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on the right, and led them out of sight, and soon after returned for two more. This was repeated several times before the unfortunate victims began to suspect the dreadful work that was going on. They were stupified with horror; yet many were collected. One instance Barnsley often mentioned: as they were leading off two of their victims one of them who had ten pagodas wrapped in a rag, took them out of his pocket and threw them into the bush.

At length it came to poor Barnsley's turn, who, more dead than alive, walked to the fatal spot strewed with the bodies of his countrymen. The exe cutioners with their large swords chopped their victims down. The sword fell upon the back of his neck; his head fell upon his breast; the sinews of his neck were cut through; he got but one cut, and became deprived of all sensation. When his recollection returned the groans of the poor wretches were dreadful. When he opened his eyes he saw several of the natives with gingaals, or wall pieces, stalking over the heaps of alain, beating every one on the head whether life was extinct or not, During this sight of horror he lay as still as death, receiving only one blow on the head, which again deprived him of sensation, When this butchery was complete, they began to strip the dead. He was himself stripped during his unconsciousness; and upon his return to recollection, there was only his shirt upon his body, which was a very bad one, or it had gone with the rest, The next recollection he had was of a great shouting and tumult. He attempted to rise, but his head fell forward upon his breast. Anxious to know the cause, yet fearful of being observed by the barbarians, he rose on all fours, and supporting his head with his left hand he could distinctly see a great concourse of them, as if assembled round some object of curiosity-those on the outside jumping up, stretching their necks as if to gain a sight of something that was going on in the centre. At this time he distinctly heard pistol shots, and supposed it was the English officers shooting themselves, rather than be chopped down, if they saw no other alternative. This happened in the dusk of the evening, As soon as it was dark, he crawled into the bushes which were close at hand, and, in the best manner he could, made for the brink of the river, which was at no great distance; yet it was a toilsome journey to him. When daylight came, he saw a Candian busy cutting up the raft. The river þad fallen much for the rain had ceased. As soon as he perceived the Candian, he went more to the right to be out of his view. When he came to the banks again, he found the river too wide for hin, at this place; and, re collecting to have seen a bend in it, where the stream was not so broad, he urged his painful course towards it, supporting his head with one hand under his chin, and the other under his elbow to aid it. Here he plunged in, swimming with his right arm, and holding his head out of the water with his left. In the middle of the stream he had nearly perished; the current was so strong it hurried him along with it, to prevent which he had, in desperation, to use both arms, when his head fell under the water, and he

was nearly suffocated. Again he raised it; the strength of the current was passed, and he reached the opposite bank in a very exhausted state, where he lay for some time with part of his body in the river, and his breast and arms upon its banks. Anxious to get as far as possible from the scene of his suffering, and conscious of his exposed situation, he made an effort to rise, and with horror saw a Candian, on the top of the bank on which he had landed, gazing at him. Concealment was now out of his power; his re solution was at once taken, and he advanced boldly towards the Candian, who retreated in terror to a small distance. The poor Corporal made signs for him to give him his mat to cover him, as the Candian shewed no hostility or wish to do him any harm, and the rain had again set in. At length the Candian took it off, and held it out upon the end of his staff, saying "po po," (go.) He accordingly wrapped it round him, and made the best of his way in the direction of Fort Macdowal.


Shortly after he came to a level part of the country, where there were a great many foot marks; for the ground was very soft on account of the rain. His wound pained him much, and his head ached dreadfully with the blow he got with the gun. Much as the rain incommoded him he was pleased at its continuance, for it was a great means of effecting his escape, the Candians seldom leaving their huts in wet weather. Towards evening he came to a tract of rising land, where be found a deserted house, which wanted the roof. Here he took up his abode, and passed a night of the most acute suffering. The rain poured down upon him in torrents; his wound felt as if a red hot iron was upon it, and almost drove him to despair; the night appeared to him an age; and though he wished anxiously for day, he knew not when it arrived what was to be his fate; but any thing was preferable to the agony he suffered from his wound, which the inclemency of the weather now irritated more keenly than he could almost endure. As soon as daylight came, he examined the house in vain for some article or other that might be of use to him. At last he went out and gathered a few leaves; their properties were unknown to him; but they were to cool his wound. He then tore up his shirt and dressed it for the first time, in the best manner he could, and then began to descend towards his left, and shortly after saw smoke rising out from among some trees. Cautiously approaching the spot, and peeping over the bushes, he saw a number of Indians, a savage race who live by rapine and murder, and are said to be cannibals. They are tributary to the King of Candy, and get from him a reward for every white man they can kill. He silently withdrew, and again began to ascend to the top of the height be had left. The opposite side was so steep and slippery that he was under the necessity of sliding down on his breech. The country became again more level, and was interspersed with wood. Here he met a boy carrying two bundles of firewood, on a slip of Bamboo over his shoulder, who immediately on seeing him dropped his load, and filed to the bushes. He took

