of its former light,
And in his heart the thirst of fame,
Was bursting forth with fiercer flame;
He felt the fire of youth again,
Which in his heart had dormant lain,
To nerve his arm-as he survey'd,
That stern and warlike cavalcade,
Aud Warwick whisper'd in his ear,
"The hour of deep revenge is near;
“Our gallant bands march gaily on,
"To night we rest at Deddington.







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Marriage is regarded by the natives (especially by the Kandians) as a matter of inconsiderable importance. They have no notion of the sacredness of its institution. Even that portion of the Singhaless, who in fact are Christians think it a matter of little or no consideration. In the hilly parts of Ceylon Polygamy is tolerated to a great extent a much greater extent than in any other parts of the Island. This custom of the Singhalese is often attended with serious consequences, and very frequently leads to murder. I think I can safely assert that almost every murder that is committed in the Kadian


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provinces is owing to the unsettled and confused state of the families of the natives. Although this barbarous custom is tolerated to such an extent in this Island, as to be the cause of shedding the blood of more than a score of human beings during one year; yet we find that no steps have as yet been taken, by the British Government to prohibit a barbarous union which is by no means allowed by either the Christian, or the Buddhistical Religion. The command of Buddha is similar to, and exactly coincides with, the declaration of our Lord, in his "Sermou on the Mount"-(Matt. v. 27, 28) "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

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The marriage customs of the ancient Jews, exactly corresponds with those of the Singhalese. We read of Polygamy to have been tolerated even among "God's chosen people."-The Scriptures furnish us with an account, that even Abraham, "the father of the faithful" and "the friend of God" had a plurality of wives. The Kings of Kandy are said to have had an immense number of concubines with a queen over them, called "the Queen Consort"; so, Abraham had Hagar and Ketura as his concubines, and Sarai as his wife, who exercised power and authority over the others—(Gen. xxi. 9, 10.) The children of the concubines, or "inferior wives" of the Kandian Kings, of whom we read in the records handed down to us, did not inherit their parent's property, hor had they any right to aspire to the Throne, except on failure of issue by the "primary or more honorable wites"; so likewise, the children of Hagar and Ketura were distinguished from Isaac (the son of Sarai); for it is said Abraham "gave them gifts, and sent them away while he yet lived" (Gen. xxv. 5, 6.)—We know that it is a custom still prevalent among the Singhalese to contract marriage in and after the manner of a purchase. It was just so with the Jews; for instance (in Gen. xxix. 18 &c.) we find that Jacob served Laban seven years for Rachel, and another seven for Leah. In almost every minute particular there is a wonderful coincidence with the customs and manners of the ancient Jews, as compared with those of the Singhaleše.

No very peculiar formalities appear to be in use among the Kandians in joining man and wife together. The manner in which a daughter is given in marriage to a young man, is in one respect like that of the Chinese, who are prevented froth seeing their wives till they are sent home. A woman prior to her marriage is not allowed to be seen by her intended husband. He knows nothing of her look or person; but from the informations of his mother, or some female relative, who in such mätters often acts the part of "match-maker.”—The same person (generally a confidential person, who is Dot in any way connected with the family of the bridegroom) is sent to the bride's house to negotiate the marriage. If the parents of the female accede to this proposal, information being given to the bridegroom, his parents then

go to determine the sum which the parents of the bride shall pay to the bridegroom. The amount being determined, a day that will be most propiuous for the consummation, according to the rules of Astrology, is the next thing they have to fix upon. To determine this they go the Astrologer (Neketia)" --a caste of persons known by Tom-tom beaters) with presents, which generally consist of a bunch of plantains, beetle leaves, and a few cakes. Aftar a careful perusal of the horoscopes of the parties (i. e. of the bride and the bridegroom); and a long and deliberate reflection, a day is at length fixed by the Astrologer. The mouths of (Wesak) May and (111) November, are considered to be very auspitious periods of the year, and consequently almost all the marriages amongst those who profess Buddhism, are celebrated during these two months.

On the day appointed for the marriage, the bridegroom, accompanied by his relatives and friends, goes to the bride's residence-where they are entertained with rice and curry, arrack and numerous other things. As soon as the bridegroom steps into the verandah of the bride, a brother of hers is to wash the feet of the bridegroom, and then conduct b ́m to ₫ platform*--erected for the occasion; but always taking care that the bridegroom shall walk on a clean white cloth, which is thrown on the floor by a washerman who is hired for the ceremony. The brother of the bride, as well as the Washerman, are rewarded for their labour, by the bridegroom. The washerınan receives (a musse) nearly four pence; and the brides' brother a ring, or any valuable present. At length the bridegroom ascends the plat form-where he is confronted with his never-seen bride: and it is now that the bridegroom is called upon to deliver over to his bride, the presents which be has brought with him. The presents are these: Thirty five leaves of beetle with a piece of white cloth, intended for the mother of the bride; thirty five leaves of beetle, with a coloured piece of cloth, intended for the mother of the bride; and the wedding garments (a white female's jacket and two yards of white cloth) for the bride. As soon as the last mentioned clothes are delivered over to the bride, she hands them over again to one of her uncles, who throws the jacket any how over her shoulder and the cloth round her waist. After going through these minute formalities, the two thumbs of the bride and the bridegroom are tied together by a piece of thread. While they have their thumbs thus joined togeter by a thread, the father of the bride recites eight sentences, (which very few can understand, being from Elu) praying for the blessing of God on the newmarried persons, and then formally gives his daughter to the bridegroom with the following exhortation. "I give you this woman (my daughter) as your wedded wife, to live together

