The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 30F. Jefferies, 1760 - Early English newspapers The "Gentleman's magazine" section is a digest of selections from the weekly press; the "(Trader's) monthly intelligencer" section consists of news (foreign and domestic), vital statistics, a register of the month's new publications, and a calendar of forthcoming trade fairs. |
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Common terms and phrases
alfo almoſt alſo anſwer Apicius army becauſe beſt Capt cauſe cloſe command confequently confiderable courſe defire deſign enemy Eſq expence expreſſed faid fame fays fent fide filk fince fire firſt fome foon French fuch fuffer fupport guns Handel honour houſe increaſe intereſt itſelf juſt king laſt late leſs letter Lieut lord George lord Granby lordſhip majesty majesty's maſter Miſs moſt muſt neceſſary obſerved occafion paſſed perfon pleaſed pleaſure preferve preſent prifoners prince propoſed Pruffian purpoſe Quebec raiſed reaſon regiment ſaid ſame ſay ſea ſecond ſecurity ſeems ſeen ſent ſervice ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhips ſhould ſmall ſome ſpeak ſpirit ſquadron St John's Gate ſtand ſtars ſtate ſtill ſubject ſuch ſuppoſed ther theſe thing thoſe tion troops uſe veſſel Weft whole whoſe wounded
Popular passages
Page 284 - Narrow is thy dwelling now! dark the place of thine abode! With three steps I compass thy grave, O thou who wast so great before!
Page 529 - What power could make the deep divide? Make Jordan backward roll his tide? ' Why did ye leap, ye little hills ? And whence the fright that Sinai feels? 5 Let every mountain, every flood Retire, and know th' approaching God, The King of Israel : see him here ! Tremble, thou earth, adore and fear.
Page 11 - ... why the only thinking being of this globe is doomed to think merely to be wretched, and to pass his time from youth to age in fearing or in suffering calamities, is a question which philosophers have long asked, and which philosophy could never answer.
Page 284 - Morar's fame; why did he not hear of his wound ? Weep, thou father of Morar ! weep, but thy son heareth thee not.
Page 284 - RYNO The wind and the rain are past: calm is the noon of day. The clouds are divided in heaven. Over the green hills flies the inconstant sun.
Page 199 - III., by whom he was advanced to the dignities of Duke of the Kingdom of Great Britain, and of Earl of the Kingdom of Ireland...
Page 8 - Get the substance of your sermon, which you have prepared for the pulpit, so wrought into your head and heart, by review and meditation, that you may have it at command, and speak to your hearers with freedom; not as if you were reading or repeating your lesson to them, but as a man sent to teach and persuade, them to faith and holiness. Deliver your discourses to the people, like a man that is talking to them in good earnest about their most important concerns, and their...
Page 283 - Autumn is dark on the mountains; grey mist rests on the hills. The whirlwind is heard on the heath. Dark rolls the river through the narrow plain. A tree stands alone on the hill, and marks the grave of Connal.
Page 71 - Love. Ay, both ! we are pretty fellows indeed ! Mrs. Bell. I am glad to find you are awakened to a sense of your error. Love, I am, madam, and am frank enough to own it.
Page 185 - But as, by virtue of their treaties, they cannot enter into any engagement relating to peace but in conjunction with their allies, it will be...