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FINANCE. The Chancellor of the Exchequer makes his second Financial

Statement for the Year, on the 5th of April-He explains at length the

motives which had influenced him in making his Propositions to the

House, and the subsequent modifications in his Plans-He proposes a total

Repeal of the Window Tax in lieu of the Alteration before propounded,

and retracts some of the boons to the Agricultural Interest which had

been ungraciously received-The Budget meets with a more favour-

able reception than the former one. THE INCOME TAX-Mr. Herries

moves a Resolution directed to an alleviation of that Impost-He is

answered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer-Speeches of Mr. Prinsep,

Mr. F. Peel, Mr. T. Baring, Mr. J. Wilson, Sir R. Inglis, and other Mem-

bers-Mr. Herries's Resolution is rejected on a division by 278 against

230-The Second Reading of the Income-Tax Bill is opposed by Mr.

Spooner and Mr. Muntz, but without effect-On the Bill going into Com-

mittee, Mr. Hume moves that the Grant be limited to one year, with the

object of having the whole subject considered in a Select Committee-

The Amendment is opposed by the Government, also by Mr. Cobden, and

Mr. Sidney Herbert-It is supported by Alderman Thompson, Mr. Miles,

and Mr. Disraeli, and is carried by 244 to 230, amidst great cheering from

the Opposition-A few days afterwards, Lord John Russell declares the

intention of the Government to acquiesce in the Amendment-Remarks

of Mr. Disraeli-Mr. Hume experiences much difficulty in nominating a

Select Committee on the Income Tax-Discussion as to the object of the

Amendment, and the motives of those who had supported it-Remarks of

Lord John Russell and Sir C. Wood-A Committee is at length nominated.

PROTECTIONIST FINANCE-On the 30th of June, Mr. Disraeli moves certain

Resolutions respecting the Financial Position and Prospects of the

Country, and the Policy of the Government-His Speech-He is answered

by the Chancellor of the Exchequer-Speeches of Mr. Newdegate, Mr.

Labouchere, Mr. Hume, and other Members-The Resolutions are ne-

gatived by a majority of 113. ALTERATION OF DUTIES ON COFFEE AND

TIMBER The former opposed by Mr. E. H. Stanley, but agreed to by the

House Mr. T. Baring moves a Resolution condemnatory of the Adul-

teration of Coffee by means of Chicory The Motion is opposed by the

Chancellor of the Exchequer, and rejected after a Debate, by 5 votes only

On a second attempt with the same view, Mr. T. Baring is outvoted by

199 to 122. MALT TAX-Repeal of that Duty moved by Mr. Cayley-

His Speech-He is supported by Mr. Disraeli and other Members of the

Agricultural Party-The Chancellor of the Exchequer and Lord John

Russell resist the Motion, which is rejected by 258 to 122—Mr. Bass after-

wards moves that the Malt Duty be reduced one-half-This also is ne-

gatived by the House-Mr. Frewen attempts a Repeal of the Hop Duty,

but without success-Lord Naas twice defeats the Government on his

Motion with respect to the mode of levying Duties on Home-made

Spirits in Bond; and Lord Robert Grosvenor once, upon a Proposi-

tion for repealing the Attorney's Certificate Duty-The Chancellor of

the Exchequer ultimately succeeds in reversing the decisions as to


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Select Committee be appointed with the same object-Speeches of Mr.

Vernon Smith, Mr. F. Scott, Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Labouchere,

Mr. Sidney Herbert, and other Members-The Amendment is carried by

128 to 60-Further Discussions in the House of Lords, and in the House

of Commons, on the vote being proposed for the Expenses of the Kafir

War in Committee of Supply-Important Debate on the Political Griev-

ances of the Cape Colony in the House of Lords, on the Motion of the

Earl of Derby-He enters fully into the subjects of the Postponement of

the promised Constitution, and the sending of Convicts to the Cape-Earl

Grey defends his own Policy-The Earl of Malmesbury, Lord Lyndhurst,

Lord Cranworth, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Argyll, and the Duke

