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RULE 2-When the connection of the different parts of a simple sentence, is interrupted by an imperfect phrase, a comma is usually introduced before the beginning and at the end of the phrase; as, 'I remember, with gratitude, his goodness to me." His work is, in many respects, very imperfect." "It is, therefore, not much approved." But when the interruptions are slight and unimportant, the comma is better omitted; as, Flattery is certainly pernicious." There is surely a pleasure in beneficence."


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RULE 3.-When two or more nouns occur in the same construction, they are parted by a comma; as, "The husband, wife, and children, suffered extremely." They took away their furniture, clothes, and stock in trade.” From this rule there is mostly an exception, with regard to two nouns closely connected by a conjunction; as, Virtue and vice form a strong contrast to each other." Libertines call religion bigotry or superstition.' If the parts connected are not short, a comma may be inserted, though the conjunction is expressed; as, Romances may be said to be miserable rhapsodies, or dangerous incentives to evil."



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RULE 4.-Two or more adjectives, belonging to the same substantive, are likewise separated by commas; as, Plain, honest truth wants no artificial covering." David was a brave, wise, and pious man.' But two adjectives immediately connected by a conjunction, are not sepa. rated by a comma; as, "Truth is fair and artless." "We must be wise or foolish: there is no medium."


RULE 5. Two or more verbs, having the same nominative case, and immediately following one another, are also separated by commas; as, tue supports in adversity, moderates in prosperity.' "In a letter we may advise, exhort, comfort, request, and discuss."

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Two verbs immediately connected by a conjunction, are an exception to the rule; as, "The study of natural history expands and elevates the mind." Two or more participles are subject to a similar rule and exception. RULE 6. Two or more adverbs immediately succeeding each other, must be separated by commas; as, "We are fearfully, wonderfully framed." "We must act prudently, steadily, and vigorously."

When two adverbs are joined by a conjunction, they are not parted by a comma; as, "Some men sin deliberately and presumptuously.'

RULE 7.-When participles are followed by something that depends upon them, they are generally separated from the rest of the sentence by commas; as, The king, approving the plan, put it in execution." "His talents,


formed for great enterprises, could not fail of rendering him conspicuous.' RULE 8. When a conjunction is parted by a phrase or sentence from the verb to which it belongs, such intervening phrase has usually a comma at each extremity; as, They set out early, and, before the dawn of day, arrived at the destined place."


RULE 9.-Expressions in a direct address are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas; as, My son, give me thy heart."

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"I am

obliged to you, my friends, for your many favors." RULE 10.-The case absolute, and the infinitive mood absolute, are sepa. rated by commas from the body the sentence; as, "His father dying, he succeeded to the estate." "At length, their ministry performed, and race well run, they left the world in peace." To confess the truth, I was much in fault."

RULE 11.-Nouns in apposition, that is, nouns added to other nouns in the same case, by way of explication or illustration, when accompanied with adjuncts, are set off by commas; as, Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles, was


sentence admit of a pause? If so, where, and what is the rule? "I remember with gratitude his goodness to me." Will you state how this sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it? Will you state the exception to this rule?

Plain honest truth wants no artificial covering." Will you state how this sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it? What exception is there to this rule? "Virtue supports in adversity, moderates in prosperity." Will you state how this sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it? State the exceptions to h's rule.

"We are fearfully, wonderfully made." Will you

state what points should be placed in this sentence, and the rule for it? State the exceptions.

"The king approving the plan, put it in execution." Will you state how this sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it?

"They set out early and before the dawn of day ar rived at the destined place." Will you state the rela for pointing this sentence, and others of a sim.i27 kind?

"My son give me thy heart." What is the rule for pointing this sentence?

"Paul the apostle of the Gentiles was eminent for his zeal and knowledge:" Will you state bow

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eminent for his zeal and knowledge.' 'The butterfly, child of the sum mer, flutters in the sun.'

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But if such nouns are single, or only form a proper name, they are no divided; as, Paul the apostle." "The emperor Antoninus wrote an

excellent book."

RULE 12.-Simple members of sentences, connected by comparatives, are for the most part distinguished by a comma; as, "As the Fart panteth after the water-brooks, so doth my soul pant after thee.' "Better is a dinner of herbs with love, than a stalled ox and hatred with it."

