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formed that these were the debris of an Osiris which were long under orders for England. We were also told that the stone raised to Col. Duten's memory is now included in the threshold of a house belonging to a Greek at Alexandria In the afternoon, we went to the so-named Pompey's pillar; a very elegant column, but needing a statue on its summit, or some distinguishing memorial of a similar nature to make it appear otherwise than one remaining out of many columns which most probably were formerly on this spot. We strained our eyes to no purpose to discover the inscription; they say it is on the west side of the pedestal, and was once filled in with white on a black ground by an English lady, but the sand has since covered it up-I could not even make out the trace of an engraving, and we were afterwards told that it can only be seen at three in the afternoon, when the sun strikes directly on it. Ladies even are said to have ascended this column, which is near 100 feet high. Prokesch alludes to some witty lines written by an Englishwoman' from its top to a friend, who answered her from the bottom of Joseph's well at Cairo.

9th. Stayed at home the greater part of the day and rode in the evening to Seyd Bey's palace-an unfinished building about three miles off-on our return from which we had a fine view of the city from an old redoubt, near which we visited the remains of a Roman temple, where there are some painted figures on the wall, curious enough to merit copying ere the hand of time or of travellers shall have destroyed them. As far as the gloaming would allow us to see, they appeared too modern in the form of dress and face, ay even of moustache, to be older than Roman, and too good in point of execution to be of a more recent date.

10th. Took leave of our very few acquaintances, and heard the news just received at our Consulate, that the troops of the Sultan, unrestrained by the advice of the English and French embassies in Constantinople, had entered Syria from three different quarters-and that the armistice between Turkey and Egypt was thus broken; Mobammed Ali had issued a proclamation, in which he announced that bis orders to his son Ibrahim had forbidden aggression, but commanded a repulse of force by force-be therefore threw on his master the blame of bloodshed, and trusted to Allah for a good result.

11th. At 8 A. M. we went on board the Principe Metternich, being the only two passengers in the first places-our companions for Constantinople were about 50 Hadgis and 200 Nubian or Abyssinian slaves, who lay along the poop and deck in every direction, or were hustled together in the forehold, Our Captain seemed ashamed of his cargo, and in speaking to us on the subject, gave us to understand that he and his employers could know nothing more of them than that they said they were pilgrims, and their followers were their servants. They seemed merry little devils, of all ages and both sexes, and their masters were, as Turks always are, kind patrons, shewing many little indulgences, and taking

evidently as much care to feed them as they did to provide for themselves. There could be no doubt whatever as to the position in which they stood

to each other; indeed I thought I recognized among the girls one or two of the faces I had seen round the fire on the evening we left Luxor. It took us some time to get clear of the harbour of Alexandria, after which we speedily fost sight of land.

But I must say a few words about this second capital of Egypt ere I part with it.-Alexandria may be called the Pacha's Frank metropolis,-it is entirely different from Cairo or any other town in his dominions. The streets are clean, and as broad as those in most of the second or third-rate towns of Europe; and the Strada Nuova would be reckoned elegant even in Paris. It is there that almost all the Consuls reside: its width is equal to that of Portland-place, and if pavements and lamps were added to the other innovations here exhibited, it would not be far inferior to that splendid thoroughfare itself. Behind our hotel, which was in the centre of that street, was one of the okellahs which Capt. Light mentions; they are square enclosures having but one or two entrances, which are secured by gates almost impregnable to an Egyptian mob; hither Europeans, or quiet citizens, may retire in times of tumult, or when plague prevails, their appearance is similar to that of the squares of old London inns, the several chambers of which form the circuit of upper galleries, to which there is one common staircase. The great inconvenience is that everybody sees everybody, coming in or going out: and the idea of retirement or family seclusion can only exist in the internal chambers.

In Alexandria we saw for the first time in Egypt few sufferers from ophthal mia-this may be owing to the greater cleanliness out of doors, for I should imagine that nothing can be more injurious to the eyes than the noxious vapour steaming from ordure or vegetable filth. The population of the town appeared more composed of Franks than of natives, and such Franks! the European residents call them Levantines; our term of Levanter may perhaps be traced to these rip-looking mortals. Capt. Light mentions that in 1814 there were two English mercantile houses here: there are now about ten. The women met with in the streets are as closely wrapped up as in Cairo or elsewhere, and have the very look of ambulant mummies; it was not our good fortune to see any of the fair sex within doors; the bright eyes shining above the brass rings of the strip which covers their faces, would seem to give promise of charms, which are not always possessed. The surmah adds certainly great brilliancy to the optics, yet in one or two instances when a near approach was permitted me, I did not admire its effect: perhaps it had not been well laid on in those cases. resident turns out to walk, or ride

The streets look gay at 5 when every on donkeys, or oil in shabby vehicles,

otherwise the town is as dull as can be: the monotony being only broken by the arrival of steamers, or news of the progress of quarrels between the Sultan and the Pacha, or of some fresh monopoly taken up by the latter.

[blocks in formation]

Spread of discontent. The Manchester Massacre. Lord Sidmouth challenged by Thistlewood. Secret Meetings and seditious lanGale Jones's Letter to Lord Sidmouth. It's consequences, Thickening of the Plot. Political Placards.