no notice, but hurried on, weary and faint from his wound and hunger, Thus he proceeded, concealing himself in the best manner he could until he met two men and a boy, who stopped him, and began to converse among themselves, often pointing to him. He knew not what they conversed about, but made all the signs he could think of to obtain their pity. At length one of them gave him a small cake of their country black bread. He put it to bis lips, but was unable to open his mouth, not having the power of his jaws (it was long after before he could chew his food ;) he broke it off in small pieces, and in vain attempted to swallow a little. At length they made signs for him to follow them, and made no motion as if they were going to do him any injury. He walked with them for a considerable time; at length they came to some houses, where there were a good many native soldiers, and he was put into a back apartment of one of them,

Soon after one of their chiefs came to him and made signs to him to prostrate him self upon the ground before him, which he did. The chief then departed, and soon after a quantity of excellent curry and rice was brought him. With much trouble and pain he ate some of it, the swallowing it constitutiug his greatest difficulty. The tom-toms were then beat, and the army collected in a short time to the number of about five-thousand men and boys. Having him in the centre, they moved on in a crowd, in silence, without any appearance of military order, all crowding round and staring at him. At this moment his mind was in great agitation being unconscious what was to be his fate. At length they came to a pagoda, a sanmah house, and he now thought his doom was fixed, and that he had been brought there to be sacrificed to their God. To his great relief however they passed on, leaving him in as great uncertainty as ever as to what was to be his fate. At length his agitation became so great that his mind grew confused, and he walked onward ulmost unconsciously, until they came in sight of Fort Macdowal when they halted. Fort Macdowal is 16 miles from Kandy on the road to Trincomalie. The chief then came up to him, and caused a gin-gaal piece to be brought and placed to his shoulders, ready cocked. He did not know the but thought they meant him to fight against the English, or they would put him to death. He was going to pull the trigger, as a signal that he would do any thing they commanded, when the chief who was an old man caused it to be taken from him, and smiled. After a great deal of dumb show with the assistance of some of the natives who spoke the Malabar language, of which he knew a little, he was made to understand that the chief wished the English to come out of Fort Macdowal, and fight him in the open ground. When ha saw that Barnsley understood what he meant he was allowed to proceed, along with two of the natives to deliver his message, and they conducted him to the bottom of the hill where the Fort stood as soon as they came near it they said po, po, and left him, happy to be out of their hands.


meaning of all this,

At his approach, the sentinel was struck with horror at his emanciated figure and

ghastly look: he was conducted to Captain Madge, Commander of the Fortress at the time, who was thunderstruck at his appearance, and the melancholy tidings he pore. The first words he said, were, "The troops in Candy are all dished, your honor." Captain Madge in astonishment, required an explanation, which was too easily given, when he immediately ordered the guns to be spiked; and arrangements made for evacuating the Fort,-which was done about ten o'clock, after the moon had sunk behind the hills. All the sick were left to the mercy of the enemy, who had already shown that they had none. The lamps were left burning, and the march was commenced in silence; this however was soon discovered, and those of the sick, who were most able, followed the line of march until they dropped. Poor Barnsley, after having his ghastly wound aressed by the surgeon, marched on, supporting his head with his bands, as he had done all along, and arrived, with those who were able to keep up, on the Cottiar shore, where the man of war boats were stationed, who took them on board and brought them to Trincomalie, which they reached on the 3rd July.

Corporal George Barnsley, soon after his recovery and return to duty, was made a Sergeant; but in a few months after, having got a little in liquor on the barrack ground in the cantonment, he was tried by a Court Martial, and reduced to the ranks, and did duty as a private until the year 1865, when he was sent home invalided, along with others, to England. Upon my return from Ceylon in 1811, while at Glasgow, I learned that he was at that time doing duty in Fort George, in the Veteran Battalion; since that time I have heard nothing of him."