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If the members in comparative sentences are short, the comma is, in general, better omitted; as, How much better is it to get wisdom than gold!" RULE 13. When words are placed in opposition to each other, or with some marked variety, they require to be distinguished by a comma; as,

"Though deep, yet clear; though gentle, yet not dull;
Strong, without rage; without o'erflowing, full."

"Good men, in this frail, imperfect state, are often found not only in union with, but in opposition to, the views and conduct of one another." Sometimes, when the word with which the last preposition agrees, is single, it is better to omit the comma before it; as, Many states were in alliance with, and under the protection of Rome."

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"The same rule and restriction must be applied when two or more nons refer to the same preposition; as, He was composed both under he threatening, and at the approach, of a cruel and lingering death."

RULE 14.-A remarkable expression, or a short observation, somewhat in the manner of a quotation, may be properly marked with a comma; as, "It hurts a man's pride to say, I do not know." Plutarch calls lying, the vice of slaves.'

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RULE 15.-Relative pronouns are connective words, and generally admit comma before them; as, "He preaches sublimely, who lives a sober, righteous, and pious life."

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But when two members or phrases are closely connected by a relative, restraining the general notion of the antecedent to a particular sense, the comma should be omitted; as, Self-denial is the sacrifice which virtue must make." The fifteenth rule applies equally to cases in which the relative is not expressed, but understood; as, "It was from piety, warm and unaffected, that his morals derived strength."

RULE 16.-A simple member of a sentence, contained within another, or following another, must be distinguished by a comma; as, "To improve tume whilst we are blessed with health, will smooth the bed of sickness." "Very often, while we are complaining of the vanity and the evils of human life, we make that vanity, and we increase those evils."

If, however, the members succeeding each other are very closely con nected, the comma is unnecessary; as, "Revelation tells us how we may attain happiness."

When a verb in the infinitive mood follows its governing verb, with several words between them, those words should generally have a comma at the end of them; as, "It ill becomes good and wise men, to oppose and degrade one another."

Several verbs in the infinitive mood, having a common dependence, and succeeding one another, are also divided by commas; as, "To relieve the indigent, to comfort the afflicted, to protect the innocent, to reward the deserving, are humane and noble employments."

RULE 17.-When the verb to be is followed by a verb in the infinitive mood, which, by transposition, might be made the nominative case to it, the former

tha sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it? "As the hart panteth after the water-brooks so doth my soul pant after thee." How should this sentence be pointed, and what is the rule for it?

Though deep yet clear though gentle yet not du!!" How should this sentence be pointed, and what is the rule for it? State the exception to this rule. "It hurts a man's pride to say I do sot know." How should this sentence be pointed, and what is the rule for it? "He preaches sub

limely who lives a sober righteous and pious life." Will you state how this sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it? Will you state when the comma should be omitted? Does this rule apply to cases in which the relative is expressed? Give an example.

"To improve time whilst we are blessed with health will smooth the ted of sickness." How shoule this sentence be pointed, and what is the rule for it Will you state the exceptions to this rule

"The most The

1 generally separated from the latter verb by a comma; as, obvious remedy is, to withdraw from all associations with bad men." first and most obvious remedy against the infection, is, to withdraw from all associations with bad men."

RULE 18-When adjuncts or circumstances are of importance, and often when the natural order of them is inverted, they may be set off by commas; as, Virtue must be formed and supported, not by unfrequent acts, but by daily and repeated exertions." Vices, like shadows, towards the evening of life, grow great and monstrous."


RULE 19.-Where the verb is understood, a comma may often be properly introduced. This is a general rule, which, besides comprising some of the preceding rules, will apply to many cases not determined by any of them; as, From law arises security; from security, curiosity; from curiosity, knowledge.'

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RULE 20. The words nay, so, hence, again, first, secondly, formerly, now, lastly, once more, above all, on the contrary, in the next place, in short, and all other words and phrases of the same kind, must generally be separated from the context by a comma.


The Semicolon is used for dividing a compound sentence into two or more parts, not so closely connected as those which are separated by a comma, nor yet so little dependent on each other as those which are distinguished by a colon.

The semicolon is sometimes used when the preceding member of the sentence does not of itself give a complete sense, but depends on the following clause; and sometimes when the sense of that member would be complete without the concluding one; as in the following instance: "As the desire of approbation, when it works according to reason, improves the amiable part of our species in every thing that is laudable; so nothing is more destructive to them when it is governed by vanity and folly."