• The platform is very ridiculously dressed with wildflowers. It is covered with a mat-over the mat a clean piece of cloth is thrown-and on this, & few seers of raw rice are scattered.

all you are seperated by death. I require of you in the presence of this, assembly, to love her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others to cleave unto her as one flesh. May the Gods of Hearen prosper you both!" After a few words of a similar nature to his daughter, the father pours some water on their hands, with the following declaration. "In the presence of this assembly, I have joined together this man and woman, as husband and wife and may the blessing of the Gods come upon them!"

The last ceremony is the Bride's leaving the house of her parents. This is generally on the third day after the celebration of marriage. With great noise, clamour and ridiculous pomp the new married couple-accompanied by their respective friends and relatives are seen leaving the residence of the bride for that of the bridegroom's. At this time generally the bride receives her dowery from her parents which she takes with her to her new residence.

The marriage ceremony already described, chiefly relates to those who live in the maritime provinces; for no ceremonies or formalities appear to be in use among the Kandians. "Mutual consent followed by consummation is deemed sufficient." The Christian portion of the natives observes almost all the ceremonies above described, except "the celebration of the marriage”— which is done by a clergyman, according to the formalities laid down in the "Ruberic." The Christians are also in the habit of hanging seven pieces of chains round the bride's neck; and changing a ring-a few days prior to the nuptial solemnity. This castom of changing rings is borrowed from the Dutch.

In the interior parts of Ceylon, "where white man's foot never trod" the people live in the rudest and most barbarous manner possible. As regards marriage ceremonies they know nothing. Six or seven brothers are seen living with one wife. And those who are wealthy, generally have half a dozen concubines in their houses. This is a practice which I am sorry to say has not yet been given up even within the four Gravets of Colombo. Hence proceeds that dreadful practice of poisoning each other, which is so com. mon an occurrence among the natives.

The following is an answer to the Dutch Governor Falk's inquiry respect. ing the marriage customs (in the year 1769) by some of the Buddhist Priests "Is bigamy permitted among the Sinhalese ?” It is, and it is not. When a man possessed of an hereditary estate, consisting of fields, gardens, money, and grain, has no children by his wife; if she be a woman of an amiable disposition, and of a sensible and compassionate turn of mind, she will make quitable reflection upon the circumstances of the case; and in order to prevent the family from being extinct, she will solicit her husband to take another wife. In such an event, it appears by the Books, that he may, with pro priety, contract a second marriage: but on the other haud, even though the

wife should have produced no children, if she decline giving her consent to his "marrying again, he cannot have recourse to that measure. The reader will observe that this procedure is quite in conformity with the line of conduct pursued by Sarai towards her husband Abraham-when all hopes of an increas of her family were out off, by her extreme old age-(Gen. xvi. 1. 2. 3.)

In the interior of the maritime Provinces of Ceylon, a "german sister, "wife's daughter," "brother's wife," "wife's sister," "brother's daughter, "sister's daughter," "brother's son's wife" &c; are persons who are generally married. We read in History that Cimon the son Miltiades had his "german sister," Elphinice to wife-"habebat autem in matrimonio sororem suam germanum, nomine Elphinicen, non magis amore quam patrio more ductus. Nam Atheniensibus licet eodem patre natas uxores ducere."


Among the natives marriage is considered as "a purchase, which the man makes of the woman;" for in contracting marriages the husband is always obliged to give money or other valuable presents to either the wife or her parents. This is examplified as also customary with the Jews, in Genesis *xxiv, 12 &c. Amongst the Athenians this was a common occurrence. continuation of the passage I have quoted above, is as follows:-"Calias quidam, non tạm generosus quam pecuniosus, qui magnas pecunias ex metallis fecerat, egit cum Cimone ut Elphinicen sibi uzorem daret; id si impetrâsset se pro illo pecuniam soliturum.”

Pivorees are of common occurrence in the Kandian Districts. Although the Kancians do not sell their wives, as is the custom in China, yet they put away their wives on the least mutual dislike. Whenever a Kandian (even any of the chiefs) dislikes his wife, the only thing he has to do-nay, the very step he takes is, to order her to get her clothes and accompany him to her parents' house. No sooner is his desire made to the wife, than it is calmly obeyed; for no sopper she goes home than another person is ready to solicit her in marriage, and almost the next day takes her away to his residence. On reading these remarks, one cannot but propose the question "What becomes of the children of such persons as are divorced?" The answer is " notwithstanding the divorce of their parents, the children are, according to the established psage, entitled to inherit hpth their landed and personal property. In the case, however, of their parent's marriage again, one half of that property is, upon such occasion, transferred to the children of the first marriage. If there is no issue from the second marriage, the remainder of their property reverts to the children of the first; otherwise it goes to the children of the second."

Now-a-days the objection of the wife never prevails. The women in the Kandian provinces seem to have no dislike whatever to their husband's being associated with other women.

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