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Mr. Fleming Mr. Hammond, Mr. Hill, Mr. Frank Miller

The President pro tem: I would suggest the appoint

ment of a new committee.

Mr. Hoke Smith: Suppose we take the members of the old committee who can be here, and add additional members to it. Can you tell us who are here of the old committee?

The President pro tem: Mr. Hill and myself are the only members present. Mr. Miller, Mr. Peabody and Judge Reese were the other members.

Mr. Smith: Who had special charge of the prepara tion of bills?

The President pro tem: The work was divided among the members of the committee by appointment of the chairman. There was a good deal of work to do and the different parts of it were assigned to different members of the committee, and the committee met as a whole, revised that work and prepared the bills.

Mr. Smith: I suggest as the committee Mr. Hammond, Mr. Hill, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Bacon.

Mr. Fleming I accept the amendment.


The motion, as amended, was carried.

The President pro tem:


There are some other re

The Secretary: Judge Reese is chairman of a committee. I know very well from his interest in the work of the Association that he has, doubtless, prepared a report of his committee. I observe from the I observe from the papers that railroad communication is interrupted between this point and Washington, which, I suppose, accounts for his absence. I move that the Association request that, if such a report has been prepared, it be printed in the proceedings of the next meeting for information, so we will have

it in our possession and can act on it at the next meeting. It is the Committee on Remedial Procedure.

The motion was carried.

The President pro tem: I see the President of the Association has arrived, and I will ask him to take the chair.

President Anderson took the chair.

The President: Gentlemen, I understand that no action has been taken yet upon the report submitted this morning by Judge Hammond. What will the Association do with that?

Mr. Fleming: I was under the impression that the report of that special committee was adopted this morning, and the report I made in reference to having that committee to finish its work, covered everything that was left undone, but it seems that no action was taken upon that report. I move now, sir, that the report of that committee be adopted by the Association.

The President: The report, as I recollect, called attention to the fact that some of the bills that have been prepared, have been lost.

Mr. Fleming: Yes, but that has been provided for by a motion made before you came in.

The motion to adopt was carried.

The President: I received a letter on yesterday from Mr. Charles C. Jones, Jr., expressing his regret that he was not able to attend the meeting of the Association on account of sickness in his family. I state that for information of the Association. Is there any other business to be brought before the meeting? If there is any matter passed over I hope that attention will be called to it before we adjourn.

Mr. Fleming: I move we adjourn.

The motion was carried and the Association adjourned.



The object of this Association shall be to advance the science of jurisprudence, promote the administration of justice throughout the State, uphold the honor of the profession of the law, and establish cordial intercourse among the members of the Bar of Georgia. This Association shall be known as The Georgia Bar Association.


Any person shall be eligible to membership in this Association who shall be a member of the Bar of this State in good standing, and who shall also be nominated as hereinafter provided.


The officers of this Association shall consist of one President, five Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Committee, to be composed of the Secretary and Treasurer, together with four members to be chosen by the Association, one of whom shall be Chairman of the Committee. Each of these officers shall be elected at each annual meeting for the year next ensuing, but the same person shall not be elected President two years in succession. All such elections shall be by ballot. The officers elected shall hold office until their successors are elected aud qualified according to the Constitution and By Laws.


At the meetings of the Association, all elections to membership shall be by the Association, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee. All elections for membership shall be by ballot, and several nominees, if from the same county, may be voted for upon the same ballot, and, in such case, placing the word "No" against any name or names upon the ticket shall be deemed a negative vote against such name or names, and against those only. Five negative votes shall suffice to defeat any election for membership. Except during the meetings of the Association, the Executive Committee shall have full power to admit applicants to become members of this Association.


Each member shall pay Five Dollars to the Treasurer as annual dues, in advance, and no person shall be qualified to exercise any privilege of membership who is in default. Such dues shall be payable, and the payment thereof enforced as may be provided by the By-Laws. Members shall be entitled to receive all publications of the Association free of charge.


By-Laws may be adopted at any annual meeting of the Association by a majority of the members present.


The following Committees shall be annually appointed by the President, for the year ensuing, and shall consist of five members each:

1. On Jurisprudence and Law Reform.

2. On Judicial Administration and Remedial Procedure.

3. On Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.

4. On Grievances.

5. On Memorials.

A majority of the members of any Committee, who may be present at any meeting of such Committee, shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of such meeting. Vacancies in any office provided for by this Constitution shall be filled by appointment by the President, and the appointee shall hold office until the next meeting of the Association.


The Executive Committee shall perform such duties as may be assigned to it by the President, or as may be defined by the By-Laws, except as herein otherwise directed.


This Association shall meet annually, at such time and place as the Executive Committee may select, and those present at such meeting shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee shall require thirty days' notice of the time and place of meeting by publication in a public newspaper to be given, which publication shall be made by the Secretary.


This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of threefourths of the members present at any annual meeting, but no such change shall be made at any meeting at which less than thirty members are present.


Any member of the Association may be suspended or expelled for misconduct in his relations to this Association, or in his profession, on conviction thereof, in such manner as may be prescribed by the By-Laws


This Constitution shall go into immediate effect. This Association shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia as soon as practicable, and until such incorporation all money and property of said Association shall be vested in the President and Treasurer, as trustees thereof, who shall pay over and deliver the same to said corporation as its property, as soon as the corporation is created by law.*



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, and in case of his absence one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside. He open each meeting with an annual address.



The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Association, and of all other matters of which a record shall be deemed advisable by the Association, and shall conduct the correspondence of the Association with the concurrence of the President. He shall notify the officers and members of their election, and shall keep a roll of the members, and shall issue notices of all meetings.†


The Treasurer shall collect, and under the direction of the Executive Committee, disburse, all funds of the Association; he shall report an

The charter was duly obtained. See First Report, page 16. *As to the compensation of Secretary. See ante, pp. 33, 45.

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