4. Konkaner, a philosopher, who was a contemporary with Agastya, though represent him to have been a disciple of the moralist Terieralluver. He held in utter contempt all the do mas believed by the Hindoos; for in a treatise called Gránam, which he composed, he declares that "since there is but one GOD, there can be but one reda, one spiritual guide, one form of worship, one plan of felicity or torments, and only one birth amongst the human race; and that those who say, no, there are four redas, six forms of worship and many gods,

will subject themselves to the pains of the fiery hell." He has also left a work called Kudeikandam, which treats principally of the composition of various medicines.

5. Matchamuni, another philosopher, the era of whose existence is involved in obscurity. He is only known as the author of a treatise on Disea ses called Eimooroo and a Glossary on medecine called Nigandu. His compositions on philosophy are sup. posed to have perished. 6. Apper, 7. Sampanter, 8. Suntarer, three poets, who have rendered them.

selves famons by composing the poem called Tirurrásagam; a voluminous exposition of the doctrines of the Saica sect, of which they were the zealous champions. Apper was born and bred à Samana, or Buddhist; but through the ill-treatment of the head ascetic of that system, he became a Saiva, and prevailed on the King Koon Pandiyen to follow his example. It is said of Sampanter, that he stirred up the Saivus to persecute the Samanas, and caused 8000 of them to be empaled alive at Madura. The Saiva assert that these poets were inspired by Siva, who ap peared to them in the guise of an old man at Tiruparankádu, while on their way to Trivaloor, the praises of which they went to sing.

9. Natkeerer, an eminent philosopher and poet, who was a contemporary with the preceding, and one of the professors of the ancient university of Madura. He is, however, only known as the author of a series of incantations in verses called Tirumurugattupadei, addressed to the GOD Kertikeya; and by which he is said to have delivered himself and nine hundred and ninetynine others from being devoured by a Bútum, or hobgoblin, who had seized and confined them in a cave in the mountain Imaus, while rambling in a forest in the neighbourhood.

soon as

opinions of Auveiyor, I shall subjoig a few extracts from her works; the translation is adopted, with some alter. ations, from the Rev. Dr. John's Life and writing of Auveiyar, and Mr. Ellis's commentary on the Kural. Give;

"Be desirous to give alms. and then eat. Never cease to improve in learning. Speak what is agree. æble. Cherish thy father and mother. Learn whilst thou art young. Keep what is good. Consider before thou doest a thing. Do not hurt any body. Keep company with the virtuous. Speak not disrespectfully of the deity. not speak falsely. Live peacefully with thy fellow citizens."-Attisúdi.


"What misers acquire, evil people wil steal. Though thou beggest alnis, do only what is proper. What cannot be done must not be desired. A bad wife is like a fire in the lap. If the deity is displeased, nothing will prosper. Speak kindly even to thy inferiors. What a man sows in the first part of his existence, he reaps in the next. Avoid eating meat, killing animal life, and stealing."-Kondie Veyuden.

"The more we learn the more un

derstanding we get. Learning is the only durable treasure. What thou hast learned teach to others. Though thou should'st be an hundred years old, endeavour stiil to increase in know.

ledge. In proportion as one increases in learning, he ought also to increase in virtue."-Kalviozhukkam.

10. Aureiyar. This celebrated lady lived about the time of Ugra Pandiyen, King of Madura, and was the first of her sex in India who acquired a reputation as a moralist and poetess. The "There are no other castes but twoj common tradition is, that her father namely, the high, who walk uprightly was a Brahman philosopher named and give liberally to the poor, and those The learned are Pagavan, and her mother Adi, a pariah who do not do so. woman of Karoor in South Combatoor, as death to ignorant men; to wicked and that being exposed as men the virtuous are as death; to the born, was taken up and educated soft plaintain tree the very fruit it by a Pánan, or songster. Her talents produceth is death; but above all death were devoted entirely to the into the house to which she belongeth struction of youth; and she is a vicious woman."-Nalvazhi. posed five books of moral maxims; namely, the Attisudi, Kondie, Kalviozhukkam, Nalvazhi and Múdurei, besides a poem called Gnána kural, containing a series of 310 districts upon subjects connected with natural philo. sophy. As she had from her childhood evinced a propensity for a life of mortification and devotion, so she continued a virgin until her death, which is said to have taken place at an extremely old age.


As a specimen of the style and

"When thou bestowest a favor on another, be not solicitious about the time when it shall be returned; for after a little while the young Cocos will give undiminished from its head the water it drank while growing.

"A benefit conferred on the worthy resembleth an engraving on a stone; but to confer it on those whose hearts are void of kindness is like writing

on water.

"The good, keeping in mind one fa vor received, will forgive a hundred

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