The RotarianEstablished in 1911, The Rotarian is the official magazine of Rotary International and is circulated worldwide. Each issue contains feature articles, columns, and departments about, or of interest to, Rotarians. Seventeen Nobel Prize winners and 19 Pulitzer Prize winners – from Mahatma Ghandi to Kurt Vonnegut Jr. – have written for the magazine. |
Common terms and phrases
1600 Ridge Avenue 4SOSE Activities Center Address City adopted adults aluminum American Fork Australia birthday Blaricum blind Boyer build Canada Charlie Chicago chil Clear Lake color confined Cootharinga coupon crippled children director disabled District Governor dren Dubbo Editor entry Esbeck Evanston field finally find firm first five Florida funds gift Gustaf VI Adolf handi Handicap Village handicapped children Hank helping the handicapped Home of Onesiphorus hospital Illinois includes Kampala live Margaret Rose Maytag meeting ment mentally retarded Mercedes-Benz needs Office Onesiphorus organization polio President of Rotary problems profit Queensland Rehabilitation International Rotarian Rotary Club Rotary Foundation Rotary International Rotary World Rotary’s says Society for Crippled solar energy Sparkle Wash Sput Sun City Center tarian tary Club things tion Today Townsville typewriter United Nations Utah wheelchair wife Write youngsters