The spirit of discontent which led to the riotous meetings and disturbances of 1817, was still at work in 1819 and spreading more widely than ever. The abuses and grievances in the representation and adminstration of the country, which, during the long war had been forgotten or suffered to exist from the excitement of foreign aflans, now that the people had leisure to look at home and enquire into matters, were loudly declaimed against, and to all thinking minds it was pretty evident from the many meetings, lectures and works on the subject, that something must be done e're, long. I am inclined to ascribe the restlessness of the nation at this period to another agency,—the Press. Within a few years, vast improvements had taken place in our periodical literature. The introduction of steam-power had enabled the proprietors of the several papers to add greatly to their contents in the way of general information, and subjects were now discussed which under the old system and when so much of warlike news was given, had never been thought of. It is a natural consequence of the close of a protracted war that numerous classes of the community should be thrown out of em-. ployment, and it was amongst these that arose first want, then murmurs, and lastly crime.

Meetings were being held all over England during the early part of 1819, but they were all of a perfectly peaceable nature, and util the lamentable affair at Manchester in August, not an act of violence was committed. The particulars of the ever memorable "Manchester Massacre" are too well known to need recapitulation. The news of that bloody affair was variously received in London, By the lower orders it was looked upon as an earnest of what they were to expect from their rulers. By the well-disposed, middle classes it was regarded with uneasy feelings. By those in

power, particularly the ministers themselves, it was exulted over and looked upon as an act that would at once quiet any discontent or popular ontery for reform. That it led to very different results from what they anticipated we all know. I well remember an interview I had with Lord Sidmouth in the latter end of August at his private residence. I found him walking up and down his study evidently wrapt in some subject of moment. He was buried in thought and did not see me for some time, but when he did, and when he made allusion to the recent Massacre as an untoward affair, his eyes glistened like those of a tiger in possession of his prey. His joy seemed scarcely containable. I found to my vexation that I was once more to be put in requisition on the same nnthankful service as in 1817, and most likely with the same parties. His lordship bad intelligence of meetings to be holden all over the metropolis, relative to late transactions, and of their proceedings &c., he wished to be kept well advised. From certain expressions let fall by him I had no doubt but that he believed something decisive was about to take place, and that I knew was the very thing he hoped for, as it would furnish him with a pretext for

the introduction of further coercive measures.

With my special private instructions in my pocket I went home and laid plans for future operations. It was about this time that Lord S. received a challenge from Arthur Thistlewood to meet him in Hyde Park, which was of course refused. Thistlewood was apprehended and bound over to keep the peace, but his restless, daring spirit, was not to be held by bonds or penalties, and no sooner was he at liberty than he set to work heart and soul, at the old game, and in a very short time had formed a numerous association.

I had my eyes upon his movements and soon laid his proceedings before the Minister. The Bow-sheet officers were set upon the gang but in vain, for they were 100 well known to do any good, so the entire work was left in my hands, with two or three private agents of Government to assist me. My first act was to enrol myself as one of the body, the next to get one of my most confidential assistants elected their secretary, which was a grand port, as it gave me ready access at all times to their proceedings and correspondence.

This Association was the result of a numerous meeting held in Smithfield Market on September 10th to petition the Prine Regent for reforms and redress of grievances, and of which Henry Hunt had been chairman. The latter had just returned from Manchester and was met on his entry into London by a vast concourse of people. Of course the minds of the populace were not a little excited by his account of the recent transactions at Manchester. A committee had been appointed to present the petition at the head of which were John Gale Jones and Benry Hunt, and they were then waiting the result and holding frequent consul

tations in a small house in Three Kings Court, Fleet Street with Thistlewood's Association which had deeper and more desperate views, nevertheless the two were perfectly cognizant of each other's inten tions. It was extremely difficult to ascertain how many were leagued together with Thistlewood, for there were no settled places of meeting nor any regular proceedings: the members mei at uncertain intervals and places which precluded the possibility of my attending them all. I was however, present at sufficient to gather that some mischievous, though certainly not dangerous, operations were in course of projection, of all of which Ministers were well aware, looking on with calm indifference and only waiting till the pear was ripe that they might exhibit it as a proof of the wickedness of the lower orders and of the danger of trusting such with political power, in fact using them as political scare crows to keep down the restlessness of the middle classes.

Knowing as I did their cognizance of every trifling incident connected with Thistlewood's plotting I certainly was astonished to hear the ministers declare in the House on the capture of the conspirators the following spring, that the government had only been acquainted with what was going on through the letter which Hyden delivered to Lord Harrowby the previous day in Hyde Park: they declared that though they had some faint idea of some mischievous caballing yet nothing was known as to it's nature or extent!! Why the speeches delivered at these secret meetings were noted down together with all the resolutions passed, and even the quantity of spirits and beer drank by the plotters were not omitted, all of which was laid, in an official form, on Lord Sidmouth's breakfast table every morning!

The first meeting of which I sent in a written report, was one held in a chapel in Hopkins Street, Holborn, on the 27th September at 8 P. M. Waddington and Ings were there, as also a delegate from Manchester. The latter addressed the meeting at some length and in great bitterness, which was not to be wondered at considering the recent shedding of blood in that town. There were not more than thirty present, but they all appeared to be men of daring and energy and their speech did not belie their looks. The Prince and his ministers were of course abused in the foulest language, the former being termed a har and a tyrant, and the latter blooddrinkers and murderers. Amongst the many pleasant proposals made was one to seize and divide the property of the rich, and in order to secure the good will of the army to grant a piece of land to every soldier according to his rank. It was unanimously agreed by those present that the Manchester Massacre was the commencement of a Revolution,


ministers, and dejustice but would no one would join Ings, the Butcher, said

Waddington declaimed most violently against clared that he would not wait any longer go and demand it with arms in his hands. him he would go alone to Downing-Street.


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