of Newcastle, take part in the Discussion-Lord Derby's Motion for a

Select Committee of Inquiry is negatived by 74 to 68. SIR JAMES BROOKE

-Mr. Hume moves for an Inquiry into the Conduct of this Officer in

reference to some of his operations against the Dyak Tribes for alleged

Piracy-Mr. Headlam, Mr. H. Drummond, Mr. Milnes, and Lord Palmer-

ston vindicate Sir J. Brooke's Character-Mr. Cobden supports the Motion

-Mr. Gladstone discredits the personal Charges, but is in favour of In-

quiry-On a Division, the Motion is defeated by 230 to 19. THE SLAVE

TRADE-Interesting Statement made by Lord Palmerston respecting the

progress made towards its Suppression-Remarks of Sir John Pakington


Publication of Mr. Gladstone's Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen-Strong

public interest and sympathy excited by these disclosures-Sir De Lacy

Evans questions the Government on the subject in the House of Commons

-Answer of Lord Palmerston, and steps taken by him in reference to

Mr. Gladstone's Pamphlet.

and Mr. Disraeli-On a Division the Bill is lost by 299 to 83-Motion by

Mr. Henry Berkeley in favour of the Ballot supported by Mr. Hume and

Captain Scobell, and carried against the Ministers by 87 to 50-The

Motion, however, produces no further result. ST. ALBAN'S ELECTION—

Gross Bribery alleged to have been practised at that Borough-Bill pro-

posed and carried for appointing Commissioners to investigate the mode

in which the Election had been conducted. PEACE POLICY-Mr. Cobden's

Proposition in favour of a reciprocal National Disarmament-Speeches of

Mr. Cobden, Mr. Mackinnon, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Hume,

and other Members-Several Members advise the withdrawal of the

Motion in consequence of the language held by the Secretary for Foreign

Affairs-Mr. Cobden accedes to that suggestion. MARRIAGES OF AFFINITY

-The Bill rejected in the preceding Year for legalizing Marriages with a

deceased Wife's Sister is again introduced in the House of Lords-Earl

St. Germans proposes and argues in favour of the Measure-The Arch-

bishop of Canterbury declares himself opposed to the principle of the

Bill, and moves its postponement for Six Months-The Bishops of Exeter,

St. David's, and Norwich, support the Amendment - Lord Campbell

argues forcibly against the Bill-Lord Gage supports the Measure-On a

Division the Amendment is carried by a Majority of 34. THE CHURCH

of England anD CONVOCATION-Discussion in the House of Lords on the

Motion of Lord Redesdale on this subject-The Archbishop of Canterbury

argues with much force against the revival of Convocation-Important

Speeches of Lord Lyttelton, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Bishop of

London, the Archbishop of Dublin, the Duke of Argyll, and the Bishop

of Oxford
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Speaker to withdraw, he at first takes his Seat in the House, but after-

wards retires below the Bar-A Discussion commences, but is postponed

to a future day-On the 21st Mr. Salomons again enters the House, and

takes his Seat on the Ministerial side of the House-A stormy discussion

ensues, and three Divisions take place, on two of which Mr. Salomons

himself votes-Mr. Bethell delivers an opinion in favour of Mr. Salomons'

competency to sit upon taking the Oath as he had done-Sir F. Thesiger

maintains the contrary opinion-Mr. Salomons is called upon, and ad-

dresses the House in a short Speech-The House having affirmed by 231

against 81 the Motion that Mr. Salomons should withdraw, he refuses to

do so unless compelled-The Sergeant at Arms is then directed to remove

him, and he retires-The next day Lord John Russell moves a Resolution

denying the right of Mr. Salomons to sit until he has taken the usual

Oath-The question is debated at considerable length during two evenings,

but after several Amendments and Divisions the original Motion is finally

carried by 123 to 63. REMAINING BUSINESS OF THE SESSION-Bills for

regulation of Capitular and Episcopal Estates, for improved Administra-

tion of the Woods and Forests, and for the Removal of Smithfield Market



COURT OF CHANCERY-Lord John Russell's First and Second Plans-Opi-

nions of Legal Members of the House-Outline of the Measure as passed

-Close of the Session-Occupation of their New Chamber by the House

of Commons-The Prorogation of Parliament on the 8th of August—

Address of the Speaker and Her Majesty's Speech-Remarks on the Ses-

sion-Its small legislative results-Effect of the Papal Aggression on the

progress of Parliamentary business. CONCLUSION
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