The colon is used to divide a sentence into two or more parts, less connected than those which are separated by a semicolon; but not so independent as separate, distinct sentences.

The colon may be properly applied in the three following cases:

1. When a member of a sentence is complete in itself, but followed by some supplemental remark, or further illustration of the subject; as, "Nature felt her inability to extricate herself from the consequences of guilt: the gospel reveals the plan of divine interposition and aid."

2. When several semicolons have preceded, and a still greater pause is necessary, in order to mark the connecting or concluding sentiment; as, "A divine Legislator, uttering his voice from heaven; an almighty Governor, stretching forth his arm to punish or reward; informing us of perpetual rest prepared hereafter for the righteous, and of indignation and wrath awaiting the wicked: these are the considerations which overawe the world, which support integrity, and check guilt."


3. The colon is commonly used when an example, a quotation, or a speech is introduced; as, The Scriptures give us an amiable representation of the Deity, in these words: God is love.'"

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When a sentence is complete and independent, and not connected in con struction with the following sentence,

"The most obvious remedy is to withdraw from all associations with bad men." Will you state how this sentence should be pointed, and the rule for it? "Vices like shadows towards the evening of life grow great and monstrous." Will you give the rule for Fointing this sentence, and apply it? "From law arises security from security curiosity from curiosity knowledge." How should this sentence be pointed,

is marked with a Period.

and what is the rule for it? "He feared want hence he overvalued riches." Will you state how this sen tence should be pointed, and the rule for it?

When is the semicolon used? When is the colon used? In what three cases may the colon be properly applied?

When is the period used? After abbreviated words what point should be used? Give examples.

The period should be used after every abbreviated word; as, M. S., P S., N. B., A. D., O. S., N. S., &c.


The Dash, though often used improperly by hasty and incoherent writers, may be introduced with propriety where the sentence breaks off abruptly; where a significant pause is required; or where there is an un expected turn in the sentiment; as, "If thou art he, so much respected once-but, oh! how fallen! how degraded!"


A Note of Interrogation is used at the end of an interrogative sentence; that is, when a question is asked; as, "Who will accompany me?" "Shall we always be friends?"


The Note of Exclamation is applied to expressions of sudden emotion, surprise, joy, grief, &c., and also to invocations or addresses; as, “My friend! this conduct amazes me!" "Bless the Lord, O my soul! and forget not all his benefits!"

The interrogation and exclamation points are indeterminate as to their quantity or time, and may be equivalent, in that respect, to a semicolon, a colon, or a period, as the sense may require. They mark an elevation of the voice.


A Parenthesis is a clause containing some necessary information, or useful remark, introduced into the body of a sentence obliquely, and which may be omitted without injuring the grammatical construction; as,

"Know, then, this truth, (enough for man to know,)
Virtue, alone, is happiness below."

The parenthesis marks a moderate depression of the voice, and may be accompanied with every point which the sense would require if the parenthetical characters were omitted.

Directions respecting the Use of CAPITAL LETTERS. It is proper to begin with a capital,

1. The first word of every book, chapter, letter, note, or any other piece of writing.

2. The first word after a period, and, if the two sentences are totally independent, after a note of interrogation or exclamation.

3. The appellations of the Deity; as, God, Jehovah, the Almighty, the Supreme Being, the Lord, Providence, the Messiah, the Holy Spirit.

4. Proper names of persons, places, streets, mountains, rivers, ships; as, George, York, the Strand, the Alps, the Thames, the Seahorse. 5. Adjectives derived from the proper names of places; as, Grecian, Koman, English, French, Italian, &c.


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6. The first word of a quotation, introduced after a colon, or when it is in a direct form; as, Always remember this ancient maxim: Know thyself.' The first word of an example may also very properly begin with a capital. 7. Every substantive and principal word in the titles of books; as, Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language; Thomson's Seasons.

8. The first word of every line in poetry.

9. The pronoun I and the interjection Ŏ are written in capitals. Other words, besides the preceding, may begin with capitals, when they are remarkably emphatical, or the principal subject of the composition.

When may the dash be introduced with propriety? "Who will accompany me ?" What point should be ased at the end of this sentence?

To what is the note of exclamation applied? Give an example. Are the exclamation and interrogation points determinate as to their quantity or time?

What is a parenthesis? Give an example in which it is used with propriety. Should the voice be elevated or depressed in pronouncing a paren thesis?

When should capital letters be used?



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