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Rec'd. 11.VI.1911 from Mr. Guy
A.K. Marshall1, Secretary to
Ent. Res. Cttee (Tropical Africa)
Memorandum: No. 1290 (9) was
to Gehimrate Dönitz for his
opinion. He wrote from Berlin,
23.III.1911 that the agrees almost
exactly with his two types;

differs only in that its "Nebenstrahl"
is more extensive where it joins the
third "Seitenfleck" so that the light
stripe which extends from the middle
field and interposes itself is pointed
thus: in our specimen (No. 1290) ♂
the light stripe is somewhat broad up to
its end and penetrates deeper toward the
"Randfurche": This is but a very
slight difference, it may be individual
or geographical (varietal); similiar
slight differences noted in . Failing
more material regards it as cohaerens,
possibly a geographical variety.

1, 2 Amblyomma cohaerens

Bugoma Forest (01.15 N, 30.53 E),
District of Bunyoro, Uganda


Dr. C.H. Marshall

Although the remarks opposite refer
to N 1290, I have retained them
after N 1291 where they were entered
by Nuttall.

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